Chapter 23

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"Who the fuck sent you?"Rocky roared. He was standing in one of the cells of the warehouse.

They mostly used this warehouse as a torture chamber. Currently he was dealing with a man who was involved in the shoot out.

As Reena's car rammed in the tree and both of them fell unconscious the shooters got out of the car and were walking towards Reena's car just as Rocky and his men arrived.

The men saw him and started running for their lives. Few men escaped but Rocky's men managed to catch one of them.

And now he was bound tightly to the chair with Rocky looming over him like a devil.

"I will not ask again, who sent you?"he warned lowly.
"I ain't telling you shit",the man yelled.

"Alright then you asked for it"Rocky said in a deadly tone.
He motioned one of his men to get his favourite set of blades.

He held one of the sharpest one in his hands and started tracing the man's chest with it. Blood dripped down all over Rocky's hands.

The man was trembling with fear, all of a sudden Rocky plunged the blade in his shoulder and the man screamed.

Rocky took the blade out harshly and plunged it again in the same place.
"Speak or I'll cut your tongue out next",he seethed.

The man kept whimpering but didn't speak anything. Rocky twisted the blade which was still embedded in his shoulder.

"I will make sure your wife and daughter suffer just like you",he spat venomously.

The man's eyes widened and he started crying.
"No please not my family please", he begged.

Rocky didn't even know that he had a wife or a daughter, it was just a wild guess but it turned out right.

"So pathetic! You don't want me to hurt your family yet you tried to kill my wife",he tsked.

"I had no other option, it was a direct order",the man cried.

"Who gave you the order?"Rocky asked.

"Ahaan Shetty", the man whispered lowly.

Rocky saw it coming from a mile away but he just wanted to be sure of it.
"Ahaan is going to wish he was never born",he spat and shot the man dead.

Shaurya approached Rocky and stood beside him.
"Boss what now?"he asked.

"Tighten the security around the house, Reena is to be accompanied by six guards at all times when she steps out of the house, and set me up a meeting with Nikolai Volkov", he ordered sternly and walked out of the warehouse.

He got in his car and sped towards the mansion. It had been two hours since he last saw her. He wanted to be there for her, he considered himself responsible for whatever happened, and felt extremely guilty that he couldn't protect her.

When he saw her lying in the car, unconscious and blood dripping down her forehead, he almost stopped breathing.

He carried her in his arms, calling her name out every second, asking her to open her beautiful eyes.

When she didn't open her eyes, he felt as if a huge stone was placed on his chest.

When the doctor informed him that she is fine and might just possibly have a concussion, he breathed in relief.

I married her for revenge and now look at me, I'm going crazy even if she gets a scratch on her body. What the fuck am I even doing? he thought.

Rocky's men had called Rajendra to inform him about Reena's accident but he didn't pick it up so one of his men had messaged him about it.

Rajendra read the message but didn't reply. Rocky boiled with anger as he thought of him.

What kind of a father is he? Does he not care about his own daughter? he wondered.

Rocky picked up his phone and dialed Rajendra's number. He picked up on the third ring.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Rocky?" came Rajendra's voice.

"To your daughter's accident",Rocky gritted.

"Ah yes one of your men informed me about it, I hope she is fine", he said casually.

"Yes she is, but you don't look even least bit worried about your daughter",Rocky growled.

"Why would I be? Now she is your responsibility",he said and chuckled.

"Indeed she is",Rocky gritted and hung up.

He reached the mansion and went straight to the bedroom. As he opened the door he saw that Reena wasn't in the bed.

He looked towards the washroom and heard some whimpering. He quickly neared the washroom and saw that the door was open slightly.

He gently pushed the door open and saw that Reena was fumbling with her bandage which had somehow come off.

Reena saw him and jumped back.
"You scared me", she said placing a hand on her chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to",he apologised.

Reena's eyes widened at his apology.
"So you apologise as well",she said sarcastically and got back to fumbling with her bandage.

Rocky chuckled,"Only to you",he said.

Reena blushed furiously hearing his words. He stepped closer to her and held her arm gently.

"Allow me",he said softly and started doing her bandage.

He wanted this, to take care of her, to heal her, to ensure she was well. He couldn't understand why, but the part of him that desired this, it was primal.

As he did her bandage gently making sure she didn't feel hurt at all, she found herself looking at him.

The way his muscles flexed in his tight shirt, his cold eyes looked so gentle and caring right now, the full curve of his lips. He was impossibly handsome, unimaginably powerful and he was her husband.

A pink blush coated her cheeks as she realised she was checking him out.
Rocky stepped back when he was done with the bandage.

"Thank you", she whispered and walked out of the washroom.
Rocky went in the closet and got changed.

Reena laid in the bed, with duvet covering half of her face when Rocky emerged out of the closet.
He wore black sweatpants, hanging low on his hips.

He was totally shirtless, showing off his beautiful tan body.
"Holy shit", Reena mumbled under her breath.

She couldn't take her eyes off him.
He looked so edible.
I just want to run my hands on his body- what the fuck are you thinking Reena! she scolded herself internally.

She quickly covered her whole face with the duvet and closed her eyes.

"You can look as much as you want sweetheart, I'm all yours",came Rocky's voice followed by a faint chuckle.

"I wasn't looking",she yelled from under the blanket.

"Sure love, whatever helps you sleep at night", he said and smirked.

He got into the bed beside her and turned off the lamp. Reena could literally feel the heat radiating from his body.

She just wanted cuddle and feel his warmth. As if Rocky could hear her thoughts he pulled her close gently and put his arm on her waist.

"Sleep love",he whispered to her and soon both of them fell asleep.

Thank you for the beautiful cover ravennn_21 🫶🏻

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