Chapter 18

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The next morning Reena woke up and immediately looked around to see if Rocky was in the room. His side of the bed didn't look like it was slept on.
So he didn't come back to sleep last night she thought.

She showered and got dressed in a simple lilac dress. She stood in front of the vanity and stared at herself in the mirror. Each and every mark that he had given her last night stood out on her pale skin. Her eyes watered instantly on recalling the events of last night.

She quickly composed herself as she didn't want to cry anymore because her eyes were hurting already from crying so much last night. She hid all the marks using a concealer. She felt quite hungry as she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday.

As she descended downstairs she heard two male voices. She stiffened a little as she realised one of the voices belonged to Rocky.
No I won't be scared, he has hurt me enough what more will he do, saying this to herself she walked towards the kitchen.

She poured herself some cereal in a bowl and ate while sitting completely alone on the dining table. After she was done she placed the bowl in the sink and quietly tiptoed in the direction of the room as she didn't want to face Rocky at all.

"You must be Reena", came a male voice and Reena freezed on the spot. She slowly turned around and saw a handsome man standing in the living room. Everything about him screamed money and power. He had eyes as black as coal and a faint smile played on his lips as he regarded Reena.

"Y-yes I'm Reena", she replied.
"Well, nice to meet you Reena I'm Armaan Khan, your husband's best friend and business partner", he said and outstretched his hand.
Reena hesitantly shook his hand.

"I was away on business when you guys got married so I couldn't attend, but I can't believe Rocky actually got married", he said.
"Oh I understand", she replied as she didn't know what else to say.

"How's married life been treating you?" he asked with a small smile.
"G-good",she answered.
"Ahh I see trouble in paradise",he said and chuckled.
"It wasn't even a paradise in the first place", she said in a small voice.

"I'm guessing that you got to know why he married you", he said.
"He said that it's because of my father , I don't know anything apart from that, do you know why he married me?"she questioned him.

"I do but sadly it's not my place to tell you, sorry", he said genuinely.
"I understand", she replied.

"Is this the file that you wanted-", came Rocky's voice. He entered the living room and saw Armaan and Reena standing in front of each other.
"I see you've met my wife", he said.

"Yes and I must say she is quite beautiful", replied Armaan.
Rocky glared at Armaan and quickly went to stand beside Reena.
"I'll shoot you if you say that again", he threatened.

"Woah tiger calm down I was just joking", Armaan said and snickered.
Reena realised that Rocky was standing too close to her so she moved away from him.
Rocky noticed this immediately and looked at her.

Her skin looked ghastly pale, her eyes looked puffy and red, her lips didn't look as plump and pink as they used to. He frowned as he realised none of the marks that he had given her yesterday were visible.

Reena could feel the intensity of his stare, she felt quite uncomfortable under it.
"It was nice meeting you", she said to Armaan and quickly scurried away to her room.

"What's brewing?" Armaan asked Rocky with a huge grin on his face.
"Shut up fucker and it's none of your business", Rocky snapped.
"I know why you married her but don't you think it is wrong to punish her for a crime that her father committed", Armaan questioned.

"I know what I'm doing", he said in a cold voice.
"Okay but don't go too far and I can see that you care for her",Armaan said.
"I don't", Rocky spat.

"Okay okay whatever helps you sleep at night", Armaan said with a shit eating grin on his face.
"How's Zara?" Rocky asked him.

"Oh she's fine", he replied.
"How long do you plan on keeping her locked in your penthouse?" Rocky questioned.
"Until she agrees to marry me", Armaan replied as a devilish smirk played on his lips.
"Cheeky bastard",Rocky said under his breath.

Rocky and Armaan went to the study to discuss business. After a while Armaan left and Rocky sat alone in his study with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He kept thinking about last night. How he saw Veer all over Reena touching her in places no one should even think of touching.

He couldn't believe Reena let him touch her. He thought she was better than this but then maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. After all she is her father's daughter he thought bitterly and downed the entire glass in one go.

Since last night he felt a gaping hole in his chest. He felt guilt and regret, something that he never felt before.
Did I go too far he asked himself.
His head spinned with all the weird emotions.

"Fuck it!" he said and threw the glass towards the wall.
Just then his phone rang, he looked towards the caller id and saw that it was his uncle.

"Hello Uncle Abhiraj", he said.
"Hello my dear nephew, did you forget your uncle, you barely call me anymore", Abhiraj said.
"No uncle I have been busy",he said.

"Too busy to have dinner with me?" his uncle asked.
"No uncle, I'll be there just tell me the time", Rocky replied.
"Be here by 8 and bring your wife, we didn't get a chance to meet her properly during your wedding",he said.

"Okay uncle",Rocky said and hung up.
His uncle was the one who took care of all the drug shipments, and he was the one who took him in after his parents died at a very early age. Rocky had immense respect for him.

He stood up and walked towards his room to inform Reena about the dinner.

Reena sat in the balcony enjoying the fresh air as the door to the room banged open. Rocky entered inside and saw that she was sitting in the balcony.
"Be ready by 8 we are going to my uncle's house for dinner", he announced and walked away.

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See ya!❤️

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