Chapter 3

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The five Slytherin boys walked down together in Hogsmeade.

"I didn't know Callist and Wheeler would be here." Theo muttered to Blaise as they walked behind their three friends.

"I didn't think they would be." Blaise rolled his eyes.

He kept his eyes peeled for Y/n as they entered the Three Broomsticks and sure enough, he saw her sitting in the corner with her two friends, Daphne and Pansy.

"Perfect." He muttered.

"Yeah, it is perfect isn't it? When's the last time we all hung out?" Mathew said as they sat down in a booth.

"Ages." Johnathan said. "Not since we were formerly death eaters."

"We really had fun then. It's quite a shame." Mathew responded, eyeing the other three. Especially Draco.

Draco rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat. Theo let out a small breath as he saw Draco retreat to his anti-social self.

Before any of them could order a drink, Y/n had walked up and crossed her arms, looking at Blaise with a smile.

All the boys at the table had looked up at her, including Draco.

"Need something?" Mathew asked with a smile.

"Nothing from you."

"I have everything you could want though." He smirked. She rolled her eyes and looked at Blaise.


"Excuse me," he smiled at them before he left with her.

Mathew glared, and Theo laughed.

"Shove it." Mathew threatened before he got up, motioning for Johnathan to follow him as they walked out and slammed the door behind them.

Draco looked at her at the bar with Blaise as she took a drink from him.

"Who is that?"

"Who?" Theo asked, yawning. All he thought about was how he got no sleep last night.

"That girl?"

Theo closed his eyes for a moment. "What girl?" He mumbled.

Draco sighed. "The girl Blaise went off with."

Theo suddenly sat up with a confused expression. He was suddenly interested in this conversation. "You know thats the girl involved in your bet, Y/n? Right?"


"Yes?" He answered.

"What's her name? I've never seen her before." He asked, finally taking his eyes off her to look at Theo. Theo looked back at him with a confused look. He had said her name many times before, and even just a few seconds ago.

"Y/n L/n— she's been in school with us since first year?"

Draco shook his head.

Draco took another look at her again as she walked back to her friends and Blaise walked back to the booth.

"Oh great, those two idiots left." Blaise smiled as he gave them their drinks and sat beside Theo.

"Like what you're seeing?" Theo smirked at Draco.

"Are you dating her?" Draco asked Blaise, who spat out a bit of his drink onto the table.

"Of course not!"


Blaise looked at Theo with a small smile, and he winked.


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