Chapter 15

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!This chapter contains making out and hickeys (nothing more than that).

The next morning, I woke up with Melissa's arms around me. She was still sleeping. I wasn't sure how I was going to get up without waking her up, and I didn't want to disturb her. She looked very peaceful. I slowly reached beside me and grabbed my phone off my nightstand, checking the time. 2:24am. I thought it was much later than that. I put my phone back to its original place, and decided to go back to sleep.

I had been laying in bed for a while. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't quite sure what to do now. Normally, if I couldn't sleep I would stream, but I was afraid of being too loud and waking up the girl beside me. I was unsure about it, but I decided to stream anyway. I figured since it was just a 'just chatting' stream, I wouldn't be so loud. I slowly got up, grabbing my shirt and hastily putting it on. I walked over to my desk and began setting up stream, titling it 'I am tired. I want to do some talking and chatting and talking and hanging and chatting' I went live and quickly tweeted the link to the stream, captioning the tweet to match the stream title. My 'starting soon' screen appeared, giving me a little more time to get a bottle of water and set up a couple more things. Once the screen had disappeared, I greeted chat with a quieter hello than usual. "I have to be a little quieter than normal, chat, Melissa is asleep right behind me." I explained. Chat began asking me why she was sleeping in my bed. I scoffed. "She passed out while we were watching a movie, we aren't dating, chat." I knew that's what they were hinting to, and I didn't want to tell them about me and Melissa yet. We had only been on 2 dates, and we weren't even together. "Let's do a q&a. Send in some questions, your best questions." I began scanning chat. I read out a question. "Lovejoy EP? Um.. not yet?" I let out a small chuckle. "We don't know yet, chat, it's taking longer than we anticipated." I took a sip of my water while continuing to look through chat. "Lovejoy merch? What do you mean, 'Lovejoy merch?' It's been out for a week?" I laughed, making a shocked face at the camera. I continued to read out questions and answer them, before I heard movement behind me. I swivelled my chair around. "Will.." Melissa mumbled. I muted stream and turned my camera away, so it was facing the wall. I got up and walked over to Melissa. "I'm sorry sweetheart, did I wake you?" I asked her, gently moving some of her hair out of her eyes. "Yeah.. it's so early.. why are you live?" She questioned, rubbing her eyes. I sat beside her on my bed. "I couldn't sleep." I told her. She hummed in response. "Just come cuddle with me, or something.." she placed her head on my lap. I began slowly running my hand through her hair. "Will.. please, end stream and come back to bed?" She looked up at me and reached her arm up, placing her hand on my cheek. "Give me 10 more minutes, alright, sweetheart?" I laid myself down and gave her a quick kiss, before standing up and going back over to my desk. "10 more minutes, then you're coming back to bed." She groaned. I unmuted stream and turned the camera back to face me. "Hey chat. I've got to end in 10 minutes," I fidgeted in my chair slightly. "Hi chat!" Melissa shouted from behind me. I giggled and read through chat.

I soon ended stream and laid beside Melissa again. She rolled over and looked up at me. "You ok love?" She asked. "Yeah. Why?" I responded, putting my arm around her. "Well- you just looked a bit.." she paused. "Dazed." I looked at her confused. "Just tired. I'm ok." She pursed her lips into a smile. "Going back to sleep soon?" She questioned. "Yes." I nodded. "Ok, me too. Would you like to do anything today?" I thought for a moment. "Yeah, was thinking maybe we could go out for lunch with Tommy. That ok with you?" I suggested. Melissa nodded. She placed a soft kiss on my jawline, making me giggle. She trailed her kisses down to my neck. "Hey, how come you only get to do that?" I laughed. She pulled away and smiled at me. "Well, you can if you want, silly." I shook my head. "I like it." I responded. She continued to kiss my neck, while I ran my hand through her hair. She pulled away slightly. "Let me know if you want me to stop." She mumbled. I hummed in response and let her continue. "You know, you're so pretty." I told her. I felt her smile against my neck. She sat up and looked at me. "So are you. I don't know how many times I've told you that. You're so very handsome." She rested her hands on my chest and gave me a kiss on my lips this time. I held her sides gently. The kiss was slow and passionate, I didn't want to ever pull away. "Will, let's get some rest. You haven't slept long." She mumbled through kisses. I groaned. She pulled away and rested her head on my chest. "Night love." I put my arms around her and closed my eyes.

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