Chapter 1

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I sat on the sofa waiting for Melissa to come downstairs. We were going out for lunch and then meeting Tommy at the pier. She hummed as she walked down the stairs. "Okay, I'm ready now. Are you ready?" She asked me. I nodded and stood up. "Lets go." I mumbled. We left the house and went to lunch. "Are you home for dinner tonight?" I asked Melissa. "Yes, but Daniel is coming over for dinner too. That ok?" She smiled at me. "Yeah, that's fine." We sat down. "I haven't been to the pier in ages! I'm really excited to go." Melissa exclaimed as she scanned the menu. I smiled. "Me too. What's your favourite ride?" I asked. She thought for a moment. "Hmm, I really like the big rollercoaster at the end.. you know the one next to the log ride? I have no idea what it's called! What's yours?" She answered. "Mines the same! I love that one!" We both chuckled. "Isn't it mcc tomorrow?" Melissa asked. "Yeah, are you watching?" I asked. She nodded. "Do you think you'll win?" I laughed. "No, but I guess we have a chance, I mean I've got a pretty good team." She laughed with me. "I don't remember the last time I won an mcc." She told me. "Never because you suck" I chuckled. She placed her hand on her chest and put on a shocked face, pretending to be offended. "Wilbur Soot you arse!" She gasped. I stuck my tongue out at her and she did it back. She reached across the table and stole my glasses. "Give me my glasses you twat!" She giggled and put them on. "Oh, look at me, I'm Wilbur Soot, I make music and I'm so inlove with myself-" she mocked me, laughing like a maniac the entire time before I stole my glasses back. "Hey! I was doing a very good impression of you!" She pouted. I put my glasses back on. "No you weren't!" I laughed. She folded her arms. "No you weren't!" she mocked me. I looked at her and gave her the finger. She gasped. We both laughed and decided what we wanted to get for lunch.

After lunch, we met Tommy at the pier. Melissa hugged him. "Ooh! Look! I wanna go on that ride!" She pointed excitedly to the twister. Tommy nodded rapidly. "Come on, let's go!" Melissa grabbed my hand and dragged me over, with Tommy following behind. When she grabbed my hand, I got butterflies. It was a weird feeling... why was I even getting that feeling? "Will? Will? Hello? Wilbur, are you okay?" Melissa snapped her fingers and waved her hand infront of my face. I flinched. "Sorry, sorry.." I blinked rapidly. She raised an eyebrow at me, before we got on the ride. I sat down and tried to forget about it. I just brushed it off. Melissa looked at me, she seemed concerned. "Are you okay? You were just staring into space over there." She rubbed my shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. Fine. I just got a little lost in my thoughts- that's all." I moved some of my hair out of my face. "Okay. If there is something wrong, please tell me." She smiled at me. I nodded. By the time the ride started, I had completely forgotten about it. When the ride finished, Melissa was really excited again. "That was so fun! What one should we go on next?" She asked. I shrugged and looked at Tommy. "That one." He pointed at mine and Melissa's favourite ride. She gasped. "Yes! Wilbur, do you want to?" I nodded excitedly. Melissa ran over, leaving me and Tommy behind. I watched her, she was so happy. It was cute, in a way. She jumped up and down as she waited for us by the rollercoaster. "Hurry up!" She whined. I chuckled. Tommy looked at me. He raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked him. He looked at me as if I was stupid. "You know what. I can see the way you're looking at her." He told me. I shook my head. "Tommy, no. I don't like her that way." I gave him a slight push. Melissa suddenly ran up to us. "You guys are so slow!" She grabbed both of my hands and dragged me over again. Tommy followed. As we were waiting in line, Tommy looked at me again. I knew he was going to say something. "Tommy, I know what you're going to say. She was holding my hands in a friendly way. She has a boyfriend. Forget about it. And I don't like her that way either." I whispered to him. "Okay, fine." Tommy said. "You're a shit liar.." he mumbled. I looked at him. "Tom, seriously." He rolled his eyes and nodded. I didn't like her that way. He was wrong. When we got on the ride, Melissa started to freak out. "I love this ride but it's so scary!" She chuckled nervously. Tommy laughed. "Pussy." He scoffed. Melissa leaned over my lap and hit him really hard on the arm. "Ow!" He whined, putting his hand on his arm and jolting back slightly. "Calm down children." I joked. As the ride started, Melissa screamed a little. "Mel, nothings even happened yet!" Tommy laughed. "Have you never been on this ride before?" Melissa asked. Tommy shook his head. "You're in for a treat." I scoffed. "You guys are just pussies." Tommy said. I shook my head. We were okay, until we came to a corner. "No! The corners are so fucking scary!" Melissa whined. As we went round the corner, we all screamed. Melissa clung tightly to my arm. "Oh fuck no!" Tommy shouted. I looked at him. "Welcome to the 'pussy' club." I laughed. Tommy gave me a death glare. When we got off the ride, we decided to walk around for a little while, just for a break. "Can we get slushies?" Melissa asked. I nodded and so did Tommy. "Which flavour do you guys think is best?" Tommy asked. "Blue raspberry is the only right answer." Melissa declared. "Agreed." I answered, holding my hand up. She high fived me. Tommy nodded. "Thank god! Bill thinks strawberry is the only right answer. He's weird." He told us. "Right. That's it." Melissa opened her phone and called Bill. "Bill! Tommy said you think strawberry is the best slushie flavour?" She said. Bill laughed. "Yeah." Melissa shook her head. "Absolutely fucking disgusting you are. I don't think I even know you anymore." She hung up the phone and laughed.

