Chapter 13

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When I woke up the next morning, it was quite early. 6:58am. I lazily stood up, not bothering to put on my shirt. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, before I wandered downstairs, rubbing my eyes and yawning. "Good morning," Melissa greeted me from the sofa. She swivelled herself around to look at me. I watched as her cheeks went pink. I chuckled. "Morning," I started. I was going to end off with a stupid joke. "Enjoying the show?" I teased her as I walked behind the sofa, leaning down next to her and resting my arms on the back of the sofa. "Shut up," she gave me a light shove. "You think you're so damn funny." She shook her head at me. I laughed. "I've seen you topless so many times, this time is no different." She added. I rolled my eyes. "How come you're literally red, then?" I pushed some of her hair out of her face. "Be quiet." She groaned. She put her hand on the back of my neck, before sitting on her knees and kissing me. I kissed her back, our lips slowly moving in sync. I smiled through our kiss. She pulled away. "Why'd you stop?" I whined, my lips forming a pout. "We can't kiss forever, silly. Come sit with me." I walked around to the front of the sofa and sat down. "How did you sleep?" I asked. She smiled at me. "Really good. Couldn't stop thinking about you." She told me. I smiled back at her. "Yeah?" I responded. She nodded. "What about you? How did you sleep?" She queried. "Fantastic. I couldn't stop thinking about you, either." I answered, pushing my hair back, only for it to bounce back to its original position over my face. "We should go out on another date. How about we go out for dinner next week, I will pay this time." Melissa suggested, smiling sweetly. "Sure. You don't have to pay thou-" she placed her finger on my lips. "Shush. Don't be silly. I am paying." She stood up. "What's the time?" She asked, walking into the kitchen. "10 minutes past 7, why?" I replied, looking over in her direction. "Okay. Thank you, I have a job interview today." She told me, getting herself a glass of water. "Hey, you didn't tell me you were going for a job interview! What job are you wanting?" I queried. She giggled. "Waitress. At the restaurant not that far away from here- 20 minutes away. I'd be working 10AM to 4PM. Pays £10 an hour." She answered, walking back over to me and sitting down. "That's quite good, what time's your interview?" I asked. She sipped her water. "8:45." I nodded. "Can we do something?" She asked me, putting her glass down. "Like what?" I asked. She shrugged. "Let me paint your nails!" She clapped excitedly. "No," I shook my head. "I would look silly." Melissa shook her head. "You would look so handsome! Please." She pouted. I sighed. "Fine." I gave in, and Melissa immediately stood up and grabbed my hand, taking me into her room. "Which colour? Red, black, white?" She asked, looking at me as I sat on the floor. "You choose, I don't mind." I told her. "You would look fantastic with black!" She seemed so excited to be painting my nails. It kind of confused me, but seeing her happy was all that mattered to me. "Give me your hand." She held one of hers out, and I placed mine on top of it. She held it still and began painting my nails. "Why is it so cold?" I giggled, jolting back slightly. "Stay still sweetheart." Melissa smiled. "And I don't know why it's so cold. It just is." She added. I smiled and watched her as she continued to paint my nails. "I'm so excited for Christmas." She moved to my other hand. "Yeah?" I replied. "Yeah! I can't wait! I love Christmas. It's my favourite holiday!" She told me. "I know it's like- another month until it actually is Christmas, but I'm so excited!" She smiled. I smiled back. "Done." I looked at my nails. They actually looked quite good. "Thank you, I love them." I chuckled. Melissa giggled. "You're welcome. I have to get ready for my interview now." I nodded and stood up. I left the room and went back downstairs. Melissa had been in her room for 10 minutes, before coming downstairs. She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. "What do you think?" She asked. She was wearing a white button down which was tucked into a black skirt, with black heels. "Very smart. You look very beautiful." I told her. She twirled around. "Thank you love. I have to go now." She leaned down and placed a quick kiss on my lips. "I'll see you later, okay? Wish me luck." She smiled. "Good luck." I kissed her again. It lasted a bit longer this time, before Melissa pulled away and grabbed her bag. She left the house, blowing me a quick kiss before shutting the door.

I was a little bit bored while Melissa was gone. I decided to make myself breakfast, although I did burn my hand a few time. I'm not the best cook, but I'm still not the worst. Melissa is definitely a better cook than me. I was sat on the sofa editing one of my videos on my laptop, when Melissa walked through the door. "Hey! How'd it go?" I asked, standing up and walking over. "Well," she started, giving me a quick kiss. "It went really well, and I got the job." She smiled. I hugged her and lifted her slightly. "Well done! I'm so happy for you!" I responded. She giggled. "When do you start?" I asked, putting her back down. "Tomorrow. I work Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays." She responded. "Can we bake something?" She asked, putting her bag down. "Sure," I gave her a kiss and walked into the kitchen. "I'm just going to change quickly, my heels are killing me and this skirt is way too tight for my health." She giggled. She walked upstairs and I waited for her in the kitchen. She came back down wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. She walked back into the kitchen and showed me her phone. "Can we make these?" She showed me chocolate cookies in the shape of hearts. I smiled. "Of course." She opened the cupboard, and ended up hitting herself really hard in the head with the door. "Ow." She chuckled. "Shit, are you okay?" I asked, walking over and putting my arm around her. "Yeah. It just hurts a little." She placed her hand on her forehead. "Be careful, love." I kissed the side of her face.

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