Chapter 14

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!This chapter contains mention of self-harm, making out and hickeys (nothing more).

Me and Melissa were going on another date. She was at work, but I was picking her up at 4, and we were leaving at 5. That would give her enough time to get ready. I was sat on the sofa when my phone started ringing. I picked it up. It was Melissa. I answered the call, "hello?" I heard her sigh from the other end of the call. "I'm so sorry love, I have to cancel tonight. We're super short staffed at the restaurant today and I have to work until 8. I'm so sorry." She continued to apologise over and over. "It's okay. We can reschedule, yeah?" I suggested. I was a little sad she couldn't make it. "Yeah. I'm still really sorry." She added. "Don't worry about it. It's okay. You get back to work, bye darling." I told her. "Bye love." She responded, hanging up. I was really looking forward to our date. I laid myself down on the sofa and turned the tv on, when I had an idea.

It was 7:50 and Melissa would finish work in 10 minutes. I grabbed a few things from the kitchen and put them into a bag, before walking out to the car. I got in and began driving to the restaurant where Melissa worked. Once I got there, I noticed the closed sign on the door. I looked in and saw Melissa looking at her phone, leant against the counter. All of the lights were off, and the only brightness was her phone screen, reflecting a white light on her beautiful face. I softly knocked on the door. She looked up from her phone and raised an eyebrow at me. I pushed the door open, letting it shut behind me as I stepped in. "Hey." I greeted her. "Love, what are you doing here?" She asked, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck. "I wanted to come and see you. Make the last 20 minutes of your shift less boring?" I shrugged. She chuckled and looked at the bag I was holding. "What's that?" She questioned. "I brought food- just.. maybe thought we could still have our date?" I smiled. Melissa placed a kiss on my lips. I set the bag down and put my arms around her waist. She pulled away. "You are so cute. Thank you. I just need to clean a few tables, then we can have our date." "Do you want some help?" I asked. "No. It's okay, it's just 3 tables." She responded. She moved over to 1 of the 3 tables and began cleaning it. "How was your day?" She asked me. "I missed you a lot. But other than that it was okay.." I replied. "What about you?" She shrugged. "It was good, I suppose. Tiring. Missed you a lot too." She looked over in my direction and pursed her lips into a tight smile. "That smile looks forced. Something bothering you?" I asked, standing up and walking over to her. I hugged her from behind, making her giggle. "I'm okay. I just feel a little awkward working here. I've only been here a week- I don't really know how to talk to anyone who isn't my boss or customers." She admitted. I kissed her cheek over and over. She put her hand on my cheek and turned her face to kiss my lips. I chuckled. "It'll get easier to talk to your colleagues over time. It's just difficult now because you're new." I told her. "Come on, let's eat, yeah?" I smiled. "Okay.. but I really do have to clean these tables afterwards!" She giggled. I held her hand and took her over to a table. "So, what did you bring?" She asked, sitting down. I sat opposite her. "Wine, um.. wraps. I think that's it- I didn't really bring a lot.. do you have glasses?" I asked. "Of course I do. I'll go and get some." She stood up and walked into the kitchen. I sat and waited for her. She came over holding glasses and a small box. She sat down. "I have matches too. To light that candle, not to like- set the building on fire or something.." she chuckled. She placed the glasses on the table and lit a match, lighting the small candle in the middle of the table. "Romantic." I smiled. Melissa reached under the table and held my hand. "Wilbur, thank you for an already amazing evening." She smiled. I poured both of us a glass of wine. "And this time, neither of us have to pay for anything, or argue about who's paying." She giggled. I chuckled and handed her some food. "I hope it tastes okay. You know I'm not the best cook." I scoffed. "You're a good cook, Will." She told me. I shook my head. "Come on, you're way better than me. I'm surprised you're not a chef here instead of a waitress." I told her. She smiled widely at me. "Oh, um, I know this is a weird time to bring it up, but how are you doing? You know, with your mental health? I don't want it getting bad again. Last time that happened I found you sat in a puddle of your own blood on the bathroom floor." I looked up at her. It was a little bit of a sensitive topic for me, but this was Melissa, I could tell her anything. "Um- it's good.. the only reason that happened was because you weren't there for me. Obviously you were when it actually happened, but for 3 months I had no one to talk to about it. You're the only one I feel comfortable sharing that stuff with. I feel that no one else gets me." I admitted. She began slowly caressing my hand with her thumb. "I still feel really guilty about that. I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you. But I'm so happy you feel comfortable enough to share this sort of thing with me. Why do you feel like no one else gets you?" She responded. I was starting to feel uncomfortable now. I didn't really want to talk about it while we were on a date. "Melissa, I really appreciate you wanting to talk to me about this but I'm feeling a little uncomfortable. I don't want to talk about it right now. I'm sorry." I told her. "Love, don't apologise. I'm sorry for bringing it up, you talk about it when you're comfortable, okay? Or don't talk about it at all, I don't mind. Whatever you want." She smiled. We both took a bite of our food. "Wilbur, this is amazing. You're a really good cook." She followed up on our conversation from earlier on. "Thank you, you're still better though." I smiled cheekily at her. She took another bite of her wrap.

We had soon both finished our food, and Melissa was continuing to clean tables. I put all the things I had bought back into the bag, before sitting back down on a chair while I waited for Melissa to be done. She walked into the kitchen and then came back over. She pulled a chair in front of me and sat down. "Done." She smiled, placing her hands on my thighs and leaning forward, pecking a kiss on my lips. I put my hands on her waist and kissed her again. She pulled away and pushed my hair out of my face. "You're so beautiful." She told me. "So are you." I answered, feeling my cheeks going pink. "You're blushing." She teased me, pressing her finger on my chest. I looked away, before her hand moved to my chin and turned my head, forcing me to look back at her. She attached our lips again. I ran my hands through her hair, while hers remained on my shoulders. Her lips had a sort of smokey taste, it was a little weird, she didn't smoke. Though, It was nice. She pulled away again and tugged at my turtleneck. I hummed, pulling it off over my head. She leaned down, resting her head on my shoulder and peppering my neck in kisses. She began gently biting and sucking on my neck. "Let's go home.." I mumbled. She sat up straight and admired the dark red hickey she had left on my neck. She softly ran her thumb over it. I chuckled. "Come on," I stood up and held out my hand. She took it and stood up, waiting for me as I picked up the bag I had bought. We walked to the car and went home.

Once we got home, I put some things away before we went upstairs to my room. "I need to change out of my work uniform, I'll come back in here in a minute. Just let me change." She left the room and came back in wearing something more comfy. A white oversized t-shirt and black sweatpants. She laid next to me and put her arms around me. "Is it okay if I take my shirt off?" I asked, sitting up slightly. "Yes, it's okay." I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the end of my bed. I put my arms around Melissa. "Goodnight darling." I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, my love." She answered.

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