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Grian's Pov

"Grian!" I flinched, hearing my mother's voice. "Jeez, mom-"
"Where were you?? You haven't called or texted me!" She said as I placed my bag down. "Sorry, I didn't know we'll be there for so long" I said, my mum sighed in respond. "'we'?.... OooOo~ Grian was on a date?" Veronica questioned in excitement, walking down the stairs. My face flushed red as she said it.

"It wasn't a date, I hung out with my friend after school" I said, trying to cool myself down. "Well two other of your friends were here, they were looking for you, saying you forgot something or whatever" Roni said, then walked toward the kitchen as I frowned. As expected. "They're not my friends" I mumbled, and I walked up the stairs to my room.

Scar's Pov

I glanced outside my window and was surprised to see that Grian's awake. He was holding a cat, but not the white one, it was a different cat. How many cats does this man have? I saw him mumbling to the cat, and smiled, feeling my cheeks slightly heating up. I grabbed my bag and walked out of my house, then pulled out my phone


Hey Gri!


I can see that you woke up in time

I did, I did

Wanna walk to school together?

Is that even a question?


I giggled at his response. After two minutes I saw him walking outside his house. When he spotted me he smiled and walked to me. "Good morning"
"Good morning. How many cats do you have??" I asked, and he giggled in respond. "I have two cats, without my mum's promotion" he said, and I looked down at him with confusion.

"I found Pearl and Maui on the street two years ago, but my mum wouldn't let me keep them so Im hiding them" he explained. "Two years is a long time. Also, Pearl? Isn't it the name of our hooded friend?" I asked. "I lost a bet" he whined as I laughed.

We entered the school building as someone called Grian by his last name. "Batchelor!" We saw Caleb and Matthew walking toward us. Grian sighed, then turned to me. "Go to class, Scar" he said. I glanced at them and then back at the parrot, eyes full of worry. "Please?"
I sighed. "Class is starting in three minutes..." I muttered, and he nodded with a slight smile.

Grian's Pov

After I was sure Scar walked into class I turned to the two tall guys. "Come on" they called and started walking toward the boy's lavatory. "So Grian" Caleb started saying as we entered. "We told you to come, and you didn't" he continued as I lowered my wings. "I promised my mum I'll get groceries" I said, though they didn't seem to believe me. "With Scar? In the mall? Please, don't you have a better excuse?" He said, and my eyes widened a bit. Why am I even suprised?

"Don't worry, we'll deal with him later" Matthew said with a faint chuckle. "Don't even think about hurting the elf" I said angrily and glared at them, my wing spread on the ground again. "You know we will" he grinned as my blood started boiling, and then punched his face, heart full of rage.

Scar's Pov

Its been eight minutes since class has started, and Grian's still not here. "Matthew. Caleb. Late as always" the teacher said as the two walked in, a smirk stuck to their faces. Where is Grian? After two minutes or so, Grian walked in too, gazing at the ground. He walked to his seat without saying a word and without raising his head at all.

He sat down and rested his head on the table. I couldn't listen to the teacher the whole lesson, I was too focused on Grian. I kept looking at him, Even Mumbo and Iskall glanced at him from time to time. When it was lunch time he didn't show up at our table, I asked Mumbo and Pearl about it but they knew nothing.

I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I searched for him everywhere but couldn't find him. As I was about to give up, I spotted a Red-yellow-blue wing spread on the doorstep of the boy's lavatory, and immediately recognised it.

"Grian?" I called his name softly when I walked in. He was sitting on the bathroom floor with knees close to his chest, his hands warped around his legs and his head resting on them. "Are you okay?" I asked, sitting down next to him. He didn't answer.

"The nurse's office is still close, right?" He asked. "Yeah, I just walked pass it. Why do you-... are you hurt??" I asked worriedly. "Uhm... kinda" he raised his head with an awkward smile. I felt my heart sunk when I saw him. He had a black eye and a long scratch on his cheek. I could feel my blood starting boiling with rage. "It was Matthew and Caleb, wasn't it?" I asked worriedly, he nodded.

"Don't worry about it though, I broke Caleb's nose" he said proudly. "Usually they get away with no damage" he added then giggled. "'Usually'? What do you mean by 'Usually'? Its not the first time??" I questioned, his eyes slightly widened. "I said usually? I didn't mean to. Forget about it" he chuckled quietly. I knew he meant to reassure me, but I just stared at him in full concern. I don't want him to get hurt. I never got so mad seeing one of my friends hurt like I am now.

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