Chapter 14

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"Boss we scouted the whole villa thoroughly, but we couldn't find him", Shaurya informed Rocky.

"What the fuck do you mean by you couldn't find him, you clearly saw that he entered the villa in the footage then how could you not find him",Rocky roared.

"Boss maybe he left—",Shaurya started to say when Rocky held his neck in a vice like grip.

"Are you done giving child like excuses, I told you to find him and you couldn't even do that now fuck off before I decide to kill you",Rocky seethed and let go of his neck.

He immediately rushed towards the bedroom to make sure Reena was okay.

In the bedroom:

Reena slowly turned around and saw a man standing in the shadows.
"Who are you?"she asked him in a meek voice.

"Does it matter honey? What matters is that you and your dear husband are going to die by my hands and then I will be rewarded by my boss",the man claimed and chuckled maniacally.

Reena's heartbeat quickened and her blood turned to ice after hearing those words.
"W-why would you want to kill me and my husband?"she asked him.

He stepped forward and came out of the shadows so that she could see him. He was huge and scary with tattoos on his hands and neck. His face was rough and had many scars but what stood out the most were his eyes, they held a evil gleam in them.

He held a dagger in his hand as he walked closer to Reena.
"Your husband is my boss's biggest rival so if we eliminate him then our mafia will be ruling all over, but you honey you are just collateral damage, nothing personal so I hope you don't mind me doing this".

Just as he was about to harm Reena a loud bang resonated in the room. Reena covered her ears instantly in fear. Her eyes moved towards the door way and what she saw haunted her to the core.

Rocky stood there with a gun in his hand. He looked so rogue and lethal. His eyes held immense rage and darkness.

"How dare you come to my property and threaten my wife",Rocky roared at the man now lying on the floor.
The bullet had hit his shoulder.

"I have orders",the man replied arrogantly.
"And who is this bastard that you are taking orders from?",Rocky seethed.

The man chuckled and spit some blood,"You already know who he is, I have to kill you and your pretty wife or else my boss would kill me".

Rocky smirked at him as he crouched to his level.
"You are going to die either way you fool, you threatened my wife do you think I take that lightly?"Rocky spat venomously.

"Shaurya take this fool to the cells, torture him but don't kill him, let him beg for death",Rocky ordered harshly.

Shaurya stepped in the room and began dragging the man outside.

"You will suffer Rocky and so will your wife, you foolish girl do you even know why he married you, you are nothing but a toy to him, a mere pawn in his game you will see for yourself", the man yelled.

Rocky slammed the door shut and turned towards Reena.
Her face was pale, her eyes didn't hold the same shine in them anymore, her hands trembled.

"Reena I-",Rocky started to say when she interrupted him,"what did he mean by me being a pawn in your game?"she asked him.

"Why did you marry me? I asked you and you said it had to do something with my father, what is it Rocky, what are you not telling me?Every emotion that you showed me was fake?"she questioned him.

Rocky's eyes flashed with anger as he took quick steps towards Reena. He held her arm tightly as she winced.

"Listen to me Reena just because I was polite with you doesn't mean you will start questioning me, I will not explain myself to anyone and do not ever dare to raise your voice against me",he roared and let go off her arm as he stepped back.

"We will be leaving in an hour get ready",he informed her monotonously and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut.

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