Chapter 2

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Reena was getting ready for a party that was held at Andrews mansion. Andrews was a very important business partner of Rajendra. He was also involved in the mafia. Reena didn't want to go to this so called party but her father kept insisting and she had to agree.

She decided to wear a sequined silver saree.
Although she found western clothes more comfortable, she was instructed to wear traditionals for the party by her father because alot of his acquaintances were supposed to attend it.
She saw several tutorials and finally wore the saree in the perfect way.

She saw several tutorials and finally wore the saree in the perfect way

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(Reena's outfit)

She chose a nude makeup look for her face and wore her jewellery. She curled her hair slightly at the ends and sprayed some of her Chanel perfume.
She slipped on her silver heels and grabbed a clutch.

All in all she looked stunning and she knew it. How bad can this party be she thought to herself.
She had to attend it one way or the other so why not go happily she thought.

Reena walked downstairs and saw her father waiting for her. They were immediately seated in the car.

Reena and Rajendra never had that perfect father daughter relationship. Rajendra was always cold and uncaring towards her. For him she was just an inconvenience. But Reena always loved her father.

She brushed the negative thoughts away as she felt tears prickling her eyes and quickly composed herself. Soon they reached Andrews mansion.

The mansion was decorated very well, guests swarmed everywhere. All the businessmen, politicians, builders and whoever with tons of money could be spotted in the party.

All of them dressed neatly like gentlemen as if they weren't criminals Reena thought to herself and scoffed. A lot of people came near them and greeted them.

Reena kept a fake smile on her face the whole time. A few men eyed her perversely which made her uncomfortable but she ignored it.

The party was in full swing when suddenly everyone fell silent. Reena wondered why such silence took over. She looked towards the entrance and her question was answered.

A young man dressed impeccably in a black Armani suit walked inside the mansion. He had raven black hair slicked back and a long beard which suited his dashing personality.
He had a very toned and muscular body which was visible even through the suit.

The man literally oozed power and wealth.
But his eyes were completely cold and emotionless.

All of the people practically bowed before him as he passed. Andrews rushed towards him and greeted him. Who is he? The future prime minister Reena thought. The man was seated in a chair. He was sitting as if he was a king. Indeed he was but Reena was oblivious to the fact.

She saw her father going near the man and greeting him respectfully. She never saw her father being so much formal to anyone. Of course she was intrigued by this young man's status. She kept looking towards him and all of a sudden their gazes met.

Her innocent eyes and his cold dark orbs.
He scanned her head to toe, she looked like a fucking angel in her outfit. Her gorgeous figure, sweet and innocent face, and those killer eyes attracted him so much.

Reena realized that they had been staring at each other for a few seconds now and immediately tore her gaze away and turned her back towards him. Her cheeks heated up in embarrassment. Shit what are you doing Reena she mentally scolded herself.

Reena got extremely bored of the party after a while.
She walked towards the open terrace and stood there all by herself. Cool breeze blew and the sky was littered with stars.

Reena was busy admiring the stars when she felt a gaze on her back and turned towards it.
The mysterious young man with the face of a handsome devil stood there in all his glory.

He walked towards her and stood dangerously close.
"A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be standing here all alone, there are a lot of predators out there you need to be careful of", he said in a deep voice.

Reena didn't know what to say and started to walk away from him when she felt a hand grabbing her waist and she was pushed against his chest.

"Sweetheart don't walk away from me like that after all you'll be spending your whole life with me", he said with a smug smile on his face.
Reena got terrified of his words and started to struggle against his hold but he was too strong compared to her.

"Just tell me your name and I'll let you go", he murmured in her ear and brushed his lips across her ear. Reena shuddered in his touch.

Just tell him your name and get away from him she screamed internally at herself.

She gathered all her courage and finally uttered in a meek voice "Reena Desai".
He hummed in approval and loosened his hold.
"Rocky....... Rocky Bairya", he whispered in her ear.
Reena didn't answer him and practically ran inside the mansion.

He stood there smirking as he realized who she was.
Perfect enough for my plan he thought amusedly.
To say that he wasn't attracted towards her when he first saw her would be a lie because he literally got all worked up when he saw her.

But he realized that she was the daughter of Rajendra Desai. And to think that Rocky was actually trying to find his weakness so that he could take revenge on him and exploit him he had found his daughter.

The perfect weak link he thought to himself.
Little did he know Reena didn't really matter to her father. He walked back into the party and saw Reena standing close to Rajendra as if her father was going to protect her.

He laughed internally at how weak Rajendra was as compared to himself.
Their gazes collided yet again and Rocky smirked at her while Reena felt extremely uncomfortable and scared of him.

The complete time Reena could literally feel his eyes on her and it made her very conscious.
She was so eager to get home and away from that monster's sight that she quickly jumped into the car when her father said that they were leaving.

She took a breath of relief when she was in the car.
For Reena it was the most unusual and scary thing that had ever happened to her. His words had terrified her to the core.

She thought that this would be the last time she would ever see him and never again attend any party. Little did she know that the devil was serious about his words of spending their lives together but just not in an ideal way.

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