Chapter 19

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Jungkook's POV

We kissed and it felt like fireworks went off.

It was never my intention to kiss her but I just couldn't stop myself. We were so close and when she leaned in that little bit, I just had to make the connection.

I knew she would be feeling guilty as I know she never wanted to be the 'other woman'.

I was scared the kiss would make her think about leaving me. I definitely didn't want her to go. I had to make sure she knew it wasn't her fault since it was also mine. So I had to let her know through my hold on her that she meant something to me and that I had feelings for her too.

When she said she would come back with food, I did relax a little but I was still on edge. I didn't want to lose her.

I knew I had to do something about Jennie but I wanted to wait a bit before I broke things off with her so Siri didn't feel like it was her fault.


It's been two weeks since our kiss and Siri has been out with Namjoon and their parents for the day. It's the evening now and she still wasn't home and I was getting a little worried as she's never out this late. I had Taehyung, Hobi and Jimin over for drinks and gaming. Jimin went for a little toilet break while the rest of us stretched our legs and got up to have some snacks. Suddenly we heard the front door burst open and some giggling.

"Ohh shiiit, that waz abit hard hahahahaha"

The heck? Tae, Hobi and I watched with befuddled gazes as Siri was stumbling her way through the door while trying to take her shoes off. She closed the door and leant back on it as she shut her eyes for a moment.

JK: "Noona?..."

She lazily opened her eyes but they lit up at seeing me and she gave a big wide smile. "Koooooo!!!! You're heeere!! I missed yoooou"

JH: "She's drunk?" he said, not really believing his eyes.

V: "Seems like it..." He said with wide curious eyes.

Siri started making her way over to us very awkwardly, dropping her purse on the floor and taking off her jacket and swinging it to the side, not caring where it landed. The three of us were just stunned because we've never seen her this drunk before. Or ever. I can't remember a time I've even seen her drunk because she doesn't even drink that much. I wonder what made her drink so much to make her this drunk?

She made her way to the couch and plopped herself on Taehyung's lap unexpectedly, making everyone's eyes go shocked. She moved his hands around her so it was like Tae was cradling her like a baby. Tae just sat there frozen and confused but went with it anyway.

"Your hair is longer..." she said while touching Tae's hair and patting it like he was a cat.

V: "Is it?"

"Wooooah! Koooo! Your voice got deeper!"

JH: "Oh wow... She's really wasted" He laughed out. She looked at Hobi and gave him the brightest smile.

"Hobiiiii! You have the sweetest smile eveeeer. Did ya know that? Like you liberally... No wait... That's not how you say that word. You lit... You lit-ter-ral-ly, there we go! You literally look like sunshine. I made it in the end!" She said with a big proud smile.

JH: "Thanks Siri. I appreciate that..." Hobi was trying to contain his laughter and so were Tae and I.

She then let out a loud gasp while looking at Tae and grabbing his face, making his eyes widen because their faces were so close.

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