Chapter 34

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Rocky came back from work in the evening and headed towards his bedroom. He quickly took a shower and got dressed in a beige Tom Ford suit, sliding a classic green dial Versace watch onto his wrist and sprayed his cologne.

Satisfied with his look, he headed towards Reena's room. He had been thinking about her all day, he just couldn't get her out of his mind. She had shifted into the last room down the corridor.

As if it is going to save her from me, he thought smugly.

He entered her room without knocking and saw her dressed in a pink silk saree, standing in front of the mirror brushing her hair. She looked breathtaking, no doubt, but she wasn't wearing the dress he had sent for her. This made him beyond furious.

He had purposely sent an extremely revealing dress to her, he wanted her to wear it so he could parade her around and make her feel what her sister felt when vicious gazes of men fell on her.

"Why aren't you wearing the dress I sent you?" he demanded, his voice cold and hard.

Reena looked up, startled. "I didn't feel comfortable wearing it," she replied quietly and turned towards him.

Rocky's eyes narrowed. "Comfortable? This isn't about your comfort. It's about obedience. I told you to wear it."

Reena cast her eyes downwards, her hands trembling. "I-I just couldn't wear it."

"Couldn't or wouldn't?" he snapped, stepping closer to her. "You think you can defy me? Do you really think you have a choice in this?"

"I can't please ," she repeated, her voice barely a whisper, she was hoping he would understand.

"You're my wife now, and you will do as I say. If I want you to wear something, you will wear it. If I want you to act a certain way, you will act that way. Do you understand?" Rocky said, his tone menacing.

"I want you dressed and ready in 15 minutes, I'm waiting outside", he commanded.

"I won't wear the dress, it's too revealing", she said in a small voice trying to stand up for herself.

Rocky looked at her, anger flashing in his eyes as he held her arm tightly and twisted it behind her back, pressing her closer to himself.

"If you don't wear it, I'll kill your father right now", he said in a hard voice.

Reena's eyes widened in fear, terror gripped her heart. She knew he was capable of that.

"Y-you wouldn't", she said.

"Oh sweetheart don't test my patience, just wear the fucking dress", he sneered.

"You won't kill him so easily and that too just over a dress because you want to take revenge", she said her voice trembling but firm.

"Don't be so hypothetical Reena, you know nothing about me, and I can do whatever the fuck I want, even if I kill him I will still have you to torture, and believe me I'll drive you to the brink of insanity, so decide: will you wear the damn dress or should I kill your worthless father?" he seethed.

It was futile fighting with him. He would definitely win by using any means. Reena swallowed her pride and nodded her head in submission. She knew she had to carefully pick her battles.

"Good," he said, his voice softening slightly. "Now, go change into the dress. We're leaving in ten minutes."

With that, he turned and left the room, leaving Reena to quickly change into the revealing gown he had chosen for her. She knew she had no other choice. This was her life now, and she had to play the part, no matter how much it hurt.

With trembling hands, she took the dress and changed into it. The sapphire coloured gown clung to her body, the rhinestones catching the light and drawing attention to every curve.

She felt exposed, humiliated, but she had no choice. She looked like an escort who was picked up on the road. Tears prickled her eyes but she didn't let them fall, because she knew once she started crying she won't be able to stop. She took deep breaths and calmed herself.

She walked downstairs, her steps hesitant. Rocky was waiting for her, his eyes scanning her from head to toe.

"You look beautiful," he said, a smug smile playing on his lips.
Reena felt disgusting. The dress was too tight, too revealing, and she hated the way Rocky looked at her. Every time she took a breath, it drew attention towards her cleavage.But she swallowed her pride and anger.

He walked closer to her and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Be ready," he said in an amused but threatening voice. "You are going to meet some very interesting people tonight."

Reena's fear grew as she wondered what he had in store for her. Her hands had already started shivering.

Is he going to sell me? she thought fearfully.

Rocky gripped her hand firmly and led her outside. He opened the car door and made her sit in the passenger seat before climbing in himself. As the car started moving, Reena felt a cold dread settle in her stomach. She tried to steady her breathing, but the fear of the unknown was overwhelming.

Rocky glanced at her briefly, his expression unreadable.

"Remember, Reena," he said, his voice low, "you're mine now. Do exactly as I say, and you'll be fine."

Reena nodded silently, her mind racing with anxiety and dread. She had no idea what awaited her at this event, but she knew one thing for sure: Rocky's plans for her were far from innocent.

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I know it's a short chapter but don't worry the upcoming chapters will be long and filled with drama!

Please vote and stay tuned for further updates!

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