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Scaaaaar's Poooov
(As you can see, I'm in a really good mood, and when the author is in a good mood, you know that something great is gonna happen)

I walked into the boys locker room without Grian, knowing he prefer to change in the bathroom and not in front of everyone. I sighed when I saw Matthew and Caleb there. I walked to the farthest locker from them and removed my shirt. "Hey Scar!" Matthew called, and I groaned. "What" I turned to him and Caleb, who were walking toward me with a smile. "We saw you taking Grian home from the party yesterday. He was so drunk" they laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

They started walking away, and I glanced at them when they spoke again. "Do you think he drank because he tried forgetting what we told him?" Caleb asked Matthew. "I think so, he did look hurt and grabbed the bottle a minute after" Matthew responded. My heart shuttered, and anger flashed in my eyes. "What did you say to him!?" I sped walked to Caleb and pinned him to one of the lockers. "The truths" He giggeled.

I just got angrier, and someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly and looked down at Grian. "Don't. He's not worth it" he reassured me. I glanced at Caleb, who was grinning, and let go of him. They already finished changing, so they left the room, leaving me and Grian alone.

"What are you doing here?" I turned to Grian, who was already dressed in his P.E. clothes. "You, Matthew and Caleb were the only ones who weren't at the court, so I came to check what's taking you so long" He replied, locking eyes with me. "What did they tell you?" I asked, and he broke eye contact by looking down, but quickly looking away to the side, his face went all red. "put your clothes on, and then we'll talk" Grian said, and I giggled in respond.

I walked back to my locker and quickly changed, then walked back to Grian and we both walked toward the court. "So?" I looked down at the other male. "Some stuff. You know, what they always say. Just... A bit more. Just a little bit" He replied. It was clear that he didn't want to talk about it, but Im concern. I really was wondering how it went from 'Im not drinking', to 'Im drunk as fuck'.

• • •

"Divide into groups of two and start working!" The teacher called. Me and Grian gazed at eachother at the same time, hinting that we want to work together, and smiled when we realized that. It's now science class, we're in the school laboratory and the teacher gave us instructions for a project to do. Grian walked to my table and sat next to me as the teacher put a tray, a few test tubes with some kind of a liquid in them, and one beaker on it.

I turned to Grian, who looked confused. I chuckled and he turned to me, realizing I was laughing at him. "What you laughing at, elf?" He glared at me, and I giggled. "You looked so confused! You obviously didn't listen" I crossed my arms. "What?? Yes I did! Watch me" he said, grabbing two random test tubes and poured them both into the beaker at the same time. "Grian, NO!-"


The beaker exploded, causing everything to spill on the floor and glass shards to fly in the air, luckily not hitting anyone. The teacher turned to us with a glare as Grian rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, and I laughed. "Grian! Detention!" She yelled, pointing at the door. "What?? Why!?"
"You blew up the beaker!" The teacher exclaimed. Grian glared at her, and I turned to her with with the same glare.

"You can't give him detention for that, you fuck-" I covered my mouth right after I spoke and the teacher looked like she was about to kill us when Grian laughed. "You too! Go to detention! NOW" She yelled and I quickly grabbed Grian's arm and dragged him out after me, he was still laughing.

Grian's Pov

"I-I can't believe you actually said that" I said through the laughter. "It's just split out!!" He said And I continued laughing. My laugher died off when we reached the detention room. we walked in, and saw there one other girl. "Welcome to hell" she chuckled, and I groaned. We took two chairs and sat on them.

"There isn't even a teacher here. What's stopping us from leaving?" I questioned, leaning back in my chair. Scar smiled and pointed at the wall, where a camera was. "Oh" I giggled.

I glanced at Scar. He looked really nervous for some reason. "You good?" I whispered to him. "Yeah, it's just... It's the same girl from yesterday night that asked me out in the party" He whispered back. I leaned a bit forward and looked over Scar's shoulder at the girl. I haven't noticed it before because of the uniform, but it really was her. "Huh..." I muttered, turning back to the nervous Scar. "Hey! Aren't you that hottie from yesterday?" She said, I glanced at her as Scar turned to him.

"Uhm..." Scar mumbled. He grabbed my hand and motioned me to stand up, so we both stood up and were about to walked to different seats, further away from her, but she stopped us. "Hey, wait" She held Scar's hand. "I haven't got the kiss I asked for yesterday" she said, And Scar let go of my hand and groaned quitely. My eyes widened slightly. She tried to kiss him. I caused that, and went around drinking right after.

She wrapped her hands around Scar's neck and pulled his head down to her level aggressively. I glared at her and quickly pushed her away before she could kiss him. "What the fuck!?" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "He doesn't want to fucking kiss you" I said angrily. "Im one of the most beautiful girls in school, everyone want to kiss me, and everyone like me. if he don't want to kiss me he won't kiss anyone. If he don't like me he doesn't like anyone" She gave me a death glare.

Anger flushed in my eyes. Scar can like whoever he wants, Scar can kiss whoever he want and it doesn't depends on her!! Doesn't kiss anyone my ass!! I was so mad, that I didn't even realize what I did next. I turned to Scar, stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, leaning on his chest for balance. Because my hands were on his chest, and I could feel his heart beats getting faster by the second.

I just kissed Scar.

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