Chapter 4

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My cheeks were so pink. I could tell just by how hot my face was. I walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, before looking at myself in the mirror. I left the bathroom and helped Melissa move some things out to the car. I waved goodbye to her and she drove herself to Daniel's. I still couldn't believe she was moving. Even though I acted like I wasn't about to shatter into a million pieces just a few minutes ago, I really was. She was moving out in just 3 days. Wow. That's crazy.

Later that day, I was making dinner in the kitchen and Melissa was still out. She had been at Daniel's, but then she decided to grab dinner with Niki. I was checking my phone, when there was a loud knocking on the door. I put my phone in my pocket and went to open it. As I opened the door, I saw Daniel staring at me. "Um, hi, Daniel." I greeted him awkwardly. "Melissa's out but-" I started, before being interrupted. "I know you like her." Daniel told me. How on earth did he know? Tommy didn't tell him, did he? "What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked him. Did I have to be honest with him? "I've seen the way you look at her. You're gonna try and take her from me, aren't you?" He accused me. Why would I try and do that? I know she's happy. I would never do anything to ruin that. I know he's happy too, I wouldn't want to ruin that for him. Even though I hated the guy, I still wouldn't do that. "I don't like her that way," I lied. Daniel groaned. "Don't lie, be honest with me here, Will. I know you like my girlfriend." He had a reason to be so pushy, but I must admit it was a bit irritating. "I don't." I feel like I shouldn't have lied to him, but I didn't want him knowing how I really felt about Melissa. He could tell her, and she'd probably believe him immediately. "Just admit it." At this point, I was thinking that I probably should just tell him. I stayed silent for a minute. I felt bad for lying to him. "Okay. I do like her, but I'm not going to try anything. I know how happy you guys are and how much she loves you, I wouldn't want to take that away. Promise," I admitted. Daniel nodded. "Good. She wouldn't fucking want you anyway." He chuckled. He then got up and left. I sat there for a minute. He was right, she wouldn't want me. Even though he was right, I still fucking hated him. I continued making dinner and tried to forget about my awkward confession to Daniel.

When Melissa came home, she sat beside me. "Will you stream with me?" She asked. I sighed. "Mm, not now. I'm tired," I replied. She pouted and pulled on my sleeve. "Please?" She begged. I laughed. "Don't look at me like that." I flicked her nose and shook my head. "Aw, fine. But can we watch a movie?" She asked. I nodded and we chose a movie. Well, Melissa chose a movie. She didn't give me much choice. She kept kicking me while we were watching the movie. "Do you mind?" I asked her sarcastically. "No," she replied giggling, with a cheeky smile on her face. She continued to kick me. "Right, that's it." I put my phone down and jumped on her, tickling her mercilessly. "No! Wilbur! Stop it!" She giggled, trying to kick me in the crotch while I tickled her. We ended up rolling onto the floor, me on top of her, sitting on her waist so she couldn't kick me. "Hey!" She whined. I had stopped tickling her at this point, so now she was just being pinned to the floor. "Promise to stop kicking me and I'll get off you." I told her. She groaned. "Fine! I won't kick you, I promise!" She held out her pinky and giggled. "Pinky promise," she added. I giggled with her. "Good," I got off her and sat back on the sofa. She got up and sat at the other end of the sofa. We were halfway through the movie, when I noticed Melissa had fallen asleep. I chuckled. I turned the movie off and put my phone in my pocket. I stood up and grabbed the blanket off the back of the sofa, before throwing it over Melissa. I pushed some of her hair out of her face. She smiled slightly in her sleep. "Night Melissa." I mumbled, smiling and walking upstairs.

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