Chapter 12

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"Melissa, darling, are you nearly ready?" I asked as I knocked on Melissa's bedroom door. "Yes, nearly. I'll be 5 minutes, sorry to keep you waiting!" She giggled. I walked into my bedroom to look at myself in my mirror. I actually looked okay. I was wearing a suit, and my hair wasn't looking too frizzy. Of course it was still poofy, but it wasn't a frizzy mess like it had previously been that morning. I left the room and went downstairs to put my shoes on while I waited for Melissa to finish up getting ready. Then I heard a door shut. I looked up and saw Melissa standing at the top of the stairs smiling at me. She looked fantastic. Like a goddess. She was wearing a long black dress that was cut just below her chest. She had paired some black heels with it too. The dress also had a slit on the right side, coming from the bottom up to the middle of her thigh. I stared in awe as she walked down the stairs and over to me. "Do I look okay?" She asked, her voice was a little bit shaky. "You look gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful." I told her. "Are you okay? Your voice is quite trembly." I put my hand on her cheek and gently caressed it with my thumb. "Yeah. I'm just a little nervous. It's our first date, I'm always nervous on first dates." She smiled. "Don't be nervous, it's me. We've known eachother for years. I'm not some random guy that you just met who asked you out on a date. I really like you, okay?" I smiled, moving both my hands down to hold hers. I moved a little bit closer to her and leaned down, giving her a quick kiss. We pulled away and I grabbed the house keys. "You ready to go?" I asked. "Yes, let me just get my bag." She answered, walking over to the kitchen counter and grabbing her bag. We left the house. I watched as Melissa walked ahead of me to the car. Her black hair swayed as she walked. I listened as her heels clacked on the dirty concrete. I was so mesmerised that I didn't even notice she had stopped and was waiting for me. I almost walked into her. I unlocked the car and opened the door for Melissa. She got in the passenger seat and I shut the door, before walking over to the other side and getting in the drivers seat. "I already know that this is going to be such a lovely evening." Melissa told me. I smiled. "Me too." I replied, she smiled sweetly back at me. Her smile was so beautiful. She was like an angel. I looked away and started the car. Once we got to the restaurant, we waited to be shown to a table, courtesy of the sign which read, 'please wait to be shown to a table" in bold lettering. A waitress then came over. "Hiya, sorry if we kept you waiting long. Table for two?" She asked, smiling at the two of us. "Uh, yes, please." Melissa let out a small chuckle at the end of her sentence. "Of course. Follow me." The waitress took us over to a table. I pulled Melissa's seat out for her, before pulling her jacket down of her shoulders. "Aren't you a gentleman." She scoffed, chuckling. "Thank you though, love." She added. I chuckled and went over to my seat. Melissa placed her bag on her chair behind her. "Can I get you two drinks?" The waitress asked, flipping to a new page on her notepad and chewing on the end of her pen. "Yes, please, that would be lovely. Can I please have a glass of red wine?" Melissa requested, looking up at the woman as she scribbled her order down on her notepad. "And for you, sir?" She turned to me. "Um, I'll have the same, thank you." I answered, watching as the waitress wrote quickly on her paper again. "Fantastic, I'll be with you again in five minutes with your drinks." She walked off. Melissa placed her arms on the table, leaning forwards slightly. "So, how long did you like me for before we kissed?" She asked, a cheeky smile on her face as she slowly intertwined our fingers from across the table. I blushed and looked at the ground, shaking my head. "Aw, come on! Tell me," she giggled. I scoffed, "fine. Like- 6 months." I knew that my face was very red at this point, so I continued to look down at the ground. "Really?" Melissa asked. I chuckled. "Yeah. Really." I replied. I waited for her to say something, but I didn't receive a response. Instead, she stood up and walked over to me, putting her hand on my chin and lifting my head, forcing me to look at her. She kissed me for 5 seconds, before pulling away and smiling lovingly at me. She sat back down. "What was that for?" I asked, giggling. She slowly brushed her fingers through her hair. "Well, I just didn't think you had liked me for that long. I think that's really sweet." She smiled. "You look really beautiful by the way. That dress is so pretty on you." I told her, looking her up and down. She blushed, looking away. "T-thank you," she sputtered. I chuckled. The waitress then returned. "Here you go, two red wines." I pursed my lips into a smile. "Thank you," I answered as I received my drink. Melissa repeated what I had said as she took her drink. The waitress then left again. Melissa raised her glass. I chuckled and raised mine. "Cheers." We said in unison, before taking a sip each. We had been chatting for a while, before Melissa suddenly reached across the table and pushed my hair back, revealing my forehead. She giggled manically. "Big forehead," I pushed my hair back down. "I thought you loved this forehead." I chuckled. "I do," she added. "It does go back to prehistoric times though.." she mumbled. "This is just bullying at this point, though." I shook my head in fake disgust. "No it isn't," Melissa dismissed. "Don't lie to me Melissa, it's not good to lie." I said as a joke in a high pitched, whiny voice. Melissa giggled. She reached under the table and held my hand, slowly caressing it with her thumb. I felt myself blush. "I told you that you were so easily flustered." She grinned at me. "You got flustered when I called you pretty like 2 weeks ago." Melissa shook her head. "I- I don't remember that.." she sputtered. Of course she remembered it. I could tell by the fact that she was stuttering. "Should we look at the menu? We should probably order soon." I asked. Melissa nodded, picking up her menu and detaching our hands. She scanned it and decided what she wanted, and I decided not long after. We waited for 5 minutes, before the waitress returned yet again. "Hello again, ready to order food?" She asked, her lips forming a tight smile as she flicked the page on her notepad over. "Yes," I responded.

The date was fantastic. I had so much fun, and I assumed Melissa did too. "I'll ask for the bill, shall I?" I asked, adjusting my suit slightly. "Yes," Melissa replied, smiling at me. I noticed the waitress who had been serving us all night making her way over again. "Here is the bill," she placed a small piece of paper on the table. "Thank you," I looked at the paper. "How much is it, love?" Melissa asked me. "£54.50," I answered, getting my wallet out of my pocket and grabbing my card. "Do you want me to pay you back for my half?" Melissa asked. "No. Absolutely not." I replied, shaking my head as I tapped my card on the machine. "Thank you, have a nice rest of your evening." The waitress smiled, walking away. The two of us stood up and Melissa put her coat on. "That was a lot of money, Wilbur. Please let me pay you back for my half." Melissa insisted. "No. You're not paying me back. It's fine, okay?" I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked a little angry with me. "Fine." She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. We left the restaurant and walked out to the car hand in hand. "This really was such a lovely evening, Wilbur. I knew it would be. Thank you so much." Melissa told me. I smiled. "You're welcome." We got in the car and I began driving. I looked over at Melissa and saw her looking out the condensation covered window at the rain, while she drew smiley faces on it with her finger. I giggled quietly under my breath. I slowly moved my left hand to her thigh. She looked over at me. "Is this okay?" I asked, a soft tone in my voice. She nodded. "It's very comforting, actually." She replied, before moving her right hand to touch mine, of which rested gently on her thigh. I smiled widely at her, before looking away. I had still managed to keep my focus on the road, even though the most beautiful woman I had ever seen was sat right next to me. I felt her clutch my hand tighter. "You okay?" I asked. "Yes, sorry. Your touch is so comforting. I already said that- I know, but I really like you, you know..? It's- you're lovely. When I'm around you, it reminds me that I am actually loved by somebody, do you get what I mean? It's kind of silly, i guess." I could see her smiling out of the corner of my eye. "I really like you too, Melissa."

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