Chapter 9

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!This chapter contains mention of abuse.

The next morning, I woke up with an awful headache, and I felt extremely nauseous. I stood up and stumbled downstairs. "Hey Will, sleep well?" Melissa asked me. I groaned and threw myself next to her on the sofa. "Feeling okay?" She asked. I shook my head. "I feel like shit." I told her. She sat closer to me. "Need to talk about something or do you feel sick?" She asked. Usually when I said I felt like shit it was because something had happened, but this time it wasn't that. "Sick. Like I'm dying, or something." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm sorry you feel that way. Do you want some water?" She gently rubbed my shoulder with a sympathetic look on her face. "Yes, please." I replied. Melissa nodded and smiled, before placing a quick kiss on the side of my face. She stood up and walked into the kitchen. She got me a glass of water and walked back over. "Here. How's the arm?" She asked, passing me my water. "Stings. A little bit better though. Thanks, by the way. You know, for the water and also walking into my house at the right time last night." I chuckled. She smiled. "Of course. I was extremely worried about you last night, I didn't sleep a wink." She told me. She cared that much about me? "Don't worry about me, please. I'm okay." I responded. "You certainly didn't look okay when you were sat on that bathroom floor in a puddle of your own blood last night." She sighed. "I- Yeah. I understand if you're angry at me. I'm sorry. I'm kind of angry at myself." She looked at me with an angry look on her face. "Now I'm angry at you. Don't say sorry and don't you ever say something like that again. I was not angry at you. Yeah, I was a little shocked and scared to see you that way, but I was not angry at you. You were in a bad place. I do think that what you did was not good for you, of course, but never, ever, would I be angry at you for something like that." She snapped. I smiled and turned my head away. "Look at me," she muttered. I slowly turned my head in her direction. "Wilbur, you are so lovely." I chuckled and shook my head. She moved closer to me. "No, really, you are. You are so special to me." She took her sweater off, and that's when I noticed a huge bruise on her arm. "Melissa.." I softly rubbed my thumb over the area. "It's fine Wilbur. Really." She told me. "No it isn't. You're being abused. It's not okay. You're really special to me too, you know?" I replied. She sighed. "I'm so scared of him, Wilbur." She told me. I pulled her into a hug. "I know. You're gonna be just fine. You're okay. I'm here for you, okay? Everything is gonna be okay." I consoled her. I couldn't believe what she was going through. She was crying again. "I'm so sorry." I mumbled. "Thank you, Will." She sobbed, hugging me tighter. Then her phone started sending through notifications like mad. "He's messaging me." She showed me her phone. There were multiple notifications from Daniel. 'Where the fuck were you last night?' 'Fucking come home' 'Are you at Will's?' 'I swear to fucking god if you're at his house' 'You know how I feel about him!' 'Fucking come home' 'Answer me, where the fuck are you?' I looked at Melissa. "Ignore him. Do not respond. He doesn't deserve your attention. He's not worth it." I told her. "But what if he comes here looking for me?" She asked. "Don't worry." I replied. She looked at me with confusion, but just nodded along. "You look tired." I muttered, pushing a strand of her hair out of her face. "Yeah- I am, didn't sleep last night. Did I not tell you?" She chuckled. "No, you did." I smiled. She hugged me again. We hugged for a while, and I was kind of confused as to why she hadn't pulled away, but then I realised she was asleep. I smiled. That meant I couldn't move. I decided to go to sleep too.

When I woke up, I noticed Melissa was already awake. She was still laying on me though. I groaned quietly and rubbed my eyes. "Will?" Melissa mumbled. "Yeah.." I replied. Melissa lifted her head. "Sorry for falling asleep on you. And sorry for still laying on you- I didn't want to disturb you." She moved herself off my body. "It's okay." I smiled. "Will, I'm sorry if this is too much to ask, but can I stay with you for a while? I can't go back to Daniel's. I'm too scared of him." She asked me. "Of course you can stay." I told her. "I'll tell Daniel I'm going to London with Shelby. He'd believe that. I'll go back to his later when he's working and grab some clothes." She answered. I nodded. "Thank you so much. You're amazing." She launched herself on me. She pulled away. We were so close. I thought she was going to kiss me for a second. Of course, I was wrong. She didn't like me that way, she said it herself. "I- um.. I'm gonna- go shower.." I sputtered. She giggled. "Okay." She replied. "So easily flustered, Wilbur Soot." She muttered with a grin on her face. Jesus, she knew what I was thinking. That was embarrassing.

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