Chapter 28

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Rocky strode towards the main hall with a gun in both his hands. He was beyond furious, Ahaan had ruffled the feathers of a dangerous man.

Rocky entered the main hall and saw Ahaan and his men standing in the centre with their guns raised high and firing the shots towards the ceiling.

They were laughing and celebrating it as if they had won a battle.

Rocky was soon joined by Armaan and his men. Ahaan noticed Rocky and gestured his men to stop.

He came forward with an evil smile on his face.

"So this is how we meet Rocky", Ahaan said.

Rocky stayed quiet, silently assessing the situation. Him and his men could easily take down everyone but he wanted to have his fun.

"I've been looking for you for quite a while now, finally you show up, made my job easier", Rocky said with a smug smile.

"Oh I can guess why you were looking for me", Ahaan said and started laughing.

"By the way congratulations on your wedding I've heard that your wife is a work of art, would love to meet such a beautiful piece of ass", he spat.

Rocky was fuelled with immense rage because of his crude words towards Reena.

He grabbed his collar and pointed his gun towards his forehead.

"One more word about my wife and I'll empty this clip in your head", he gritted.

"Oh being so protective of your wife aren't you? Where was your protectiveness for your sister? Sweet little Rhea died such a horrible death", Ahaan said in a mocking voice.

Ahaan's words were a blow to Rocky's heart. His dear sister had indeed died a horrible death.

"You know Rajendra was involved in it too, he had so much fun with Rhea before putting a bullet in her head, I still have videos of her, what an amazing fuck she was, pity we had to kill her", Ahaan tsked.

Rocky was blinded by rage as he attacked Ahaan. His men took it as a cue and attacked Ahaan's men too.

Violence was seen everywhere, bullets flying, blood, knives, all kinds of weapons were carried by them.

Rocky kept on punching Ahaan. Blood dripped from Ahaan's face but he still didn't stop laughing.

"Look at you, so pathetic, couldn't save your own sister and now you're married to her rapist's daughter", he laughed maniacally.

"Shut the fuck up", Rocky roared and kicked him in the gut.

"Where's the fire Rocky? Where's the revenge? Or are you too impotent to take revenge?" Ahaan sneered.

"I'll have my revenge Ahaan and I promise you, you will be begging me for life but I'll not spare a single soul", Rocky spat.

"I will be the king Rocky, I will snatch this position of yours, I'll take everything you have even your wife, I'll fuck her in front of you and make you watch", Ahaan said.

"Shaurya!" Rocky boomed.
"Take him and his men to my warehouse and show him how we treat dirtbags like him", he said.

Ahaan and his men were then restrained and escorted to the warehouse.

Rocky couldn't control his anger. His sister Rhea was only 18 when one day she was suddenly kidnapped.

He looked for her everywhere. He wasn't that powerful back then he had nobody to help him out.

He went to the police but even they kicked him out without even registering his complaint.
He looked for her day and night. She was gone for 2 days.

Those 2 days were hell for him. His parents had died when Rhea was just 9 years old, he had been looking after her since then.

On the third day, he found her body, dumped in a canal near their house. Rocky mourned and mourned for his sister.

Eventually the flame of revenge consumed him. He had determined that he'll burn the people who had hurt his sister.

It wasn't easy for him to enter the mafia lifestyle without any backing. But he did it. He gained power, fame and money.

Soon he became the king of mafia. He gathered all the information about the culprits.

Rajendra Desai, Ahaan Shetty and his father Manik Shetty were involved in the case. As they were high profile people nobody took any action against them.

Rocky had destroyed the entire business of Shetty's. He wanted to give them a slow death. He wanted to take away everything they had so he started from their empire and money.

He was about to do the same with Rajendra too when he came to know that he had a daughter.

So he thought why not marry her and give her the same fate.
But he couldn't do that to her because he wasn't that cruel and she was too naive and innocent.

But now listening to Ahaan's words his desire for revenge had grown even more. He decided that he will destroy everyone in his way and won't care about anyone.

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