Chapter 4

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Jungkook's POV

I'm in a Korean BBQ restaurant for lunch, sitting with my hyungs Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Hobi. We were waiting for our final friend to join us, Namjoon.

When Namjoon finally did walk through the doors I was surprised to see Serena with him and holding his hand. She had a sweet smile on her face when she saw all of us. Is she dating him??

RM: "Hey guys! I think you've all met Serena since you've been watching her perform the last few nights. Except for Jin-hyung. This is Serena."

Jin: "Hi, nice to meet you." He waved to her with a bright smile showing his bread cheeks.

RM: "Jin is a doctor so he's always busy." He said to Serena and she nodded her head and waved back to Jin.

JM: "Are you two dating?"

Thank god Jimin asked what I was thinking...

RM: "Ew, no! This is my sister. Well, technically my stepsister."

What the hell?! His stepsister?! I thought the sister he talked about had another name... what was it? Sara? Susie?

RM: "She likes to be called Siri anyway so you guys can call her that too."

Siri! That was it! Oh, so it's her nickname... Everything makes sense now. That means this is the Noona he talks about... so she's a Noona to me too...

I heard Jimin mutter a 'thank fuck' under his breath as he sat next to me. Must be for the fact Namjoon and Serena are not actually dating.

They both sat down so one side of the table had me, Jimin, Jin then Namjoon at the end and on the other side was Taehyung opposite me, Hobi, Yoongi and then Serena was opposite Namjoon and next to Yoongi.

Siri: "This is weird... I'm having lunch with my boss." She giggled.

Y: "I've told you before Siri, don't think of me as your boss. I'm your friend too. Especially since you're Joon's sister."

RM: "Yeah Noona. Just relax."

She glanced at me and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and turned to my menu before our eyes lingered longer on each other.

Siri: "So, what's good to eat here Joon-bug?"

A few chuckles went around the table at her nickname for Namjoon. He went a little red and chuckled abit too.

JM: "I know what would be good to eat..." He said under his breath.

RM: "I heard that Jimin. You will not be going anywhere near my sister."

JM: "Should have told her that last night before she took me up for a lap dance hyung." He smirked.

RM: "You chose Jimin last night?!" He asked her in surprise.

Siri: "The pink hair got to me" she shrugged like it was nothing while continuing to look at the menu. I saw Jimin smile widely at that.
"What's the problem anyway? He seems nice enough." She looked up from the menu and gave Jimin a sweet smile and a wink.

I felt a little burn in my chest again...

RM: "Nope. No way. You're not doing anything with Jimin. Sorry bro but you're too much of a manwhore and I don't want my sister being one of your hoes."

I love Namjoon's honesty. Jimin frowned and pouted at what Namjoon said.

Siri: "Joon-bug~" She sang out sweetly while still looking at the menu. "You're in no position to tell me, your older sister, who I can or can't do things with." She looked up at Namjoon now.
"I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions. If I want to fuck someone, I will fuck whoever I want. I have needs too you know."

Everyone was speechless and surprised. She's even more honest than Namjoon!

Siri: "And, whether Jimin is a manwhore or not doesn't matter. Who's to say I'm not secretly a slut? You don't know how many people I've slept with."

Namjoon's mouth dropped open and he was stunned. Everyone else's jaw also dropped, mine included.

JM: "Damn. I think I'm in love. Can I have your phone number? I definitely want to take you on a date."

What the heck?! That little burn in my chest just burned more now... I felt a kick on my shin under the table and Taehyung gave me a look as he sat across from me. Shit, I must have shown how I felt on my face again.

Just then a waiter came out and wanted to take our orders.

RM: "Look, Noona. I'm sorry for seeming protective. I know you can do whatever and whoever you want. But come on... I know you. We're each other's best friend. I know you don't sleep around."

Aw... This is a sweet side of Namjoon I haven't seen before.

Siri: "Still not nice to slut shame your own friend Joonie."

JM: "Oh but he's not wrong. I admit to it. I do fuck around."

Siri: "Such honesty. I like it. Yes, you can have my number Jimin." She smiled widely at him.

I felt another kick on my shin under the table and looked at Taehyung again, all confused. I mouthed 'what?' and his eyes dropped to my hands then back up at me.

I looked at my hands and saw that I had broken the chopsticks I was fiddling with... my eyes widened at what I did. Woops...

Damn, I really need to get a hold of myself when it comes to Serena. Think of Jennie! Jennie Jennie Jennie!

RM: "What! He admitted to it and you're still going to give him your number??"

Siri: "I like an honest man and a man who knows what he wants" She shrugged again like it was nothing.

My heart dropped a little at that. I don't know why. I know what I want and that's Jennie... Right?... Why am I doubting myself? What the hell is wrong with me?

Lunch went alright afterwards but at the end when everyone was walking out, Jimin went straight over to Serena, much to Namjoon's dismay. And maybe even mine...
They chatted and switched numbers then Serena left with Namjoon. Yoongi had already left too.

Jimin turned to the rest of us looking all excited. "Looks like I got myself a date, boys!"

I felt a pinch on my arm and knew it was Taehyung trying to distract me so I don't get mad.

Jin: "Yah, Jimin-ah, you better treat her better than the other girls you sleep with. That's Namjoon's sister. We'll be seeing her a lot more than usual so don't fuck things up otherwise it'll make things awkward. Plus, she seems like a nice girl. Why she still wants to date you after knowing you're a playboy I really don't know. But take this as your chance to really get to know a woman and maybe actually fall in love."

JM: "Yeah, yeah." He waved off. "I gotta go plan a date now. See you guys later!" He said goodbye to us then walked off to his car.

JH: "I really hope she doesn't get hurt by him..."

JK: "She knows what she's getting herself into so she'll only have herself to blame." I said bluntly.

JH: "What's gotten into you?" He looked at me confused with my little angry spaz just then.

JK: "Nothing." I turned around and was faced with Taehyung raising an eyebrow at me again. I sighed deeply, "I gotta go. I'll see you hyungs around."

I stomped to my motorbike and put my helmet on. I started up my bike and rode off with the thought that I really need to get my emotions in check.


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