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Grian's Pov

"Do you have to go?" Scar asked as I sat up. I was with Scar the entire day, unfortunately I got to go meet up with Carson. "You signed me up for this!" I laughed, grabbing my phone as I got up from the sofa.

"I can stay if you want me to." I added, but he quickly shook his head with a chuckle. "Do you know the way back?" He asked, stroking Jellie who was sitting on his laps, waving her tail back and forth.

"It's just a straight line from the road. Don't worry." I said, walking toward the door. "I'll be back sooner than you think." I said before walking out of the door.

I hope this night won't go wrong like I think it will. Scar did say I can go even after five minutes if it'll be horrible. I got to the town, barely anyone was in the streets which didn't really suprise me.

I walked into the café Scar told me Carson will be in, the same café he told me is his favourite. I looked around with a quiet sigh. The only people there were me, a servant, and Carson, who was sitting in the furthest away table from the entrance.

I walked across the restaurant and sat down Infront of him, looking down at the table. "You actually showed up!" I heard him say, and raised my gaze at him.

"Listen, I came here just because Scar literally pleaded me to, it has nothing to do with you." My hard gaze turned into a glare, and just he put on an innocent smile. 

"What can I get you today?" The waiter came over, smiling down at us. "Just a small coffee to-go please." I said. "Not rushing here, are you?" Carson questioned.

I ignored his question, even though it was quite obvious. "Do you have anything alcoholic? If not, then nothing for me." He asked, turning to the waiter. "Not for you no. You look way too young for that." He said, then gave me a nod before walking off.

"Oh don't worry! He doesn't care about that sort of things!" I said, raising my voice slightly. Carson laughed. "Are you still upset about the other time when I picked you up?" He asked.

"Of course I am!" I frowned, crossing my arms. "You do understand that what you did was wrong, right??" I asked, even though I was almost certain I knew the answer to that.

"I don't think it was wrong. I was just doing what I wanted to, what I still want to. We both know that you enjoyed it. We both know that you came here because you wanted to. Scar probably never touches you like that. It's okay to long for more~" He said, my eyes widens with every word.

He reached out to grab my hands, but I pulled mine off the table. He opened his mouth to say something, but then the waiter came, placing my coffee on the table between us.

As he walked away again I stood up. "Where are you going?" Carson asked. "Bathroom!" I replied angrily, walking the other way into the bathroom.

I sighed, glancing at the mirror. I can just go home, right? Scar must be already sleeping, It was he's bed time when I left the house. It's kinda funny how he tries to make me go to bed when he does.

I leaned over above the sink and washed my face, then quickly dried off before walking back out. I went to the table and grabbed my coffee, about to just leave the place but Carson stopped me.

"Wait. Sit down." He said, looking up at me, still sitting. I waited a few moments before sitting back down. I sipped my coffee, trying to focus on that and not on my thoughts.

"We can come to a solution. What if Scar will get you for all the romantic stuff and shit and I could just...  Please you sexually." He smiled. I almost chocked on my coffee.

"You're fucking crazy if you actually think that I'm going to agree to this." I said, trying not to raise my voice too much. He smiled, glancing between me and my drink. I frowned. I stood up, but was instantly taken back.

I felt dizzy, and the whole room started spinning along with my sight becoming blurry from moment to moment. I gripped and table and leaned on it for support, I suddenly felt really weak.

"I don't think you understand, parrot..." I heard Carson say, his voice sounded very dull, and it was hard foucesing on what he's saying and in the same time try to move, which was almost impossible to me.

"I'm not giving you a choice. What I suggested is the deal, and the only deal." He added. I heard a chair being pushed back, and I glanced at the way the noise came from.

It was so fuzzy I almost couldn't see, and it became really hard for me to breathe. "W-what..?" I mumbled through my breaths, still trying to understand what's happening.

"It'll be over in a short time, don't worry. It is your first time after all. I'll try to go easy on you, but I can't promise anything." He giggled. I limped back and leaned on the wall

"Y-you..." I tried speaking, but it was really hard, like something was just stuck in my throat. "Y-you drugged, me haven't you??" I questioned. I didn't get an answer, just a chuckle.

I tried to stay up and conscious, I tried speaking and moving away, but my body wasn't listening to me. It was like all of my muscles just decided to shut down. I really tried not to freak out, but I couldn't stay calm.

I fell down to the floor and felt my head hit the floor. I blinked a few times as I felt arms wrap around me. I lost full control over my own body. I could hear dull voices speaking around me,

"What happened to him?"

"He was just tired and fell asleep. I'll come pay for his coffee tomorrow, alright?"

And the last thing I've heard before everything blacked out was the bells on the top of the door ring. How do I always end up in these situations? What am I doing wrong, why does it keep happening to me??

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