Chapter 8

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!This chapter contains description of self harm and mention of abuse and smoking.

It had been a week since me and Melissa had last interacted. I had messaged her and asked if she wanted to do something together, but had just been left on read. I was kind of upset and a bit concerned as to why she hadn't responded, but I just assumed she was probably busy.

That week turned into a month of being left on read.

Then two months.

Then three months. I had gone to Daniel's multiple times over the past months to see if she was around to talk, but he always told me that she was too busy. I was becoming very concerned and I had the feeling that she was avoiding me. Why would she do this to me after 8 years? And why would she do this to me after all the things she said at the restaurant? 'I would never hate you.' 'You are the most special person to me.' What the fuck had gotten into her? I was kind of angry. At both her and myself. Mostly myself. I had gotten into an extremely awful habit of smoking, and my mental health had become terrible. I was in such a bad place. Melissa was my comfort person. What I mean by that, is that I could tell her everything without being judged. She was so understanding. And without her, I had so many things that I didn't open up to anyone about, so that's why my mental health had taken a massive dive. Maybe smoking wasn't the best solution- but I honestly didn't care. I tried messaging Melissa again. Nothing. Just left on read. Again. I groaned. It felt like shit to be ignored. She was cutting me out of her life. She also declined my calls. What happened to her? I decided to take a nap. I removed my white button down and threw it somewhere behind me, climbing under my blanket and letting my head hit the pillow.

I had been laying in bed for a while. I was seriously sleep deprived and wanted to atleast try and get some sleep. But I was thinking too much about what was happening with Melissa. It was distracting me from everything. I was having a panic attack. I stood up and wiped my eyes, before walking into my bathroom and sitting myself down on the floor. I reached my hand up, feeling around on the counter next to the sink. I grabbed my razor and removed the blade. I sighed and lowered the sharp object to my wrist, cutting deeply into my skin. "Oh my fucking god.." I whimpered at the sudden pain that ran through my entire arm. I continued to cut deeply into my skin, letting blood run down my hand and drip onto the floor. I then heard my front door open. What the fuck? I knew exactly who it was that had just walked through that door. Melissa. She was the only person who had a key to my house. I had let her keep it, so she could come over whenever, as long as she texted me first. Why was she here after three months? "Will?" She called out. I didn't respond. I was feeling very faint, still holding the sharp metal in my hand. "Wilbur! I know you're home, your keys are hanging on the back of the door!" She shouted again. I then heard her coming upstairs. I felt too exhausted and unwell to move. I didn't want her to see me this way, but she would just have to now. I couldn't move. She entered my bedroom. "Will?" She noticed that my bathroom door was slightly open and knocked on it. The exact bathroom that I was sat in a puddle of my own blood in. She walked in. "Oh my god." She gasped, immediately crouching down next to me. "Will, what made you do this? Talk to me." She snatched the blade off me and put it on the counter. "Why the fuck have you been.. ignoring me?" I sputtered. I saw her skin go pale and her eyes widen. "Is that why you did this to yourself?" She asked me, completely ignoring my question. "Answer my fucking question- please.." I mumbled. She sighed. "Wilbur. You are more important right now. You're bleeding, badly. Let me bandage your arm, and then I'll explain, okay? That okay with you?" She was crying. I nodded and she looked for the bandages in my cabinet. She began gently cleaning my arm. She wrapped the bandages around my wounds. "Ow, shit!" I winced. Melissa loosened the bandages. "Sorry. Was that too tight?" She asked. I nodded. Once Melissa had wrapped up my arm, we sat on my bed together. "Will, would you like to know why I've been unresponsive?" She asked. "Yeah, that'd be fucking brilliant to know why you've been ignoring me." I snapped. She opened her arms and I let myself fall into them. "Will, I never wanted to hurt you, but it's clear that I have. The reason I've been so distant is because Daniel didn't like how close we were." She explained. I looked up at her. "We've been friends for 8 years and you were going to just randomly end it like that all because your boyfriend is jealous?" I asked. "Will- I've only been going along with it because he um... he- no, nevermind." She mumbled, wiping her eyes and looking away from me. "Something's wrong. Tell me. What did that bastard do?" I replied. She shook her head. "No. I'm worried now, tell me." I repeated. She sighed. "He hits me, Wilbur. And he threatened to hurt you too. I didn't want that." She explained hesitantly. I shouldn't have forced her to talk about it. But I guess it's better that she did. "Melissa, I'm so sorry." I consoled her. She began crying even harder than she already was. "It's gonna be okay. Ssh, it's gonna be just fine." I ran my hand through her hair. "What do I do..?" She muttered. "You need to break up with him." I told her. I wasn't good at giving advice, so I didn't know if that was a bad idea or not. "I will.. I'll do it- but not yet. I can't yet. I'm too nervous." She responded. "Okay. You take your time." I smiled. "Do you want to stay the night? Give yourself a break from him?" I asked. "Yes, please. I desperately need to get away from him." She wiped her eyes and looked down at my arm. "I'm sorry I made you do this to yourself. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. "Um.. sure." I responded. "Since you had been distant from me, I didn't have anyone to talk to about things, so my mental health took a huge dive and I just felt like shit all the time. I may or may not have started smoking too- and then I did this." I pointed to my arm shamefully. "I'm really disappointed in myself. I really fucking hate myself right now." Melissa moved her hand on top of mine. "Wilbur, I am so sorry. I didn't know it would have that big of an effect on you. I feel so bad. I should never have moved in with Daniel. No, actually, I should never have began dating him. He's a dickhead. I hate him." She sighed. I could tell she meant that. "He doesn't deserve you. You should be with someone who knows how lucky they are to be with you. You're kind, considerate," I paused and chuckled slightly. "Pretty.." I noticed Melissa blushing and smiling. "You should be with someone who cares about you. Not someone like Daniel." I told her. She was staring blankly at me. She blinked rapidly. I knew what that was. I do the same thing. People only do that to snap out of their thoughts, right? That's all I know. Did she like me? "You- you should.. maybe get some sleep.." she sputtered. I nodded. "Um- um, yeah! You too." I replied awkwardly. I laid down and Melissa stood up off my bed. "Sleep well, okay?" She smiled, crouching down beside me. I nodded. She kissed my forehead and stood up. "Night." She left my room, turning out the lights as she did so. What was that? She was clearly flustered after I call her pretty. Or was she just embarrassed, maybe?

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