Chapter 33

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It's so sad to see that the target for previous chapter still isn't completed, 300+ people have read the chapter but only 79 have voted.

I don't understand why it is so hard to vote, anyways I can't let my readers suffer because of people who don't vote, so here's the next chapter:

Reena repeated her chores from the previous day, trying to keep herself busy. She dusted the furniture, and tended to the garden, but the repetitive tasks did little to distract her mind.

In the afternoon, she found herself scrolling through her phone mindlessly, searching for something to occupy her thoughts.

She didn't have any friends or relatives she could talk to. Her father had always kept her isolated from others, never mentioning any family members or encouraging friendships. It was as if he wanted to control every aspect of her life, ensuring she had no one to turn to.

Reena's isolation weighed heavily on her. She desperately wanted to share her feelings with someone, to pour out her heart and seek comfort, but she had absolutely nobody. The loneliness was suffocating, a constant reminder of her predicament.

She couldn't believe her father had committed such a heinous crime, but at the same time, she knew he was capable of cold-hearted actions.

His ruthlessness in business and lack of compassion in personal matters were well-known to her. The possibility that he could have been involved in such a vile act made her feel sick to her stomach.

She sat on the couch, staring blankly at her phone, trying to process everything. The house felt emptier than ever, the silence oppressive. She needed to find a way to cope, to survive in this hostile environment, but she didn't know how.

She recalled an incident from the past as she was consumed in thoughts.

Reena was 15 years old and had just come back from school, her backpack slung over her shoulder as she entered inside the house. She saw her father and Mr. Bakshi sitting in the living room and conversing with each other.

Mr. Bakshi was a very close associate of her father and had been coming to their house for years. But over the time Reena had started feeling discomfort whenever he came over.

She hated the way his eyes raked over her body, always trying to peep in her room, trying to touch her belongings and asking her to sit near him and then touching her arms and back.

Reena could sense something wrong in his touch, it made her skin crawl but she didn't know how to voice it.

As she walked inside Mr. Bakshi's eyes turned towards her, raking her entire form, a sick smile playing on his lips.

"Reena, come here dear", he said with a sickly sweet voice patting the place next to him.

She looked at her father with pleading eyes, asking for guidance but he merely nodded at her, indicating her to follow his command.

Reena reluctantly sat down on the edge of the couch trying to keep distance. But her plan failed as he scooted closer towards her.

Her hands started shaking involuntarily, her breathing became slightly erratic as he placed a hand on her shoulder squeezing it a little bit.

"How was school dear?" he asked, moving his hand on her back and slowly inching it even lower.

"It was fine", she replied her voice barely above a whisper. She wanted to run to her room and lock herself inside but she couldn't because it would anger her father.

His hand was now wandering near her lower back, trying to get inside her shirt. She broke out in cold sweat, her hands became clammy.

"You have grown into such a beautiful woman", he said, his foul breath hitting her ears. She felt disgusted by his words.

He placed his hands near her arms, his fingers deliberately touching her breast. Reena couldn't bare this anymore as she abruptly got up and ran towards her room.

"Just give her to me Rajendra", Mr. Bakshi's voice hit her ears as she ran out of the living room and was standing in the corridor, catching her breath.

"I will make you very rich", he continued. Reena's eyes watered instantly, she held back her sobs.

"Shut up Bakshi, your business is barely running, you are totally bankrupt and you say you can make me rich", Rajendra said.

"Ahh Rajendra believe me I will arrange the money from wherever if it is for her", Mr. Bakshi said and laughed cruelly.

Reena couldn't control her sobs anymore so she ran towards her room and locked herself inside. She cried and cried for hours, burying her face in the pillows.

She was afraid her father might actually take up on that offer. She didn't step out of her room for an entire day. She didn't eat, didn't sleep, just kept crying.

It took her two months to get over that incident, every day she saw her father she dreaded that he would tell her that he had given her to Mr. Bakshi.

Reena didn't even realise when she had started crying. The incident had disturbed her a lot. But what disturbed her more was her father's behaviour.

He didn't try to protect her nor did he blatantly reject the offer.

He could see that I was uncomfortable, he could see that Mr. Bakshi was touching me inappropriately but he didn't say anything she thought bitterly.

She wondered how her father could allow such a vile man to be around her. If he could overlook Mr. Bakshi's behaviour, could he have been capable of something even worse?

The memory haunted her immensely. But it was still very difficult for her to accept something like this. After all he was her father, every girl thinks of her father as her hero.

She was shaken out of her thoughts as the doorbell rang. She quickly wiped her face with her hands and opened the door.

A delivery boy handed her a package and walked away. Reena took it and went to her room.

I didn't order anything she thought.

She opened the package and a saw an expensive dress inside. It was a sapphire coloured silk gown with expensive rhinestones on it, beautiful but extremely skin tight and revealing.

The neck was too deep, and it was totally backless. She saw a note placed inside the package and picked it up.

Wear this tonight,

She felt anger course through her veins as she realised Rocky had deliberately chosen this dress for her, knowing it would make her feel vulnerable and exposed.

I'm not wearing this she thought angrily and threw the dress on the bed.

📌Target: 90 votes

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