Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

I was nervous about having Jennie stay with me. I worried what she might think about Serena.

When I picked Jennie up from the train station she shouted so loudly 'Oppa' I was a little embarrassed. I don't really like 'oppa'... It makes me cringe abit but I didn't want to tell her that because I am older than her and she can be a little cute when she calls me that.

She was rather clingier than usual though... Had to hold my hand all the time or be attached to my arm. I noticed people gave us weird looks. I know it's because she and I look strange together. She's all bright and innocent looking whereas I'm in black and look like I'm in a gang or something.

I brought Jennie to Suga n Spice as she wanted to see the place. Straight away I noticed she grimaced at some of the waitresses as they wore revealing outfits. This is definitely not her type of scene and she is definitely going to be shocked at what the dancers wear...

We sat in the front row with Jimin, Tae and Hobi. Jennie asked Jimin about Siri. Luckily they had already come up with a story of how they got 'together'. The story is they liked each other after their first date but Siri was worried about Jimin's playboy ways. After moving in with me they had more time to hang out and Jimin wanted to change for her.

The first performance came on and oh my god... what a coincidence the song they danced to was 'Dontcha'. I couldn't help but compare Siri and Jennie while listening to the song...

~Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?~
sometimes I do... I consider Jennie as pretty and cute rather than hot or sexy like Siri...

~Dontcha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
~ Siri is pretty funny and we can be silly together whereas Jennie is more reserved...

~Dontcha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?~
Siri loves going on the back of my motorbike and playing games with me... Jennie is scared of my bike and thinks gaming is a waste of time...

Just before I could delve further into my thought that Jennie and I are not really that compatible, the dance finished and Jimin stole my attention. He shouted out that Siri's his girl and then Siri blew him a kiss and winked at him. I felt that twinge of jealousy in my chest all over again.

When Siri came over and sat with us during her short break, Jimin just had to go overboard and sit her on his lap and kiss her. This is my fault that they have to act like that so I have no one to blame but myself.

When Jennie called Siri a stripper I wanted to run and hide. I couldn't believe she actually said that and I was so embarrassed. Surely she's not this clueless about dancers or strippers? Part of me thought Jennie was purposely trying to offend Siri, but that can't be right... She just met Siri.

When we were on our way to the car and Siri said she would stay with Jimin, my heart was pounding in my ears from anxiousness. I was confused and didn't like the thought of her and Jimin sleeping together again.

But then she made a really good point that Jennie and I would have a lot of sex to catch up on and I knew that I was being unfair.

I sort of forgot I would be sleeping with Jennie. Of course Siri wouldn't want to be around us. How stupid of me. I instantly felt guilty and upset with the whole situation and there was nothing I could do.

Siri isn't my girlfriend and she's allowed to stay at her 'boyfriends' place. She and Jimin are probably gonna have sex too since they've done it before and she'll be in the same bed as him and won't be able to resist his charms.

I got angry at the thought of them together so I took Jennie with me and I left the club feeling that burn of jealousy in my chest.

I guess I'll have my girlfriend take away the feeling, even if it's just for a while.


I woke up the next morning with Jennie sleeping peacefully next to me. I could hear some sounds in the kitchen and knew Siri was back and probably had Jimin with her as I could hear her talking to someone.

I got up, put a shirt on and left Jennie to sleep. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jimin sitting on a kitchen stool at the counter while Siri had just finished making breakfast. Jimin was first to see and greet me.

"Hey Kook! How was your sexy time last night? Is Jennie still able to walk?" He chuckled as he took a sip of his coffee. I noticed that Siri's posture stiffened slightly.

"Made up for lost time that's for sure" I gave him a smug grin as I walked in.

If I'm being honest, we only had sex twice last night. I thought of Siri while I was deep in Jennie both times and I couldn't do it any more... I felt too guilty.

Obviously I didn't want Jimin or Siri to know that so I'm gonna act like we had lots of sex. Plus, I'm sure those two would've gotten a few rounds in last night themselves with Jimin being such a horn dog.

Siri: "Here ya go Chim. Breakfast is served. And here you go, Koo. Your coffee."

Her eyes flicked down for a second then back up to my face and she gave me a smile that didn't reach her eyes. I don't like when she gives me her fake smile. It usually means she's upset or something is wrong.

Siri: "I'm just gonna have a shower." She walked off looking a little sullen which made me confused.

JM: "You must have had a good night Kook. Those marks all over your neck say so." He chuckled before he took a bite of the french toast Siri had made him.

I froze slightly as I realised that's what Siri was looking at.

JK: "I'm sure you and Noona probably gave each other lots of marks last night too, only where I can't see them. I'm surprised Noona can even walk."

JM: "What?" He said with his mouthful of food and eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

JK: "Hyung, I've heard all your sex-capade stories before-"

JM: "Siri and I didn't fuck lastnight. We didn't even sleep in the same bed."

I froze again as I went to put food on a plate for myself and my eyes widened. The fuck? They didn't sleep together?

JK: "She said she wanted to stay with you?"

JM: "She only said that to make it believable that we're a couple in front of Jennie. And she really didn't want to hear you guys having sex. She slept next to Hobi-hyung last night coz she knew he wouldn't want to have sex with her."

I had a guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach now.
This whole time I thought she and Jimin... shit!... But that still doesn't explain why she's upset. Unless... She was jealous?

"Oppaaa!" I could hear a whine coming from my bedroom which pulled me out of my thoughts.

I internally groaned. Did she have to whine at such a time in the morning and call me Oppa while she's at it?

Stop complaining Jeon. Your girlfriend is here. You should be happy.

Ugghhh! But why do I feel so guilty and confused?!


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