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Grian's Pov

I woke up and almost immediately sat up, stretching my wings. I glanced back at Scar, smiling when I saw he was still asleep. It's kinda rare when I wake up before him. I reached out for my phone and checked the time, but then my eyes fell on the date.

It's close to Scar's birthday. I need to get him something. I know my birthday comes first, but I have no idea what to get him. I got out of bed quitely, grabbing my sweater from my bag and wore it over my white t-shirt. I took my phone and walked out of the room.

I decided to go down town and somehow find Grace, she's been friend with Scar for longer than I am, she could help me find something for him. I know Scar is closer to Carson, but if I'm being honest, I've been feeling a bit awkward around him lately.

I got lost for a few minutes, then found my way around and got to the road, walking across it to the point where it's start going lower, toward the town. When I got to the bottom, I started looking around.

I don't have Grace's phone number, I will ask for it today. I remember Scar telling me Grace has a dog, and she usually takes her out for a walk in the morning. The town isn't big, there's only few places she could be at.

As I shifted my gaze from one person to another, my wings dropped slightly. "Grian?" I flinched, then heard a soft giggle. "Grace! I was looking for you." I said, looking at her but then quickly turning to her dog. I placed a few pats on the golden retriever's head, and she barked.

"Need something?" Grace questioned. "Yeah, It's Scar's birthday soon, I have no idea what to get him, I thought you could help." I smiled. "Right! But why don't you ask Carson? Him and Scar are basically brothers, he knows Scar better than I do." She said, tilting her head.

"Well... I just want it to be you. you seem pretty cool so it's also an opportunity to get to know you better." I said, and her smile grew, she seem very flattered. "Okay then! How about we go to the mall? It's only two buses away and you could find anything there." She said, and I nodded.

She said she's going to put her dog back at her house and she'll meet me at the bus stop, so as I walked there I pulled out my phone and sent Scar a massage, telling him that I'm going with Grace to the mall, and I will be back soon.

• • •

I left a store with a sigh, pulling out my phone. I checked the time and saw that it was already late. I called Grace, and when she picked up I immediately started speaking. "Have you found something? Anything??" I questioned.

"Well I found something I will give him, but nothing else."

"What do you mean something you will give him?? I brought you here to help me!"

"Well it wouldn't be good for boyfriend to boyfriend! You need to find something better than what I did."

"What did you buy?" I questioned. "It's a secret." She responded with a smugly tone. "You-" I paused and sighed. "I'm hungry. Where are you?" She asked and I started looking around. "I don't know, but I see McDonald's, let's eat there." I replied.

"McDonald's? Seriously? There are so many better restaurants here and you wanna go to McDonald's?" She said, and I frowned, starting to walk there. "Yeah! Also I wanna get Scar some nuggets. He loves them." I said, and she laughed.

• • •

I held Scar's nugget box close to me as me and Grace stepped out to the mall. Unsuccessful shopping spree for me, at least she got a present. I'll find something another time.

"There aren't any buses in this hour, so I called Carson to come pick us up." Grace said, sitting down on the side walk. "Does he have a driving license?" I asked, and she nodded. "I should get one of my own..." She rambled as I sat down.

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