Chapter 31

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After the confrontation in the kitchen, Rocky stormed out of the mansion, his anger evident. He didn't come back home all day, leaving Reena worried and anxious. She kept glancing at the door, hoping he would return, but as the hours passed, there was no sign of him.

Determined to keep herself busy, Reena threw herself into the household chores. She swept the floors, mopped every room, dusted every surface, and cleaned the garden thoroughly. The physical labor was tiring, but it provided a welcome distraction from her troubled thoughts.

By the end of the day, Reena was exhausted, her body aching from the hard work. In a strange way, she was thankful for the chores because they gave her something to focus on, helping her momentarily forget the chaos in her life.

As the evening shadows grew longer and the house became quiet, Reena sank onto a chair in the living room, reflecting on the day's events. She couldn't forget the look in Rocky's cold, unforgiving eyes or the harsh words he had spoken to her. She wondered where he was and if he would ever come back.

With a sigh, Reena looked around the clean kitchen, every surface shining from her efforts. Despite her exhaustion, she felt a small sense of accomplishment. But as the night deepened, the silence of the empty house reminded her of her loneliness and uncertainty.

Finally, unable to stay awake any longer, Reena went to bed, her body sore and her mind heavy with unanswered questions. She lay in the darkness, thinking about Rocky and the painful truths she had learned. She knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges, but for now, she allowed herself to rest.

As she drifted into a restless sleep, Reena wondered what the future held for her. She was trapped in a web of anger and revenge, with no clear way to find peace.

Reena's sleep was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. She sat up in the bed, disoriented and saw a woman with raven black hair, heavy makeup and skimpy clothing standing next to Rocky holding his arm.

Rocky stood with an amused yet cold expression. He was dressed in black shirt and black slacks, few buttons of his shirt undone, his hair disheveled. He looked every bit of dangerous as he was.

The woman's eyes landed on Reena, filled with judgement and disgust.
"Who is she?" she asked, her voice high pitched and screechy.

Rocky smirked, his expression mocking as he looked at Reena. "She is my wife", he said his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Reena felt a mix of shock and humiliation wash over her. She couldn't believe Rocky had brought another woman into their home, in their bedroom. The woman's sneer and Rocky mocking tone made her feel small and worthless.

"Get out Reena", Rocky said in a hard voice. "You won't be sleeping in this room anymore".

Reena stood on shaky legs and slowly walked towards the door. When she passed by Rocky she stopped and looked at him.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked in a small voice.

"Because I can, now get out and don't disturb me, I need to relax myself after such a hectic week", he said.

Tears prickled Reena's eyes but she didn't let them fall. Her gaze travelled towards the woman who looked at her with a mocking smile. She held his hand even tighter and pressed herself to his body.

Reena didn't want to see anymore of this so she quickly stormed out of the room. She heard the soft click of the door behind her indicating that the door was locked.

She pressed herself against the door, her heart pounding in her chest. She strained to hear what was going on inside.

"Come here",came Rocky's voice.

Reena heard the sound of fabric rustling and the woman's sultry giggle.

"You are so handsome Rocky, I love these abs", she said seductively.
"You deserve a real woman by your side, someone who can fulfill all your needs".

"I guess you are right", Rocky said.

"Let me make you feel good, you will forget all about your stupid wife, hell you might even divorce her", she said and giggled.

"Get to work darling", Rocky said huskily.

Reena didn't have the courage to hear further. Her hands were shivering, tears fell from her eyes non stop, she couldn't comprehend what was going on. Her life had become a mess.

She stormed into the living room and collapsed into a chair, her body shaking with uncontrollable sobs. The weight of everything she had heard and seen was crushing her spirit.

Tears streamed down her face and she didn't bother to wipe them away.

She was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions: anger, betrayal and sadness. Anger towards Rocky because of his behaviour and words, she felt betrayed by her father, she felt sad for herself and her life.

She looked outside and saw that it was still dark. Rain pounded against the windows. The relentless downpour seemed to amplify her misery.

Reena buried her face in her hands, feeling utterly helpless. She had never felt so alone. Her father's betrayal, Rocky's vendetta, and the cold, harsh reality of her situation left her feeling broken and defeated.

"How did my life come to this?" she whispered through her tears.

The room felt cold and empty, mirroring the void she felt inside. The rain continued to fall, creating a steady rhythm that seemed to sync with her sobs.

As the night wore on, Reena sat in the chair, crying and blaming her fate for the misery that seemed to have no end. The storm outside raged on, just as the storm inside her did, with no sign of letting up.

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