Chapter 40

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          ~Isis De'Leon Stone ~

I made my way to Daniel who was about to do my fucken job,and I  snatched the mic from him. "I wanted to announce them" he said rolling his eyes. "I don't care." I said turning to the crowd of teenagers that were filling the whole Estate. "Hello everybody!" I said gaining everyones attention. "I'm Isis De'Leon, an-nd" I was cut off by them cheering my name. "Shut up, she wants to speak!" Rolland shouted out, making it go silent. "Thank you Rolland." I said and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Well everyone if you turn to the staircase, you will see another me" I said pointing to the stairs and everyone started cheering when they saw Iris. "that's my sister Iris everyone make some noise!" I said and they all started cheering and she waved at them. "I can't believe you're all cheering for my girlfriend and her sister but forgot me."Ares said from behind me freaking me out."Shit, you scared me." I said holding chest and everyone started cheering his name.

"Bring out the birthday cake" I said and gaurds brought a giant birthday cake with candles and two small ones. "come on sing it" I said taking one of the smaller cakes and everyone started singing happy birthday.

When he finished blowing out his candles I threw the smaller cake at him, landing it on his face. "Isis De'Leon!" he shouted out wiping his himself. "happy birthday? " I innocently said, he took the other small  cake and I ran away knowing what he was about to do. "Chicken!"he shouted out after missing his shot when he threw  the cake at me."Bitch!" I shouted back,causing everyone to laugh.

I've been drinking alot and I think I'm now a bit tipsy. The party is now outside at the garden because, it's bigger and Ares said his getting hot. So since Gianna set everything up inside and outside, everythings great.

You heard right

I was dancing on stage  a couple of minutes ago with Ace,Seth, Malika, John, Amanda, drunk Seth, Mandy, Jack, Jennifer, and the twins Malikas and Donny who I all met at drunk Seth's party.

Yes we're calling him drunk Seth

We decided to chill on the couches together. "So I see that your wolves and jaguar finally left." Malika said. "hey,I'm not really their owner so they had to." I said as I drank my champagne. "So they're not yours?" John questioned. "Asterix, the jaguar is still mine and the two wolves Winter, and Alpha are Areses birthday presents from me" I said and they all nodded. "what do you mean by the jaguar is still yours?" drunk Seth questioned. "his not trained well enough for me to give him away, because he only ever listens to me and gets out of control when I'm not around." I explained. "out of control how?" Jack questioned. "he once ate my gaurd,when I left him alone with him for less than five minutes."i said earning shocked expressions from all of them." don't worry though, his alot mature now. "I said reassuring them

"let's play never have I ever" Amanda said and we all nodded. "So how does this game go exactly?" Victor questioned sitting down on the couch next to Malika. "who are you?"Mandy questioned raising an eyebrow." that's my brother Victor Stone. "I said and they looked at me confused but let it slide and introduced themselves.

"So we basically drink to what we have done, like for example never have I ever kicked a person, if you have you take a shot and if you haven't don't take one." drunk Seth explained. "cool" Victor said.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." John said and Jack, Victor, Jennifer, drunk Seth, Ace, Seth and I  took a shot. "never have I ever given or received a lap dance" Malika said and I took a shot along with a few others. "Did you give or did you receive one?" Seth asked raising an eyebrow. "I gave one babe" I winked. "damn,I wonder when you're giving me one" Seth said licking his lips. "well none of you here will receive a lap dance from me" I said causing the girls to chuckle.

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