Chapter 6

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Jungkook's POV

The last couple of weeks I've been trying to avoid Serena and limit my contact with her. It wasn't just because I knew she was going on a date with Jimin, but it was also so I could get my emotions in check. I had to stop my feelings for her, so becoming cold to her was the only way.

Jimin bragging about how he's got a date with her in our maknae-line group chat didn't exactly help my mood either.

I knew Serena was a little hurt when I started ignoring her. She would frown and pout sometimes when she thought I wasn't looking and I did feel really bad. After a few days, I think she got the message and she really backed off from me. Didn't even say hi when she arrived. She would just give me a small smile and carry on. I have to admit, it hurt a little but I guess that's what I wanted...

Yoongi ended up taking her home the nights she performed and during the week when she's not performing and just practising, she would get an uber or Namjoon would pick her up.


Last night she had her date with Jimin. He said in our maknae-line group chat that they fucked in the backseat of his car but that she apparently didn't want anything more. Apparently she either does one night stands or relationships so nothing more would happen with her and Jimin.

While I was a little jealous they had sex, I was also a little relieved they weren't going to be fuck buddies.

It's Friday night and I was closing up the club. I saw Serena was outside by herself where she leaned against the building and was on her phone. She quickly glanced up from her phone and saw me then she looked back down at her phone again.

Before I knew it, my feet took me to her and she put her phone away and looked at me confused by raising an eyebrow.

JK: "Need a lift?"

Siri: "What? You can't ignore me now that I'm out here by myself in the dark and cold? Can't leave an innocent defenceless girl out on her own?"

Shit. She's being sassy... I guess I must have hurt her feelings more than I thought when I gave her the cold shoulder...

I ignored the question as I really didn't know how to respond to that. It's not like I can say I was jealous of you and Jimin and I have some sort of feelings for you even though I have a girlfriend...

JK: "Where's Yoongi-hyung?"

She sighed but answered my question anyway. "He had to leave early for some family thing so I'm waiting for a taxi"

JK: "I can give you a lift"

She furrowed her eyebrows at me in confusion. "I thought you were distancing yourself from me? Even though I had hoped we would be friends, I got your message loud and clear when you started ignoring me. Why do you suddenly care now?"

Ouch. She had a point. And she is right. I agreed to being friends and I've been a jerk by ignoring her. I really had no idea how to explain my behaviour. I was standing there trying to figure out what to say and I'm sure I looked stupid.

Siri: "Did your girlfriend find out about the lap dance? Did she tell you to stay away from me?"

I looked at her wide-eyed. That's a brilliant excuse! I'll use that! Jennie doesn't actually know about the lap dance as I never told her since she probably would go nuts if she did find out.

JK: "Uh, yes! That's it! I told her you took me up on stage and she got a little jealous... She asked me to stay away..."

Siri had the softest look on her face. "Aw... and you wanted to be a good boyfriend and keep to that. That's so sweet of you."

Yep... That's me... I'm a really fucking sweet as sugar boyfriend...

Siri: "Tell your girlfriend I'm not interested in being a homewrecker or being the 'other girl' so she won't have to worry about me."

Thank god Serena has good morals. It's just me that needs to keep my feelings in check. If I focus on Jennie then it should be ok as Serena doesn't want to ruin my relationship.

Siri: "Tell her I'm like your Noona. Maybe that might make her relax?"

That's an idea! I'll try to think of Serena as a big sister, as my Noona. That might make my feelings stop for her.

JK: "Yeah, I'll mention it to her." I gave her a small smile and her eyes lit up.

Siri: "Good. Coz it's been awkward and hard trying to stay away from you since we work together." She said sheepishly.

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. I was relieved I could go back to being friendly with her with her idea.

JK: "So... did you want a ride home?"

Siri: "Oh, well my taxi just arrived..." She pointed behind me, I turned to look and was slightly disappointed. "I don't really want to send them away after they just drove here... But maybe I can ride with you another time?"

Her eyes were wide and almost innocent looking, with some hope in her eyes. They were so pretty...

Stop it Jeon! Noona! She will be your Noona!

JK: "Yeah, I'll take you next time." I gave a small smile.

Siri: "Awesome! Thanks for the offer anyway. I'll see you tomorrow night for work then."

She skipped off to the taxi and waved out to me with a bright smile. I waved back and got on my motorbike.


This can work...

I will think of her as my big sister.

I can do this!


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