Chapter 13.

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                   ~Iris De'Leon~

This morning one of Areses main gaurds who go with him everywhere told me that Ares has been cheating and on me I gave the gaurd money to thank him for his loyalty and tried to ignore the fact that my bitch of a fiance has been cheating on me.

Today we went to a fighting club called 'Thirst' then went to get my mother from the airport then went home and had dinner.
We were now just chilling in the dining room waiting for dinner when suddenly Allesandro hit the table with his fist causing us to all look in his direction. "What's wrong?" Gianna and mama asked. "none of your business" he said and turned and continued talking to Isis which was weird because those two don't really see eye to eye.

Minutes later Ares walked in. "what did I miss?" he asked coming to sit down next to me. "oh nothing" Allesandro and Isis said looking at him like prey. Then continued chatting.

I felt Areses  hand go on my thigh. "move your hand" I said in a cold tone. "why?" he questioned generally confused. "because I don't know where you were and what you were doing with those dirty hands of yours" I said in a cold tone and removed his hand from my thigh. Minutes later dinner was served and we ate our food,after that the maids came and cleared the table.

"Can we talk about this amore?"(love) he asked  only for me to hear. "there's really nothing to talk about" I said and flashed him a fake smile. "what do you mean there's nothing to talk about?" he asked nervously. "you're my girlfriend for heavens sake" he said in a possessive way. "Ares and Iris I'll need you two to do more public appearances for the next week" Sandro said and Ares nodded making me sick to my stomach.

"I can't do that" I said in a cold tone causing Ares to look at me confused. " and why not?" Sandro questioned. "because I don't want to be seen with this idiot" I said causing Daniel to chuckle a little.
"I'll take over for Iris until she and Ares sort their shit out" Isis said earning a smile from me. Sandro agreed.

"why don't you want to be seen with me in public?" Ares asked raising an eyebrow. "I don't like to be seen in public with cheaters love" I said causing him to look at me in disbelief. "Isis I'll be sleeping in your room tonight" I said looking at my twin, she nodded in agreement and said "sure".

"no the fuck you're not!" Ares said angrily "yes the fuck I am!". I said using the same tone as him. Everyone in the room was now facing us. "Iris let's go  outside and discuss this matter! "  he demanded. "FINE!" I said and walked out of the room with him following me.

I'm now sitting on the stairs close to the entrance outside the house with Ares. "talk" I said in a cold voice looking up in the sky. "I-Iris I don't know what to say" he said looking down. "well you can at least start by apologizing for making me give up my fucken life at a young age for you" I said in a almost shouting. "Iris I know what I did was wrong a-and" I cut him off and said "if you knew what you were doing was wrong then why the fuck did you do it?!" I asked
"I don't fucken know okay!" he said
"please forgive me" he continued. He tried to take my hand but I quickly moved it. "you know what fuck you and you're selfish. I gave up my life at my parents Mafia to help build yours because I thought it would be a good idea to rule a great Mafia together one day!" I said full of anger. "I know, and we can still do that Iris please just give us a chance" he begged. "Your Mafia is we're it is today because of me! Clearly I've wasted my time" I said running a hand through my hair in frustration. "and if I fucken break up with you there will be war" I said standing up.

"Iris love I'm sorry please don't let there be a war because of my foolish actions" he begged. "I'll fucken think about it!" I said and slapping him and walked back into the house. "Iris!" he called out but I ignored him and made my way back to the dinning room."DANIEL AND ISIS MEET ME IN ISISES ROOM NOW!" I said and walked towards my sister's room ignoring Ares who kept trying to talk to me. "leave me the fuck alone Ares or else I'll fucken kill you!" I said making Ares flinch and he raised his hands in defeat and went towards his room. I got into my room and took out my car keys, guns and my mansions keys.

Daniel and Isis entered my room minutes later." What happened? "they both asked in sync. I turned and faced them with my emotionless face " I need time to think, so I'm going to one of our mansions "I said." okay we're coming with you." Daniel said and Isis nodded." Daniel you should probably go pack  some of your  clothes" I said. "no need I've been to that mansion many times, Isis gave me the keys when we got close" he said causing me to laugh "not even surprised" I said. I took out my phone and texted Sam our body gaurd

Iris - hello Sam get the car ready we're going to my mansion near by.
Already ready ma'am, saw you fighting with Mr Morreti and knew what you were going to do next. And I also organized some bodyguards to gaurd the mansion -Sam

Iris -  thank you Sam you're a life saver.

I put my phone in my 'Ris' bag. "let's go mother fuckers the car is already ready for us down stairs" I said smiling. "how is she so calm? " Daniel asked Isis "it's because she was raised by my papa love" Isis said.
Isis strapped some weapons on her body just incase we run into some trouble. "okay I'm ready let's go" she said and we followed her out.

( I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and share my story ❤️🙃)

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