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Scar's Pov

As we finished the laps I walked up to Grian. "Hey G! Iskall told me that, uhm..."
"I can't fly?" Grian chuckled. "Yeah... he told me also that Caleb and Matthew always messing with you, why aren't you doing something about it?" I said and waited for his response as I drank some water.

"Caleb's mother is the principal. At first I did went and talked to her, but she didn't do anything about that" he sighed. I looked at him with worry. "You can-"
"Scar, please... stay out of this. I don't want any of my friends to be at the same problem as me" He said, realizing what I was about to say.

"But Grian!" I whined. "Hey Batchelor" Caleb walked up to us and stood behind Grian. Grian just glared at the floor as Caleb placed his arm on top of Grian's head and leaned on it, almost causing Grian to fall.  "Ten minutes after school, at the boy's locker room" he giggled and walked away to his friend. Grian just stayed still, but now instead of glaring at the ground he gazed at it with worry. "Gri-"
"Scar" he cut me off and walked back to the teacher before I could say anything else.

• • •

I walked out of school building, and spotted Grian. He was walking the worng way. "Grian?" I called, causing him to flinched. He turned around and sighed when he saw that it was me. "You know thats the wrong way home, right?" He chuckled. "Yeah, I know" he mumbled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Ten minutes after school, at the boy's locker room"

I remembered Caleb's words. "Uh... hey! Wanna go with me to the mall?" He questioned. I thought about it for a second. "Yeah, sure" I smiled at the winged male. He glanced at something behind me. "Alright! Lets go!" He grabbed my wrist and started running toward what im assuming is mall. I turned my head and looked behind me. I saw Caleb standing there, looking for something. I turned back worriedly to the parrot.

"Its just over here" we passed three blocks and stopped infront a wide building. He turned to me with a smile. "So... what kind of shop is this?" I asked. "Which one?" He asked, and I looked at him in confusion. "Wait... you said you moved here from a forest, right? Oh my god- You've never been to a mall??" He asked me as I rubbed the back of my head.

"I read about it a bit" I smiled awkwardly as he giggled. "So you followed a man you met a week ago to an unknown place? That's really unsafe, Scar" he laughed. I really did. He grabbed my hand again and started running into the mall. I gasped quietly as my eyes observed all the different shops around us. "Come on!" He smiled.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he started walking, dragging me with him "Just let me show you the greats of the city, will you?" He giggled softly, and I felt my cheeks heating up slightly.

• • •

He dragged me to alot of shops. Why's there a shop only for candles? Sometimes I don't understand the big city. I should've bought something, sadly I didn't bring enough money.

Grian's Pov

"Are you hungry?" I asked as we went up the escalator. "Uhm.. yeah, kinda" He replayed. I smiled, and started looking around. "Lets go there" I pointed at McDonald's. "McDonald's. I've heard about the little nuggies" he smiled as we walked in. We ordered and sat down at the table.

When the food came Scar immediately grabbed the nugget's box and opened it. "Man, they're so small!" He said with a smile as he picked up one nugget. I chuckled. It was funny seeing him getting excited from every little thing. His reactions were ador- I felt my face warming up, and I looked down at my food.

I started eating my burger as he finished his nuggies. "I should've brought more" he whined as I giggled. "Here, take my fries" I pushed my fries closer to him. "Thank you!" He smiled and grabbed them. We ate and talked until I realized it was late already. How many hours has we spent in the mall?

"I think we should head home" I said and showed him the time. He nodded. We stood up, but as Scar turned around he bumped into somone and spilled over him his soda. "Ooo..." I whispered as the man turned around. He was bigger and taller than both of us, he didn't look very happy. Great.

"Yeah?" He glanced at me awkwardly. "Lets just go," I said then I grabbed his hand and started running. We laughed as we ran out of the mall and into another neighborhood. "Lets go home, Scar" I said after we stopped laughing.

He smiled at me. I suddenly noticed I was still holding his hand. I felt my cheeks burn, and I pulled my hand away in a rush. He just giggled and we started walking home. When we reached our houses I waved goodbye at Scar and walked inside my house with a wide smile.

(Ahhh, I love Scar's childish behaviour :3 )

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