Chapter 5

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Reena gulped in fear as Rocky started walking towards her. He took slow and agonizing steps forward. His face was emotionless and his eyes cold.
But there was one emotion swirling in his dark eyes and it was anger. He stood in front of her with a distance of only few inches.

"I asked you a question", he growled lowly.

"I-I went in the city", she replied her voice meek.

"Whose permission did you fucking take?", he roared in her face.

She nodded her head negatively, her body trembled with fear.
"Who told you that you could step out of the mansion?" he roared.

Reena didn't know what to answer and stood quietly. Rocky felt immense rage boiling inside him.
He showed her a photograph in his phone.

Reena looked at it and realized that it was her and Abhimayu hugging each other, he showed her some more photos where they could be seen laughing and smiling with each other.

Reena was terrified, she realized that he had gotten the wrong perception about the complete situation.

"Who the fuck is he?" he questioned angrily.

Reena couldn't find the courage in herself to answer him. Rocky got even angrier at the lack of answer.
He held her forearm tightly "WHO. IS. HE?" he questioned saying each word through gritted teeth.

"F-friend", she stuttered.

"You think I'm a fool to believe it I'm asking you again Reena who is he?"

"A college friend", she replied.

"Friend or boyfriend huh?" he scoffed.

"You left the mansion without asking me and went to the city to meet your boyfriend didn't you?" he said angrily.

"You thought I wouldn't find out", he said and laughed maniacally.
He held her hand tightly, his rough fingers digging in her soft skin.

"Please you are hurting me", she cried.

"Oh yeah you're feeling pain now I'll show you exactly what pain means", he growled and held her hand with more force.

"To think that I was actually going to marry you but now I won't I think I'll just keep you here as my whore because that's what you are aren't you?" he said angrily.

"No you have gotten everything wrong he's just a friend and nothing else you can ask him", she pleaded.

"Ahh yes your so called friend I will pay him a visit but actually you know what I won't because he's not worth my time I'll just tell my men to finish him off", he said smiling evilly.

"No no please don't do anything like that it's not his fault we're just friends really", she said in a panicked tone.

"Look at you so pathetic begging for your boyfriend's life", he said.

"Please Rocky he's not my boyfriend", she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

His anger toned down a little when he heard his name from her mouth. He badly wanted to believe her but the photographs said otherwise.

He couldn't digest the fact that some other guy touched her, hugged her. It made him fucking jealous. He really needed to get away from her and think about the complete situation. He had to know the truth because it was killing him to think that Reena had someone else in her heart.

He walked out of her room without glancing at her and went to his own room and sat on the bed.

Why is it affecting me so much? Why do I care if she loves someone else? Why does my heart feel so weird when I'm around her? Why? he asked all these questions to himself but didn't have any answers.

He was frustrated beyond anything.
On the other hand Reena was sitting on the floor, sobbing quietly, cursing herself thinking why did she have to go to that mall. She felt guilty that Abhimanyu's life was in danger because of her.
She cried and cried until she finally fell asleep.

A quick update as y'all were really excited about the story!
I know it's short though!
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