Chapter 3

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Reena remembered the incident that happened a month ago and shuddered.

"Dad why him?" she asked fearfully.
"He came to me asking for your hand in marriage and I can't deny him I mean he is the ruler of KGF I'm sure you'll be happy there", came his gruff reply.
Reena got a feeling that this wasn't about her happiness it was about the greed that her father had.

Suddenly the doors opened revealing none other than Rocky Bairya. He was dressed in a crisp grey suit, his hair slicked back as always and a pair of expensive sunglasses sat on the bridge of his nose.

He entered the room as if he owned the mansion.
A dark aura clearly radiated off him. Reena's palms started sweating. It happened whenever she was extremely nervous and scared.

Rajendra greeted him and asked him to sit.
Rocky looked at Reena who's face was white with fear and smirked. He sat on the chair like a king still staring at Reena. He scanned her head to toe, she looked so beautiful. Reena saw him staring at her and got flustered. Rocky noticed her blushed cheeks and felt a weird kind of satisfaction.

"So why did you want to meet?" Rajendra asked Rocky.

"I have the right to meet my to be wife don't I?", Rocky questioned him back.

"Of course you do", Rajendra replied.

"Also I'm not just here to meet her I'm here to take her to KGF I want her to spend some time there before marriage", he said in a voice full of authority.

Reena's eyes widened after hearing this, she looked at her father with pleading eyes hoping that he would deny him.

"Reena go pack your bags", came Rajendra's voice.

Reena couldn't believe her ears, how can a father let go of a daughter like that. Does he really not care about me she thought. Rocky was happy that Rajendra had agreed immediately and hadn't thrown any tantrums otherwise he would've been forced to resort to other violent methods.

Rajendra glared at Reena signalling her to comply.
Reena dejectedly walked back to her room and started packing her bags. Her eyes couldn't stop pouring tears, she felt so helpless. After a while she was almost done with her packing when someone entered her room. She turned around and saw Rocky.

"Done with the packing?" he asked her.

"Why are you doing this?" she questioned him back.

"You shouldn't answer a question with a question", he said.

"What have I ever done to you, why are you doing this to me?" she said.

"Listen here and listen well I can do anything I want and nobody can fucking question me so you better follow or I'll make you follow and trust me the second option's not going to be pretty", he threatened her lowly and walked out of the room.

Reena realized that there was no way out of this situation. Rocky was too powerful compared to Rajendra. She quickly wiped her tears and walked downstairs with her luggage. She looked at her father one last time and what she saw nearly broke her.

It was written on his face that he didn't give a shit about her. She was expecting him to be at least a little sad but he wasn't. He was completely okay with it. Reena realized that he was like this all along its just that she didn't want to accept the fact.

She noticed Rocky staring at her. He motioned her towards the door. She walked outside with him and got seated in the car. Soon the car started moving.

She couldn't control her emotions anymore and started sobbing softly. Rocky looked at her and saw her crying. He felt an ounce of sympathy for her but it was gone as soon as he remembered who she was. He turned away from her and looked outside the window.

Soon they reached KGF. Vast mines stretched out in the area. Reena could make out the servant quarters and the refinery. Away from all of this was a huge mansion, twice the size of Desai mansion.
It had an antique vibe to it and was very beautiful.

The car halted in the driveway and both of them stepped out of it. Rocky walked inside the mansion without even glancing once at her.

The helpers came rushing towards her and took her luggage and escorted her to her room.

Her room was huge with a queen sized bed, a walk in closet, vanity and washroom. She thanked the helpers and went to the washroom to freshen up.

She came out of the washroom and saw Rocky sitting on the bed. He slowly started walking towards her, she started backing up until her back hit the wall.

He caged her with his arms on either sides. He moved closer to her, Reena could literally feel his hot breath on her neck.

He breathed harshly through his nose and dragged his mouth to her ear and whispered "You are mine today, tomorrow and every day till the last breath".

Reena didn't reply him as she was really scared.

"Now go and prepare my dinner, it will be your responsibility from now", he ordered her harshly and left the room.

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