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Grian's Pov

I put everything inside my locker and walked out of the school building. I remembered today is Christmas eve, and that my family is coming over. I wonder-
"Grian!" Scar ran to me after school. He had a bright smile stuck to his face. "How big of a tree are we talking about??" He asked in excitement. "The Christmas tree?" He nodded.

"I mean, back in the forest my family would just set some leds and glass balls on a tree next to our old house, but my father just texted me and said he will come home late today because he's bringing our tree for Christmas, but I don't know how he will get this size of a tree into our house" He said straight after the nod

I giggled at his childish behaviour. It always fascinated me how he act. "It almost reaches the ceiling" I said, and he gasped quitely. "Most people buy plastic trees so they can reuse it every year" I added, and we started walking toward our houses.

"You seem really excited for Christmas" I looked up at the elf with a cheeky smile. I giggled when he nodded, the same smile still stuck to his face. "Do you think its gonna snow?" He questioned, and I shrugged my shoulders. "I hope so, but it usually don't" I said, and Scar sighed, disappointment written all over his face. "Is your mum gonna come for Christmas?" I asked him, but he shook his head. "Even if we did invite her, she probably wouldn't show up" he sighed.

He told me a few days ago that he moved here because his parents got a divorce. his mum was always in the forest, gardening or something and she barely was home, and his dad worked as a constructor in the small town next to the forest, so he was mostly home alone. His dad felt bad for him, so he brought him a cat, Jellie. I've only seen Jellie through the window, now that im thinking about it, I've never been to his house. "But my uncle and cousin will be there" he smiled.

When we reached our houses, I waved goodbye to Scar, and I walked into my house, and immediately was tackled by Alice's hug. Her blonde curly hair got into my eyes. "You're choking me!" I said with a giggle, pushing her hands away gently. "I see you haven't gotten any taller since the last time I saw you" she said with a smile. "I don't have to be down here till dinner, right?" She nodded, and I started walking upstairs.

• • •

I opened my door with a sigh, and saw my sister, who just walked out of her room too, that was right Infront of mine. We both looked at eachother then sighed. "Let's get this over with" she said, and I nodded. we both walked to the end of the hallway and down the stairs.

I was waring a red sweater with white and green strips on it, nothing really special, but Roni was dressed well. She wore a red dress, and a tiny Christmas hat was laying in her head. Even mum didn't wear something that jaw dropping. Anyone who would look at Veronica from the side would say that she looks 15 or even 16, and thats exactly what she's trying to do. Our family smiled at us when we sat down next to the table.

I kept feeling that someone was looking at me, and it really annoyed me. I raised my head from my food to Alice. "Need something?"
"No no, just wondering" She replied with a smile, then continued. "Why have I never heard you talk about any girl? I mean, you're almost seventeen and you never had a girlfriend before"
"Im gay. I told you that the last time you were here" I sighed. "Ohhh, right, right, right!" She chuckled, turning back to her food.

I don't blame her for not remembering. I don't bring it up alot. She started asking Veronica questions as I continued eating peacefully my food, till I heard some giggels from my little cousins. I turned to them, titling my head in confusion. "What's up?" I asked. They flinched and quickly turned to me. "Nothin'..." Evelyn, The eight years old beside me answered, then turned back to her twin brother, Liam, with a cheeky smile. I sighed. "What did you do?" I looked down at the giggling kids.

"Were not tellinnnn'!" Liam replied, crossing his arms. I gazed down at them with an annoyed look, but then turned back to my plate with a calm expression when an idea formed in my head. "If you're not telling me what you did, I won't tell you where my mum hid the candies this time" I said, and they both gasped. They glanced at eachother, then turned to me. "Alright. Were talkin' business now. Tell us where the candies are, and we'll tell you what we did" Evelyn looked up at me. "Deal" I answered, holding out my hand to shake the smaller's.

"We switched the sault and the sugar. Now where's the candies?" I sighed. I don't know why I expect more from these eight years old kids. "Above the right cabinet" I replied, and they giggeled happily.

I turned to Alice, Roni, and my mum. Alice was asking so many questions, and I could see how uncomfortable Roni was. She wasn't really answering those though, my mum answered for her. My mum really like showing Veronica off, she was proud if how beautiful and smart her daughter was, unlike me. Im not saying that she doesn't love me too, but it's clear that she loves Roni better.

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