Chapter 11

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"Just talk to her."

I did the complete opposite of that. I stayed at Tommy's for a week, just so I didn't have to talk to Melissa. It was pretty childish of me I guess, but I was embarrassed and didn't want to face rejection again. Tommy had tried to convince me multiple times to go and see her, and this time he did. I went to go and see her. I walked through the front door, and the first thing I saw was Melissa, stood in the kitchen, crying. She stared at me, but she wasn't smiling. I thought she would be happy to see me? "Hey." I smiled. Melissa wiped her eyes. "Wilbur, what the actual fuck?" She snapped, her voice shaky. "You didn't talk to me all week! You stayed at Tommy's for a whole week just so you didn't have to fucking see me? Stop being such a child, and handle situations properly! You need to fucking realise something, Wilbur." She shouted at me. I didn't know what to say. I looked down at the ground. She sighed loudly. "Look at me." I looked back up at her. "Do you want to know what you need to realise?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes, please." She wiped her eyes again. "You need to realise how much I love you, okay? You're my best friend. When I didn't talk to you for three months, I cried everyday because I missed you so much." She walked over to me. "We need to stop doing this, okay? We need to stop being stupid." She told me, chuckling slightly. I nodded. "I'm sorry for kissing you, by the way." I chuckled, scratching the back of my neck. "Oh yeah, um, about that.." she paused. I raised an eyebrow. She smiled at me, putting her hands on my shoulders, before leaning in and kissing me. I moved my arms around her waist. I genuinely couldn't believe what was happening. She liked me back. She pulled away and waited for me to say something. I just stared at her, completely in shock over the situation. "Wow.." that was the only word that I could get out. Melissa giggled. "If you had let me talk before you ran out of the house last week, I would've done that." She told me. I still couldn't say anything. She had left me speechless. "Come sit." She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the sofa. We sat down and she put on a movie. "It's really cold." I mumbled. Melissa pulled a blanket over the both of us. "How come you like me all of a sudden?" Maybe that was a stupid question, but I just sort of wanted to know. "Well, I'm not with Daniel anymore, you're really sweet, handsome, and you actually care about me." She smiled cheekily at me. "I'm really sorry, Melissa. I guess what I did this week was really pathetic of me." I told her. "Yes, it was. But it's okay." She giggled, kissing my cheek. She soon fell asleep. And I guess I did too, not long after her.

When I woke up, I saw that Melissa wasn't laying on me anymore. I stood up and saw her in the kitchen. I walked over and hugged her from behind. "Good morning beautiful." I placed multiple kisses on her cheek. She giggled. "Good morning sweetheart." She replied. "How did you sleep?" I asked, moving away to get a glass of water. "Good. I woke up with a big smile on my face because of you." She told me. I chuckled. "I'm glad. Would you like to come out to dinner later? A date, perhaps?" I leaned against the kitchen counter and waited for a response. "Yes, I'd love to. What time?" She asked me. "17:30?" I replied, pushing some of my hair out of my face. "That works for me." She walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I'm gonna have a shower. I'll see you again in a bit," she walked upstairs into the bathroom and shut the door. I walked upstairs into my bedroom and put on some clean clothes. A white t-shirt and black sweatpants. Nothing special. It was 10 minutes before Melissa came back downstairs. She sat beside me on the sofa as she brushed her hair. "You look beautiful." I told her. "What? Even with my hair wet? It goes all flat." She giggled, her cheeks going a bright pink shade. "Of course. You look beautiful no matter what." I replied, slowly moving my hand to the back of her neck. She put her hairbrush down on the coffee table and put her hands on my cheeks. "You're beautiful too." She answered, leaning in and kissing me.

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