We had been at the pier for a while. It was starting to get really cold. "Holy shit, it's getting really cold. I should've bought a jacket." Melissa groaned. She wasn't even wearing a sweater, just a t-shirt. "Do you want my jacket?" I asked. I knew Tommy would say something again, but I didn't care. "That's really sweet, Will, but I'm fine. Honest." Melissa protested. "No, come on. I don't want you to be cold." I took my jacket off. "But what about you?" She asked me as I put my jacket around her. "I'll be okay, I'm wearing a sweater. You're only wearing a t-shirt." Tommy was staring at me. "Thank you, Will. I'm just gonna call Daniel quickly and ask if he's still coming over for dinner. I'll be right back." Melissa pulled her phone out of her pocket and stepped away from us. Tommy grinned at me. "Don't you dare." I folded my arms. "Oh, come on! Let's be honest, you love her! I mean, insisting she wear your jacket? You love her!" He teased me. "Shut the fuck up. I don't. I'm just being a good friend, okay?" I looked at the floor. "Whatever you say. But don't come complaining back to me when you finally realise you love her." Tommy scoffed. Melissa walked back over. "Daniel is still coming over. I guess we should probably get going." She said. She gave Tommy a hug and we left.

When we got home, Melissa was getting ready. She came downstairs looking really nice. "Do I look okay?" She asked me. She smiled. "You look beautiful." I smiled back at her. "Really? Am I too overdressed? It's not like me and Daniel are going on a date or anything." She asked. I shook my head. "No, not at all." Then the doorbell rang. "Oh! That's him." Melissa walked over to the door and opened it. "Hi sweetie!" She smiled. "Hi Melissa. You look nice." Daniel told her. Nice? Was that it? She looked amazing. He must be crazy. She kissed him quickly on the lips before inviting him in. "Hi Will. Um, how are you mate?" He asked me, walking over and shaking my hand. "Uh, good, thanks. You?" I asked. "Fine." Daniel walked away.

Dinner was awful. Well, I guess it was okay because Melissa was there, but me and Daniel are kind of awkward around eachother. We barely talked at all. I can't even imagine how much it would fucking suck if it was just me and him. I was laying on my bed, staring thoughtlessly at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. Melissa's room was right next to mine. If you were in my room, you'd be able to hear absolutely everything from hers. It kind of sucked. Daniel happened to be staying the night. I tried covering my ears with my pillow, but it didn't work. I had never been this bothered before. I just used to ignore it the best I could. But, this time, something was different. Was Tommy right? I had been feeling different about her since earlier. I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and grabbed my blanket and my pillow, taking them downstairs and throwing them on the sofa. I got under my blanket and groaned. The sofa really wasn't all that comfortable, but sleeping in the living room was a lot better. I couldn't hear a lot that was coming from Melissa's room. I threw my shirt over the back of the sofa and went to sleep.

tommy wasn't right.

was he?

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