Chapter 2

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When I woke up, I saw Melissa sat at the other end of the sofa. I sat up. "..Morning.." i groaned. "Morning Will! How come you slept down here?" Melissa asked me, smiling. "Oh. No- no reason. Don't worry." She must've realised. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry Will! We won't do that again I promise!" She told me, her face pink from embarrassment. I rubbed my eyes and chuckled slightly. "It's okay!" I reassured her, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "Oh- Will, your shirt." She held my shirt up. I walked over and took it out of her hand. "Thanks." I put it on. "Um, Will. I kind of need to talk to you about something." Melissa told me. I looked at her. "Everything okay?" I asked. She gestured me to sit beside her. I walked over and sat down. "You're worrying me, what's happening?" She smiled. "Um, last night, me and Daniel were talking and we've decided to live together." She told me. I didn't say a word. What? We've been roommates for such a long time. I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to be like without her here all the time. I don't want her to go. "Will.." Melissa mumbled. My eyes started tearing up. Melissa reached her hand out and wiped them with her thumb, before resting her hand on my cheek. "Will, I understand. I just need you to say something. Please." She said. I didn't want to say anything. Actually, to be honest, I didn't know what to say. "I- I'm gonna miss you.." I sputtered. Tears rolled down both mine and Melissa's cheeks. She nodded. "I know. I'm gonna miss you so much too. But we can still see eachother all the time. It just means we won't be roommates anymore." She opened her arms and I let myself fall into them. I couldn't believe it. "When- when are you leaving..?" I asked. She wiped her eyes. "Next week." I laid down. "Oh." She was leaving so soon. Why. I don't want her to go. But she should be happy right? I want her to be happy? "Will, listen to me. You've been the best roommate ever. And I'm gonna miss living with you so much. But I'm only gonna be 20 minutes away." She rubbed my arm gently. I nodded. "I want you to be happy. Congratulations." I said. She smiled. "Thank you. You're so sweet." She gave me a quick hug before going upstairs. Fuck. Tommy was right, wasn't he. I do like her. Oh, maybe it's just a crush. I'll get over it, definitely. I have to. "Will! Me and Daniel are going out for drinks in a minute, you wanna come?" Melissa asked me excitedly. "Yeah.. uh, sure." I got up and went upstairs to get dressed into some clean clothes. When we left to go to the bar and meet Daniel, I felt even worse. I of course wanted her to be happy, but the fact that she wasn't going to be my roommate anymore was the part that was the worst. She was such a good roommate. She was sweet, fun, hilarious and she was always there for me. But she won't be anymore. She'll be there for him. When we got to the bar, we ordered a few drinks and sat down at a table. "Danny! It wasn't that funny! Stop!" Melissa gave Daniel a slight push on the arm and laughed. I stared at them from across the table. I didn't talk almost the entire time. They were too busy being all romantic to even notice that I was actually there. I don't think they even noticed when I left. It was weird. Melissa never acted like that towards me. Even when Daniel was around. Until now. I felt like I was losing her already. After 8 years? No. She wouldn't do that to me.. would she? I was sat on the sofa. When Melissa got home, she looked shocked to see me. "Will? How did you get here before me?" She asked. I knew she didn't see me leave. "I left half an hour ago." I told her. I think she must've realised why. But she didn't say anything about it. "Why?" She asked. I groaned. "You didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was there. You didn't even see me leave. You were so absorbed in your love for Daniel that you didn't even know I was there, even though you were the one who invited me." I didn't mean to snap at her like that. "Will, are you kidding me? I'm finally inlove with a really great guy and you can't even be happy for me!" What the fuck was she talking about? I was happy for her. "What? Are you serious? I'm very fucking happy for you Melissa! So happy for you! But I want you to atleast talk to me? Just because you're inlove doesn't mean you have to ignore me!" I answered. She looked angrily at me and stormed upstairs. Why did I have to do that? I shouldn't have said anything.

A couple hours later, she came back downstairs. I was almost falling asleep before she crouched down infront of me. "Will? Sorry. I know you were about to go to sleep but I really need you to hear this." She told me, pushing some of my hair out of my face. I groaned. "I'm really sorry about how I acted. I don't know why I didn't talk to you earlier. I don't know what got into me. I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?" She smiled. I smiled back at her. "It's okay. It just kind of made me feel like shit when you ignored me earlier." she stood up and put a blanket over me. "I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I really care about you Wilbur, you're one of the most special people in my life. I'll never do anything to hurt you ever again. I promise. Sleep well. I'm going out but I'll be back later." She smiled and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. That was her way of being friendly. It was really sweet.

When I woke up, I realised I had to stream for mcc. I started up the stream and watched as chat greeted me with lots of hi's. Once my starting soon screen had disappeared, I started reading through chat and reading out new subscribers. Then everyone started spamming. 'MELISSA IS IN CHAT!' I smiled and my cheeks went a little bit pink. I read Mel's chats.

hi sooty boy
pink parrots are gonna take the win today
winners pov

I giggled. "Hi Mel!" I said with a cheeky smile on my face. "Listen to her guys, we're taking the win today." I added, as I began typing on discord. I joined the call with Tommy, Phil and Ranboo. "WILBA!" Tommy greeted me with his usual shouty voice. "TOMMAY!" I laughed as I shouted back at him. We were talking as we waited for the last person to join the mcc server. I think it was Aimee who we were waiting for, Ran said she was having some technical difficulties. Then Melissa burst in my room. "Fucking hell!" I shouted, startled by the sudden aggression that caused my door to slam loudly into my wall. "Will I'm going out again. I'm staying over at Danny's place." She walked up behind me and gave me a hug. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Wish me luck." I giggled. She giggled with me. "Good luck sooty boy!" She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. Chat started spamming. 'DID SHE JUST KISS HIM? AWWW!!! SHIP IT' I chuckled awkwardly. "Chat, she's just being friendly. She has a boyfriend too, please don't be weird."

After the stream, I was absolutely ecstatic. We won! I immediately messaged Melissa.

I shut my phone off and went to bed, only after posting about my team's win on my Instagram story

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I shut my phone off and went to bed, only after posting about my team's win on my Instagram story. I then got that feeling again. That same feeling I got after Melissa held my hand. Why was I getting it now? I guess the thought of her leaving soon just saddened me. I needed to talk to someone about my feelings, but I was way too embarrassed.

it probably wasn't a long time thing, just a crush.


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