Chapter 4

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                 ~Iris De'Leon~

We landed in Italy a couple of minutes ago. I'm in the jets bedroom checking if my outfit makes me look powerful. I'm wearing a suit that and black red bottom heels and my signature red lip stick. I  look sexy, powerful and scary at the same time, thats exactly what I was going for.

"Ris come on time is money" my twin, Isis said walking into the room clapping her hands. She was wearing long silky black dress and  matching black heels with a white  'Ris' handbag  which I of course designed.

"I'm sorry your majesty for wasting your time" I said sarcastically. " I know this is your turf and you need to look scary and stuff but can you please hurry the fuck up next time" she mumbled causing me to chuckle. "bien her mana" (okay sister) I said to her smiling. 

We walked out the plane with me walking in front of Isis since this is my 'kingdom' after all.

*haha yea right*
-shut up! You know I rule this place-

I saw Thalia our gaurd waiting outside the limo with other buff looking gaurds they all greeted "good day Donna" at the same time. And looked behind me to see Isis and they nodded their heads in respect saying "good day Ms. De'Leon" at the same time to my sister. Thalia opened the door to my black Range Rover for me and I entered, so did Isis. "take the rest of  the day off Thalia, get some rest  and see you tomorrow bright and early" I said making Thalia smile. "t-thank y-you Donna" she stuttered and walked away.

"Toni"  I called out to the gaurd Ares had assigned to me for protection for whenever I decided to bless them with my presence here in Italy.  "y-yes ma'am" he said clearly looking like his finna shit himself any minute now. "you're my personal gaurd for the day, dismissed" I said in a bored tone and motioned for him to take a seat and drive me and my sister to Morteti household.

He got into the car and silently drove us to Morteti estate. 30 minutes later we arrived at the Estate. Isis and I got out of the car, the gaurds around the Estate greeted "good day Donna and Ms. De'Leon " all at the same time.
I looked at Isis "you ready?" I asked her with a smile on my face. "I was born ready Ris" and chuckled.

We swung the doors open screaming "THE QUEEN OF ITALY HAS RETURNED" then we looked at each other and starting laughing. "now that was an entrance"  Gianna said walking towards me and Isis with a big smile on her face. "hey Gia" I said as I hugged her. "hey sweetheart" she said. She then turned to Isis and said "hello my dear, come on don't be shy, give aunt Gia a hug" she said motioning for Isis to come hug her, which she did.

"That was quiet the entrance ladies " said a woman with a Italian accent walking towards us. She had black hair, green eyes and an amazing body. She looks to be about in her mid 40's. She screamed power.

-sweet mother of everything nice! -
*I know*
-she's gorgeous-
*I know*
-she looks just like you-
*now you're pushing it*
-sorry, I'll stay silent for now-

" grazie signora" (thank you ms) Isis said in a respectful tone. "Girls this is Octavia Stone, Queen of the American Mafia and my best friend since high school... I think"  Gia said. " Hello Mrs Stone" me and Isis said at the same time. "no, please call me Via" she said with a smile on her face. We nodded and and kept our face emotionless. "we'll I'm Iris De'Leon , Ares'es fiance and this is my twin sister Isis De'Leon  she's the heir to the Spanish Mafia" I said to introducing myself and my sister to her in a respectful tone. "Via" Isis said snapping her fingers, seeing that Via is frozen and deep in thought.
"oh, sorry I zoned out for a bit" she chuckled. 

"okay Via" Isis and I said at the same time. "Gianna where is Ares?" I asked Gia seeing that 'the love of my life' was not present. "His in the basement trying to get information out if someone, I'll send someone to let him know that you have returned" she said with a smile on her face. "okay, Gia" I said "So Octavia Stone" my sister said testing Via's full name out. "yes Isis De'Leon" Via said in an amused tone. "are you somehow related to Daniel Stone?" Isis asked raising her left eyebrow. " Si, in realta sono sua Madre" (yes, I'm actually his mother) she said with smile on her face. "OMG! this a sign can you please send me his number I kinder lost them when I damaged my phone last year when me and Iris jumped out of a moving car and into a dam" she said causing everyone in the room to chuckle. " what's your relation with my son innamorato?" (sweetheart) Via asked Isis. "his my best friend, we met on a mission and kinder clicked" Isis said and shrugged. "okay I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from you after all this time" Via said giving Isis her phone to put in her number so she can send her his number.

"okay can I go to my room now? I got jetlag" I said "same" Sis said causing Via and Gia to chuckle. "of course you can love" Via said. "don't let us stop you"  Gianna said. "tomorrow please tell me how you two queens met. Okay?" I said. "of course Donna" Gianna said making me chuckle. "I'm not Donna yet Anna" "but you have already taken 80%of my responsibilities love, and everyone calls you Donna because well you are 'Donna' "  she said dramatically making me laugh. "okay I get it Anna, I'm going to take a nap now, tell Ares I'll see him at dinner" I told them walking towards the stairs. "of course your highness" Isis said dramatically.
"shut. up" I said in between my laughs.

"non pensi che sia un po 'presto per dormire in questo periodo? " (don't you think it's a bit too early to go sleep daughter) Allesandro Morreti, the Don if the Italian Mafia said walking in to the room followed by his personal body gaurd Trevor. "Hey Sandro and Trey" Isis and I said at the same time. "and to answer your question, I'm really tired, that was a on a jet for I don't know how many hours" I said stopping at the staircase, facing them. "okay Donna go get some rest I'll welcome you properly when you wake up" he said with a smile on his face. "you're also part of the calling me 'Donna squard' didn't expect that from you Sandro" I said acting disappointed. "hey, you already take on the responsibilities of a Donna, plus, Gia doesn't mind everyone calling you Donna" he said. I'm going to rest now, see you all later" I said going upstairs into the room I share with Ares.
-yes we share a room-
*why though? *
-why not? -
*that's not an answer*
-I know, so get over it-

I went into our walk in closet and took out shorts and one of his hoodies. I removed my lipstick and got in bed and fell asleep.

(Ares and Irises bedroom)

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(Ares and Irises bedroom)

(Ares and Irises bedroom)

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(please comment, let me know what you think about this boring chapter and please like and share my story🙃💕)

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