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Grian's Pov

My phone buzzed, and I glanced down. "S-scar, Grace is saying she just got home." I said, still a bit shaken. "Oh, that's good! The day's turning out great! I'll be back in a few minutes!" He said, then ran pass Carson out the door. I glanced back down at my phone, feeling uncomfortable.


I was about to ask you if you
wanna come eat with us some
pie, but Scar just ran out the
door to get you, so prepare

Do I need to bring anything?

No need

See you soon then!


I turned off my phone and turned my gaze to my left as I felt Carson sitting beside me. "You haven't told him." He said with a slight smile. I stayed silent and looked down at the plate I just grabbed, starting to eat.

"So you liked what we did yesterday? Getting mixed signals." He said, and my eye twitched. "What in all of what happened yesterday makes you think I liked it??" I glared at him, placing my plate back on the coffee table.

"You didn't tell Scar that I like you." He said with the same smirk. "It will break him. He told me how much you mean to him and how much you helped him back when he lived here permanently. Does it not bother you at all??" I questioned.

He shrugged his shoulders. "If Scar is really my friend he'll understand why I want you, and let it go. Scar love me, and I love him. Though, friends comes second. Desire comes first. That's how it works for me. And trust me when I'll tell you that I crave your body so badly..."

TW> Sexual Harassment

He grabbed my thigh and caresses it gently. I squirmed my eyes widening slightly. I locked eyes with his hand, that was slowly sliding lower, frozen. I clenched my fists, but just before attacking him, Jellie jumped over my lap to the other side of me and hissed, scratching his arm.

She was still hissing at him as he pulled away his hand, groaning from the pain quitely, still loud enough for me to hear. Both me and him stared down at the cat. "You stupid, idiotic cat!" He glared at Jellie before hitting her with his arm of the couch.

He hit her really hard and she flew onto the table and slid off of it with my plate, breaking it to pieces as it hit the floor. "Jellie!" I called, standing up and rushing to the cat on the floor. She meowed as I kneeled down to her level, ignoring the mess that was made and all the broken shards on the floor.

I picked her up and stood up again, observing her body strictly, seeing if she got hurt from any of the shards or from the fall itself. I sighed in relief when I saw she didn't, but turned to Carson angrily as I held Jellie close to my chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I half yelled. "That little rascal never liked me." He muttered. You could hear his teeths clenching. He reminded me of Kyle a bit, and I hated it. "It doesn't-"

"Hello!!" Scar stepped into the house, catching both of mine and Carson's attention. "Oh, what happened??" Scar questioned, noticing the broken plate. "I, uh... I dropped my plate..." I mumbled, looking down at Jellie and cleaning her paws.

"Are you hurt?" Scar asked while walking over to me, looking for any bruises on my skin. "N-no..." I mumbled quitely, shaking my head. He noticed the stress in my voice. "You don't have to be nervous." Scar giggled, benting down and starting to pick up the broken plate shards and the smashed pie.

I glanced at Carson who just started talking to Grace. He still looked a bit mad, but was really good at hiding it. "Grace was just telling me what happened with her mother." Scar said, walking to the kitchen toward the trash can.

"Oh, yeah," Grace started, sitting beside Carson. "It was crazy, a car almost hit her, and she moved to the side and tripped. She just broke her arm, it could've ended so much worse." She said.

Scar walked over to them and sat next to Grace, motioning me to come sit too. I half smiled, and sat down, Jellie jumping from my hands and sat on the arm rest.

Grace kept talking, but I got distracted when I saw Jellie giving me a hard gaze. "What?" I whispered to her. She ignored me and kept gazing at me hardly, so I gave her the same gaze before turning to Grace.

Scar's Pov

I sat with Carson on a bench down in the town center, enjoying the quite of the town at night. I took Jellie with, thinking she'll enjoy being down town, but she just sat on my lap, glaring at Carson and making angry noises from time to time.

"You quite grumpy today aren't you, Jellie. She's been incredibly mad on you lately, you know?" I said, turning to Carson. "Jellie just hates me for no reason, I've just learnt to accept it." He smiled.

"I think Grace and Grian are getting along. What about you two? Do you think you could be friends with him too? I mean, if you'd like to, of course." I said, and he glanced away from the sky to me.

"Grian is... I really like his small appearance, he's a really lovable guy, But I think he doesn't really like me." His smile turned into a smirk, and I tilted my head. "Well, Grian can be mean sometimes, but he doesn't mean it all. I'll talk to him." I said, worried a bit that they won't get along.

Carson and Grian are both amazing, and I'm happy that Carson finds him interesting. Makes me wonder why he's saying that he doesn't think Grian likes him. Did I miss something?

I just remembered that it's been almost half a year since I started publishing this book- how does time pass so fast??

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