Chapter 13

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Rocky had gotten a call earlier from his security head informing him about a possible security breach.

"Boss the cameras have caught a man climbing on the compound wall, the light was too low and the footage is blur so we aren't sure who it is",the guard informed him.

"I don't give a fuck Shaurya, I am on a vacation with my wife so you are going to handle this on your own, I'm taking my wife to dinner meanwhile check the complete villa for that bastard and you better find him",Rocky ordered harshly.

"Got it boss", the guard replied.
"If any harm comes to my wife I'll have your head",Rocky seethed and hung up.
I'm not going to let anything ruin this vacation for my wife he thought to himself.

He went towards the beach to check if all the preparations had been done for the dinner as he had asked.

Meanwhile Reena was getting ready. She freshened up and did her makeup which included of a skin tint, blush, a little highlighter on her cheekbones, winged eyeliner and her favourite nude lipstick.

She styled her hair and slipped on the black satin dress that fitted her curves perfectly and made her hourglass figure even more prominent. The fabric was extremely soft.

Reena felt so confident in her outfit.

She accessorised with minimal gold jewellery and slipped on her heels and sprayed her perfume

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She accessorised with minimal gold jewellery and slipped on her heels and sprayed her perfume.
She was admiring herself in the mirror when she felt someone watching her.

She turned around and saw Rocky leaning against the door way with his hands in his pockets, staring directly at her.

She looks divine would be an understatement, the little minx doesn't know how ravishing she looks, thank god she can't read my mind or else she would run away if she knew the filthy thoughts that invade my mind he thought to himself.

This dress is so easy to take off and it will give me an easier access to..... shut up Rocky you are taking her for a dinner, block these filthy thoughts for now he scolded himself.

"How long have you been standing there?"Reena questions him.
"Longer than you'd like", he said with a playful smirk.

"You look ravishing sweetheart", he complimented her wholeheartedly. She blushed and muttered a meek thank you.
"Wait for me while I change love",he said and disappeared inside the closet.

Reena sat on the bed and after a few minutes Rocky emerged from the closet fully dressed ,oozing power and dominance.
Reena's eyes couldn't get enough of him.

"Shall we love?"he said and offered her his hand

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"Shall we love?"he said and offered her his hand. She smiled and accepted it. Both of them walked towards beach, after a few minutes a beautiful table surrounded with fairy lights came into Reena's view.

The table was decorated with pretty flowers and fairy lights.
Both of them got seated.
"It's so pretty thank you",she exclaimed.

"Anything for my pretty wife", he answered which made Reena blush hard.

Both of them enjoyed the food with a comfortable silence and small talks. She felt safe and happy with him while his heart felt warm and fuzzy whenever he looked at her.

After a while they walked back to the villa.
"Sweetheart I have a few things to take care of I'll be back in a while",he informed her and walked out of the room.

Reena was about to walk in the washroom to freshen up when a chilly voice made her freeze in place.

"So you are his new play thing, it is a shame that you'll die so pretty".

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