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Grian's Pov

"Grian! We have to go in ten minutes!" Scar knocked on the door, the water still running over my body. "Give me five minutes!" I exclaimed. It wasn't a good idea to shower fifteen minutes before we're going out.

Tonight is this corn festival we talked about in the town meeting. my excitement didn't even match Scar's. He was euphoric. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, tying it around my waist swiftly as I walked toward the door.

I unlocked it and paused before walking out when I heard talking. "Hey Carson! Grian's in the shower, he'll be out in a second." I heard Scar saying. I immediately slammed the door shut.

"Uh... Scar!" I called him. After a few moments I heard knocking on the door. "Yeah?" He questioned. "Could you bring me my clothes from your room please? I don't feel comfortable walking across the hallway when Cars- or well, someone else, is here." I said.

"Yeah, I figured that's how you'd feel. Carson texted me five minutes ago and told me he'll walk with us, so I left your clothes next to the door." I couldn't see him, but just by his voice I could tell he was smiling.

"Thank you." I thanked him, a slight smile appearing on my face. I heard him walking away, then quickly opened the door and took the clothes from the floor, shutting the door right after.

I dressed up and started drying my hair with the towel, ruffling it all up as I do. "Grian! We'll miss the ceremony!" Scar half-yelled. "You can come in, I finished, but what ceremony?? Don't tell me it's like a cult." I said, still trying to dry out all of my hair as fast as I can.

Scar began laughing as he opened the door, taking a few steps in. "I-its not-" Scar said through his laughter. He stopped laughing and watched me drying my hair.

"It won't be completely dry for at least ten minutes, Gri." Scar giggled, walking toward me. "It'll help if you would've had a hairdryer, but you don't." I sighed. "We're gonna be late, come on." Scar grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bathroom.

"You can't talk! You spent half an hour this afternoon to make your hair, and it's not even as long as it was!" I exclaimed. "It had quite a lot of hair tangles, okay??" Scar said with a whine-like tone. "You also did it at lunch time, and I ate a bag of chips for lunch because of it." I glanced up at him.

"Hey, be thankful I even make you breakfast!" He glared at me. "You were the one who said I can't eat a chip bag for lunch every day!" I laughed.

"Well it's not healthy to eat chips every single day, and it's not my fault you're a horrible cook! If I won't cook for you you'll end up in the hospital for- Idk- overeating chips or something!" He said, and it made me laugh even harder.

"If you had stayed with me I would have bought you million of snacks." Carson said, catching my attention. I honestly forgot he was even here for a moment there.

"Come on, dude, don't get him back into the Idea of chips for lunch, by the end of the day he will really go stay with you for the chips, I don't want him to fall into an unhealthy eating schedule." Scar giggled before starting to walk toward the door, out hands still holding one another. We stepped out and started walking across the forest to the town.

I was in one side of Scar and Carson was on the other so I wasn't worried. He won't lay a finger on me as long as other people are around. And if he tries right now, when Scar is here, I'm gonna break all of his bones. I'm not letting Scar get involved in this.

We reached downtown and was welcomed by a bunch of stands selling different types of corn based food. I thought this all festival thingy was really weird, but Scar seem to enjoy this. He started running and dragging me toward where I knew was the town center.

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