Chapter 6

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"Sorry, 'a friendly kiss'? She's got to be taking the piss!" Tommy chuckled. I shook my head. "No.. it was just a friendly kiss, Tommy." I defended Melissa. I had told him everything about the previous night, and now he was giving me his opinion, which was just basically saying that Melissa likes me back and is just being subtle about it. That's not true, no way. He's insane. He slapped me round the head. "Ow! Now I hear a ringing." I groaned, rubbing the back of my head. "You're an idiot, Wilbur Soot. She's obviously flirting with you in the least obvious way possible, she's just not doing anything about it because of Daniel. Or, she's oblivious to how flirty she's being with you and just thinks she's being friendly." Tommy told me. "Soon, she'll realise she loves you and leave Daniel for you." He added. I scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Tom. That's not gonna happen. And she isn't flirting with me!" I whined. Tommy mocked me in a high, annoying voice. "Fucking hell. 'Don't be ridiculous! She's not flirting with me!' Yes she is!"

The conversation with Tommy was long. He rambled on for ages, to the point where I was almost asleep on his sofa. We were going out for dinner with a few friends, and Melissa was going to be there. How could I look her in the eyes after that interaction just the night before? It was so embarrassing. When I got to the restaurant, I walked over to the table everyone was at. "Hey," I smiled. Everyone replied with 'hi's' and 'hello's', before I made eye contact with Melissa. She smiled at me. It looked like a very forced smile. I awkwardly smiled back at her with my hands in my pockets. The only seat left was opposite her, as if this couldn't get any worse than it already was. I sat down. Everyone was talking, but it was just very muffled to me. I was completely drowning in my thoughts. I was staring down at my lap, but I could feel Melissa staring right at me. I had only been at the dinner for 10 minutes now, but it felt like hours. Shelby, Tommy, Niki and Jack were all there, and had tried to get me and Melissa into conversation, but we only managed to say about 2 words to each other. I didn't want it to be awkward, and I don't think she did either. But it was just awful. The feeling of rejection is fucking shit. I knew it was coming, and it still hurt. Like a knife had been stabbed straight into my fucking stomach. I looked up and saw Melissa looking at me. She was frowning, her cheeks a little pink and she was fiddling with her fingers. "Um- Sorry. Excuse me.." I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I leaned my hands against the sink, staring at myself in the mirror. I groaned and splashed cold water over my face. I couldn't go back to that table. It was too fucking awkward. Melissa and I hadn't said a word. It was the worst. Then the door swung open. "Wilbur. What the fuck are you doing?" Tommy asked, standing behind me with his hands in his pockets. "I- I don't know.." I groaned. I looked over at him to see him looking frustratedly at me. "You two have been bestfriends for like, forever! You can't just end it now all because of a silly crush." He told me. I nodded my head. "I know that! I just- I just get the feeling that she hates me now." I mumbled. "She does not. She was just telling all of us how she 'feels awful and that she didn't want things to be awkward between you two.' I also think that you should try and speak to her, just you two, alone. Then you can sort this out, 'cause you can't just not speak to eachother! She's your bestfriend." Why was this kid so damn good at giving advice? I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror again. I saw a pathetic, sad man staring back at me. I was very pale, and my face was still a little bit wet from when I had splashed cold water on myself. The bags under my eyes were even worse than the day before, due to my sleepless night last night, in which I had spent having a panic attack over the horrendous situation with myself and Melissa. "Yeah, um- okay." I replied. "Pull her aside when we're all done with dinner." Tommy told me, before leaving the bathroom. I stayed in there for another minute before returning back to the table. "Hi." I smiled forcefully. Melissa smiled at me. Everyone was talking again, and me and Melissa were silent. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Melissa looking at me. She gestured me to follow her, before standing up and stepping aside. I stood up and followed after her. "Wilbur, are you okay?" She asked me. I nodded, looking down at the ground. "Stop it. Look at me, I know that's a lie." She sighed, placing her hands on my shoulders. I looked up at her. "What's going on, hm? I know it's to do with everything that happened last night, but I didn't think you'd be this awkward." She giggled. I chuckled and put my hands in my pockets. "I just- I just sort of got the feeling that you hate me." I mumbled. She tilted her head to the side. "Will, I do not hate you. Remember what I said last night?" She smiled. "Yeah?" I replied. "Okay. What did I say?" She asked me. I swallowed. "You- you said that it was okay that I liked you and that I couldn't control it.." I answered quietly. She nodded. "Exactly. I love you, okay? Not in that way, obviously. But I do. I could never hate you. You are the most special person to me, okay?" She told me. I chuckled. "That's not true, what about Daniel?" I asked. She sighed. "He comes second place." She smiled. I smiled back at her. Neither of our smiles were forced or awkward this time. They were real smiles, that actually meant something. "I also want to talk to you about something else too." She added. I tilted my head in confusion. "You know how I've been kissing you on the lips a lot lately?" She asked. I nodded, as I felt my cheeks growing a little pink. "I hope you know they're just friendly kisses- I'm only saying this because Tommy asked me about it. He said, 'what do you mean you're just kissing him on the lips in a friendly way?' I just wanted to make sure you knew-" "yeah. I know." She smiled at me. "I'm glad we had this talk. Can we stop being awkward now?" She asked, giggling. I nodded. She kissed my cheek and we walked back to the table. Before we sat down, I caught Melissa's attention. "Um- do you want to come to band practice on Monday? We could really use someone to state their opinions.." I asked her, smiling. She giggled. "Of course," she responded, pulling her chair out and taking a seat. I sat down, then I heard Tommy whisper my name. I peered over at him, only to see he was already looking at me. He gave me a thumbs up and I did the same to him. Melissa must've noticed, because I heard her giggle. I looked at her and she gave me a thumbs up, copying me and Tommy. I giggled.

I was so glad that me and Melissa had sorted things out.

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