Chapter 20

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Reena didn't sleep a wink the whole night. She kept crying, she couldn't believe that Rocky didn't even consider to listen to what she had to say. She laid on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling.

Time passed by agonisingly slow and then finally it was morning. She got showered and dressed. Her mind kept recalling the events of last night.

He always thinks that I should respect him and his men and his family then shouldn't I be getting the same respect in return she thought.

I would've apologised if he had just let me speak once, but he just snapped at me. I wonder why his uncle did this to me, what have I even done to him? she kept wondering.

The time that they had spent together in Maldives felt like an illusion now.
The smiles, the laughs and those warm afternoons that they shared together felt so distant.

He had been so polite, so gentle with her back then.
I guess nothing was real then, maybe he was just faking it all she thought with a sigh.

She went in the kitchen and started preparing scrambled eggs for herself. She was halfway done when she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

She turned around and saw Rocky entering the kitchen. He stood in the door way and regarded her with cold eyes.

"Why didn't you sleep in our room last night?"he asked her.
"It's your room", she said in a sharp voice.

"And you are my wife", he declared and stepped closer to her.
"Really? I am your wife? Then where is the respect that I deserve? Where is the trust?" she seethed.

"Respect? When have I ever disrespected you? It was you who disrespected my uncle!" he roared.

"He said that and you'll just believe him? You wouldn't even give me the benefit of doubt",she cried.

"Reena he is like my father and I wouldn't react well to anyone misbehaving with him", he said in a sharp voice.

"If he is like your father then I am your wife Rocky! You could've at least listened to what I was saying, do you even know what he said to me?"she questioned.

"Fine! What did he say to you?" he gritted.

"He said that I seduced you and that is why you married me! He said that you'll throw me out on the streets once you got bored and that I am a gold digger who married you for money!" she yelled with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm not a fucking gold digger I don't need your money, he said that I am just a pretty thing who you like to fuck and use, this is exactly what your uncle said to me!" she yelled.

Rocky was taken aback by her words, he couldn't believe what his ears had witnessed.

Uncle would never say that, he said that he liked Reena and wanted to get to know her then why would he say this? he thought confusedly.

Reena saw the expression on his face and laughed bitterly,"I can see that you don't believe me but you know what I don't care" saying this she stomped upstairs leaving Rocky alone in the kitchen.

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