Chapter 8: Civil War -2

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-Chapter Vibes-

Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones


Vision watched from the window of the Avengers compound as a small explosion went off outside, "what is it?" Wanda asked as Pietro and Aly ran into the room behind them, Vision told the three of them to stay put as he went to check it out.

Pietro grabbed Aly by the waist placing a soft kiss on the side of her head as he cautiously peered out of the window.

Before anyone could speak Wanda abruptly turned around and thrust her arms up, flinging a knife at an intruder.

Clint stood behind them, the knife stopping inches away from his face as Wanda realized it was him.

"Guess I should've knocked."

"Clint, what are you doing here?" Aly yelled running towards him, "disappointing my kids" he breathed out using his arrows to set up a tripwire.

"We were supposed to go water skiing but Cap needs our help c'mon" he grabbed onto Aly and Wanda's hands to lead them towards the exit but before they could get any further, Vision stepped through the wall behind them.

"Clint, you should not be here," he said, Pietro groaned loudly as the four of them turned around to face Vision.

"Really? I retire for what five minutes, and it all goes to shit."

"Please consider the consequences of your actions."

"Okay, they're considered" Clint smirked as Vision walked into the trip wire, trapping him in an electric hold whilst Pietro grabbed Wanda's arm to stop her from running towards the Synthezoid.

"Okay, we gotta go" Pietro spat letting go of Wanda's arm, they ran towards the exit but Aly turned on her feet noticing Wanda wasn't following.

"Wanda, cmon" she called out to her friend who didn't move.

"I've caused enough problems," she said sadly, Clint ran over to her watching Vision carefully as he struggled to his feet "you gotta help me, Wanda, look you wanna mope you can go to high school, you wanna make amends you get off your ass.. shit" Clint grabbed his bow and arrow, pointing it at Vision who stepped forward grabbing the bow from his hand, he then pushed Clint backward with a thud.

Pietro ran at the android, but Vision caught him first grabbing the speedster by the throat and sending him flying to the ground, Aly gasped and ran to Pietro as he winced, she crouched down beside him and grabbed onto his arm carefully "are you okay?!" she gasped and he nodded painfully in response.

Alyson then turned to face Vision with angry blue eyes, she started to raise her palm threateningly, electricity radiating from it.

"I'm not one of Ultron's robots, I'm made from flesh and blood you can't overpower me, Alyson."

Aly let her eyes sink back to their original color with a smirk, "maybe not but she can."

Before Vision could think about her words Wanda wrapped her magic around him "Vision, that's enough. Let us go, I'm leaving."

"I can't let you" he replied, but Wanda shot her magic forward causing Vision to stumble backward "I'm sorry" she breathed out holding her palms up as she pushed him to the ground.

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