Chapter 3

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I sat up in my bed, hearing movement downstairs. I guessed Melissa was home, obviously. I got up and put my shirt on, before wandering out of my room and going downstairs. "Hi Will!" Melissa smiled at me. "Morning. Have fun at Daniel's last night?" I asked, sitting next to her. "Yeah! We talked more about me moving in with him and we're both so excited. I'm still really sorry that I'm leaving though. I'm gonna miss you!" She hugged me. "Yeah. I'm gonna miss you too. But I'm just glad you're happy." I smiled. "Are you doing anything later?" She asked me. "No, might invite Tom over though." I answered, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "That sounds good. I'm moving a couple of my things over to Danny's. Are you gonna find a new roommate when I leave?" Melissa asked me, turning on the tv and watching Breaking Bad. "I don't know. Maybe." I shrugged. Melissa looked a little sad. I raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" I asked. She sighed. "It's just suddenly hit me that we really aren't going to be living together anymore." She told me. Was she having second thoughts? "I know. It's gonna be really different, but you're gonna be so much happier living with Daniel. You'll love it once it really happens." I reassured her. "Thanks Will. You're so sweet." She got up and walked over to me. "I do have to go out now though, me and Shelby are going shopping before I have to move some crap over to Danny's. I'll see you later." She kissed my cheek before grabbing her bag and leaving. I did end up inviting Tommy over. We had been talking for a while, when I decided to talk to him about my feelings for Melissa. Just to see if he could help me. "God, I can't believe I'm gonna say this. Tommy I seriously need to talk to you." I told him. He stared at me intrigued. "What's going on mate?" He queried. "You were right. I do like Melissa. I do. I hate that you were right." I placed my head in my hands. "What do I do! She's dating Daniel, it's not like I can ask her out." I groaned. Tommy giggled. "Shut up." I harshly kicked his ankle. "Ow!" He whined, kicking me back. "There's not really much you can do mate, you've just got to try and get over her. It could be just a crush aswell, it might not be a long time thing. It might blow over soon." He told me. I shrugged. "Maybe. But what if it's not?" Tommy sat silently for a minute. I guessed he was thinking about a response. I looked at him and waited for him to say something. Then he clapped his hands together, startling me and making me jump up slightly. He always did that when he thought of something. It's a little weird, if I'm gonna be honest. "Tell her how you feel. Get it off your chest." He told me. I looked at him like he was insane. "I can't do that! What if she takes it really badly?" I pushed some of my hair out of my face. "She won't! If your crush doesn't go away, you have to speak to her." Tommy said. Was he right? No, surely not. I can't do that. That would ruin our friendship. "Thanks." I sighed. Obviously I'm not gonna do that. No way. We moved on from the subject, but Tommy still kept teasing me every now and then. "I told you you liked her." He giggled. I pinched him and he pulled my hair. "Shut the fuck up, smartass." I groaned. "Does anyone else know?" Tommy asked me. I shook my head. "No. And I don't plan on telling anyone else either, so keep your mouth shut. I know you constantly leak things, but try and keep this one in." I told him. He nodded. "I promise I'll keep it in. I won't tell anyone." He replied. I could tell by the tone in his voice that he really meant it. It made me smile. "Thanks mate. Means a lot." I said quietly. I opened my messages with Melissa.

Soon, Melissa came home and I helped her pack some stuff to take over to Daniel's

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Soon, Melissa came home and I helped her pack some stuff to take over to Daniel's. "Is that all?" I asked her. She had surprisingly little that she wanted packed. It was quite a lot still, but way less than I expected. "Well yeah. I'm not moving until next week, so the rest will be going on Sunday. Then I'll be officially out." She answered, staring at the pile of bags she had in the middle of her room with her hands on her hips. "Wow. I'm really gonna miss this place. I almost don't want to go." She sighed, her voice was a little shaky. She wiped her eyes. "God, I can't believe I'm crying over this. This is so silly. We're gonna see eachother again after I move, it's not like I'm moving half way across the world." She mumbled, chuckling under her breath. I opened my arms. "Come here," I paused as she walked into my arms. "It's not silly. Don't say that. You're sad to go, that's all. We have been roommates for a long time, so it's understandable. I was sad when you told me you were moving out, I mean, I'm still pretty sad, but I've realised that you'll be way happier. What you need to realise is the same thing. You will be so much happier living with Daniel." I reassured her, gently rubbing her back. I felt her smile against my chest. "Will, you're such a great guy. You are so lovely, thank you." Then she did something that I definitely wasn't expecting. She placed a quick kiss on my lips. Not my cheek, my lips? She pulled away almost immediately, before smiling at me and going downstairs. That didn't mean anything, did it? Surely not. She was just being friendly. It couldn't have meant anything.

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