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Scar's Pov

"You can't have the group on mute! You can't always rely on Bdubs or Iskall to tell you when we want to meet up" Cleo glared at Etho. "You guys want to meet up outside school only once a year!! The rest of the time all you do is talk about random stuff. Besides, im not the only one who put the group chat on mute, Grian did too!" Etho frowned. "Did someone call me?"
"G, did you put the group chat on mute??" Cleo asked as Grian sat down next to me.

"Yeah, it's like that for a year now" he answered. "See! Im not the only one" Etho leaned on Grian's chair. "That's-"
"Food is here" Pearl set two trays on the table. "You're eating McDonald's for breakfast?" Grian looked at me weirdly. "Yes. Yes we are" Pearl said, pushing a tray toward me. "Where's mine??" Bdubs asked. "With Ren, but like... He's busy talking to the cashier" Pearl explained, sitting down next to me on the other side.

"You're eating nuggets for breakfast??" Grian said, chuckling. me and Pearl glared at him. "Yes!! What's worng with it??" Me and Pearl exclaimed at the same time. "Jinx!" We giggeled.

Grian's Pov

After they finished eating, we started walking around the mall. I smiled when Scar laughed, talking to our friends with a happy smile. Im happy he got along with them so quick. I glanced down at the first floor, to see if my favourite shop is open, and notice a figure walking in, and immediately recognized Sam. I turned back around to my friends, ignoring the fact that he's here completely.

"You good, Gri? You seem stress" Scar asked, noticing my expression. "Im fine. Don't worry" I lied. "Grian! Come here, you have to see this" Impulse called. I glanced at the worried Scar with a slight smile, then walked over to impulse.

• • •

"Where are they going?" I asked iskall, pointing at Impulse, Bdubs, Etho and Ren, who were walking toward a shop. "Don't know. Guess we're splitting" Iskall said. "Mk. Imma go check out 'The Golden Robe', see if there's anything new" I said, then walked toward my favourite shop. 'The Golden Robe' is a shop that sells everything fantasy related, book, Gems, house decors, robes (of course)... Everything that comes to mind.

I walked in and looked around with a soft smile. I've read almost every single book in this store, I love fantasy books. I walked over to the book's department, tilted my head, and started reading the titles. 'Ocean's Blessing'... 'The Copper King'... 'Shrub's Adventure'... 'The Cod War'... 'Sunflowers Don't Wither'...
I smiled, then bent down and grabbed a book I've never read; 'Rivendell'.

"I was hoping I'll find you here" Someone said as I stood up. "Hoping or knowing?" I questioned, not really suprise seeing Sam there. He didn't answer, just grinned. I walked over to the cashier and handed him my book. "Where did your friends go?"
"Somewhere" I answered. I paid and grabbed my book. I was about to leave, but Sam grabbed my hand. "I just want to let you know, all of the good times we had? Were ruined because of you. Because you decided to betray us and sent me to prison. For three fucking years" Sam said. Whispered more than said.

"You're a bitch. You killed someone and blame me for this? Let me tell you something; You don't have a power over me anymore. You're a fucking asshole and you've always been. Im dumb for not seeing that the day I met you. Blind for not seeing what a prick you are" I said, almost yelling. It was weird saying what was going on through my mind every bjmtime I see him out loud

I was kind of scared at the moment. I've never seen Sam's eyes that wide before. I felt His grip tighten on my wrist, and I quickly pulled my hand away before it won't be possible. "Fuck off!" I half yelled and ran out of store. "Grian?" Scar looked at me in confusion when I stopped running in front of my friends. "Did you buy anything?" Mumbo asked, and I nodded without saying a word. "Are you okay?" Scar whispered as we all started walking. I nodded again.

• • •

"Bye-bye!" Scar waved goodbye to our friends when we split up. "Wait a sec, I want to throw this away" I said, then took a last sip out of my milkshake. "Pretty sure there's a dump behind the mall" Scar pointed at a direction. "Yeah" I replied. We walked there and threw the cup away. "Grian?" Scar called, and I turned to him. "Hm?"
"Aren't those your cat's stuff?" I walked to him with a confused expression. I looked down at the box he was pointing at. "Yes!" I said, hope in my voice. Everything that my mum threw away was in here. Nobody touched it.

"Maybe they're somewhere around here" Scar looked at me with a smile. We started looking for them, for what seemed like an hour, till we heard a meow. "Meow" both me and Scar turned around. "Grian" Scar called giggeled. "Yeah, I heard it too" I replied, looking around. "Not this. Look" I turned to him, and my eyes sparkled when I saw him holding two cats. "Maui! Pearl!" I cheered, grabbing them from Scar's arms.

"Awh, I missed you guys so much" I looked down at them softly. I would've squeeze them to death if Scar wasn't there to stop me. We started walking home, my little cats in my arms. "You understand that when your mother will find them again-"
"I know" I replied, knowing exactly what he was about to say. "she's not home, she's at work" I added. "Are you going to hide them again?" Scar asked, and I nodded in respond. He sighed.

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