Chapter 10

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Melissa ran into my bedroom. "Jesus!" I shouted. She scared the shit out of me. "I broke up with Daniel! I did it!" She cheered happily. I quickly put my trousers on under my blanket. I didn't bother with putting on my shirt, it didn't make her uncomfortable. I got up and hugged her. "Well done! I'm so proud!" I smiled. "I couldn't have done it without you." I was so happy that I could help her. "Will you stream with me?" She asked, pulling out of our hug. "Of course I will." I replied. I put on my shirt and we walked into her bedroom. I pulled up a chair and played with my tamagotchi while Melissa set up the stream. She wanted to play The Sims 4, so that's what we did. Soon, her 'Starting Soon' screen came up, playing the instrumental of 'Fake Tales Of San Fransisco' by the Arctic Monkeys. She had titled the stream 'Playing The Sims 4 with Will, but we also have the extreme violence mod'. Once her 'Starting Soon' screen had disappeared, she greeted chat happily. "Hello chat," I smiled and waved. We decided talk to them for a while before we actually played.

'Do you speak any other languages?'
'Get the wicked whims mod'

"I do! I speak Spanish and a bit of Dutch too!" Melissa smiled. "Say something in Spanish," I replied. Melissa nodded. "Okay, one second." She thought of something to say. She giggled. "Wilbur tiene cero perras y su frente es tan grande que se remonta a tiempos prehistóricos. Ha visto los dinosaurios." I looked at her confused. "What did you just say about me?" I asked. She giggled again. "Wilbur gets zero bitches and his forehead is so big that it goes back to prehistoric times. It has seen the dinosaurs." She stifled as she waited for my answer. "That's just bullying though, isn't it? I get so many bitches." I scoffed. "Yeah, okay." She shook her head. "Say something in Dutch." I requested. Melissa cleared her throat. "I'll try," she paused. "Wilbur is beledigd door wat ik zei, ook al is het zo waar." She smirked and stared at me. "And what have you said now?" I asked, knowing it'd be something insulting. "Wilbur is offended by what I said, even though it is so true." I gave her a small shove. "Why do you hate me?" I chuckled. "Hey! I don't hate you! I just enjoy bullying the shit out of you." She giggled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. We soon decided to stop just talking and start playing the game. We decided to make ourselves and our friends. We went onto the gallery and first looked for sims that people had made for Melissa. "Oh look, that one has both of us in it." She clicked on it. Her sim-self looked quite good, but when she clicked on mine, we both started laughing. "I'm sorry! That looks nothing like you! Oh my gosh- this is so funny, I'm so sorry to whoever made this!" Melissa cackled. We continued going through the gallery until we found a good sim to resemble Melissa. We found one for me, too, and then looked for ones for our friends. We found ones for Tommy, Ranboo, Bill, Jack, Quackity and George. There were some hilarious ones on there, and we decided to make Tommy a toddler. We began actually playing, and as soon as we loaded into a house, Quackity had already attacked Jack. "Jesus christ!" Melissa gasped. Quackity had just stabbed Jack in the stomach, so he was dead. "Wait- can toddlers do violent acts?" Melissa asked, slowly turning her head in my direction. We immediately switched control to Tommy's sim and clicked on someone random. "Oh my god- Tommy can stab people in the chest!" I chuckled loudly. "I have to see this. Who do we dispose of?" Melissa asked. "George- he's just standing there being a dickhead." I laughed, sipping my water. Melissa made Tommy attack George. "Holy shit!" She laughed. "Loving this mod." She added. We then decided on what to do next. "Let's romance." Melissa switched control from Tommy to my sim-self. She then clicked on her sim and made my sim flirt with her. "This could get weird." I chuckled. "This is gonna be hilarious." She replied, looking at me. She continued to force our sims to flirt. "Okay- let's do something else." She decided. We then took our gaze away from our sims, and focused on the others. As we were making Bill hit some random woman on the street with his car, we noticed our sims going upstairs. "Where are they going?" I asked, pointing to them on the screen. Melissa shrugged and we followed them upstairs. They walked into a bedroom. "Oh god! No, look what you did!" Melissa shouted frantically. "They're 'woohooing'! No!" She immediately began trying to stop our sims from doing that. "What I did? You made them flirt!" I screamed back at her. The entire stream was chaotic from that point.

Me and Melissa were sat on the sofa after the stream. We were talking about the stream, and other things we had planned for later in the month. We were drinking, but we had only had a few sips of vodka so far. We were both a little tipsy. I looked at Melissa with a huge smile on my face as she laughed hysterically at the joke I had made. She eventually stopped laughing and looked up at me, smiling. I then made a huge mistake. I wasn't thinking, then suddenly leaned forwards and kissed her. I quickly pulled away. "Oh- no.. I'm so sorry.." I stood up and left the house. "Will-" I heard Melissa shout as I shut the front door. Why. Why did I have to do that? I decided to go to Tommy's house and talk to him.

"You kissed her?!" He stared at me, looking kind of disappointed. I nodded shamefully and took a sip of vodka. I had a lot of missed calls from Melissa, but I didn't want to answer. I was too embarrassed. "Why. Wilbur, why did you do that?" Tommy asked me. "I don't fucking know Tommy! I'm madly in love with her, and I've just ruined our friendship by kissing her! I am so angry at myself! I wasn't thinking and it just happened, okay?!" I shouted angrily. "Okay. Calm down mate. I'm sure she doesn't care. She's tried calling you, maybe you should call her back." He suggested. "No. I can't do that." I protested. "Why? Why can't you do that?" He didn't get it. You can't just pretend like nothing happened after an embarrassing situation like that. "Why do I keep messing up all the time?" I groaned. "I don't think you've messed anything up. She probably doesn't care and just wants to talk to you." Tommy sat beside me. "Just talk to her."

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