Chapter 24

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                ~Iris De'Leon ~

Gianna, Octavia, Isis, my mama and I are currently at the Salon. We're the only people here because we booked it for ourselves. We're all getting our hair and nails done and gossiping of course."So Iris have you and Ares made up?" my mama asked gaining my attention."En realidad no, solo lo estoy convirtiendo en mi perra porque me engano" (not really, I'm just making him my bitch because he cheated) I said in Spanish so Gianna wouldn't be able to understand what I'm saying. "Could you please translate that dear" Gianna asked.

"I said me an Ares are trying to move on from the embarrassment his caused me and your families name" I said in a calm tone causing Octavia and Isis to giggle. " Espero que ella te cream" (hope she believes you) Octavia said trying to hold back her laugh. "No sabia que hablas español"(didn't know you speak Spanish) I said looking at her wide eyed "my mother is Spanish so of course I know it" she said chuckling.
"por favor, no le digas lo que dije sobre Ares, porque ella se asegurara
"de que me mude a Italia a fin de mes" (please don't tell her what I said about Ares, because she'll make sure I move to Italy by the end of the month) I said pleading.

"can someone please translate what she said" Gianna said feeling left out. " she said she's thinking of staying another four weeks after Areses birthday, so they can spend a bit of time together" my mama said earning a glare from me. " that's a good idea Iris, you'll have so much fun living with us" she said in excitement. "Isis you're staying with me right?" I asked her in a pleading tone. "okay I'll stay with you,but I'm only staying for one more week" she said in a cold tone. "why one week?" I asked her
"i have duties to attend to at home" she said. "oh, okay" I said and sighed.

"So Isis, what's up with you and that Salvatore guy?" Gianna asked wiggling her eyebrows at her. "you guys dating or what?" mama questioned raising an eyebrow. "we are not dating, we're just normal teenagers who met yesterday and just clicked" Isis said. "you wish you were a normal teenager" I said causing everyone to laugh. Isises phone rang and she answered it without checking the caller ID.

"Who are you., and what do you want?!" she said in a cold tone. I watched as her facial expression changed from annoyed to the opposite. "oh hey love" she said smiling. "Put it on speaker!" Octavia shouted. "I'm putting you on speaker so please be careful with your words amore" Isis said putting her phone on speaker so we can all hear. "okay, I won't say anything love" Ace said in an amused tone. "So when are you ladies getting back?" he questioned. "when we feel like it." Octavia responded.

"what are you guys doing?" I asked."nothing serious, I'm cleaning my room and the other guys are chilling by the pool" he said. "okay. love we'll talk when I get back" Isis said. "okay darling, see you when you get back" he said and hung up. "yea you guys are definitely an item" Gianna said. "not yet" my mama corrected. "ladies listen, me and him are just normal people who like each others company that's all. so please stop it with the 'you guys are an item' thing"  she said rolling her eyes. "okay Isis" we all said in sync.

We finished getting our nails and hair done and headed to a restaurant, took our seats in a private room and ordered our food. "So Gianna and Octavia, how did you two meet?" my mom asked. "well I was actually on my way to the schools cafeteria when I saw Octavia fighting with a couple of dudes" Gianna said and motioned for Octavia to continue. "long story short I was outnumbered and Gianna came and helped me fight them off and we started chilling together, soon found out my papa works for hers then yea we've been close ever since" Octavia said explaining everything in less than a minute.

Minutes later waitresses came in with our food. We ate our food in silence, when we were done they came back and cleaned out our table. " I have to go now ladies, see you when you get back to the Estate" Gianna said checking her watch then left.

"So I told Octavia that you two are adopted" my mama said making me freeze. "but you told us that we shouldn't tell anyone" Isis said putting her phone on the table. "I know. We suspect that you girls might be the missing Stone twins" Octavia said making me and Isis look at her in shock. "what makes you think that Via?" I asked not feeling comfortable about this whole conversation. "well first of all you look like my husband a bit with a mix of me, you have black hair and green eyes just like my family's." Via said. "to close it all off, me and your papa found you beaten up left to die the same year the Stone twins disappeared" Mama continued.

"Okay" Isis and I said in sync  looking at each other wide eyed shocked from the info we're receiving . "we might be wrong, but with your permission can we do a DNA test?just so I can know if you guys are my children or not" Octavia said in a soft tone. "mama are you cool with this whole thing?" I asked looking at my mama who had a smile on her face. "yes I'm cool with it, I actually was the one to start this whole thing because of the similarities you guys share with Octavia" mama said in a calm tone.

I looked at Isis and we stared at each other for a very long time before I decided to speak. "I'm in but... Isis if you're not comfortable with this whole thing then I won't let them  go ahead with the DNA test."I said." I guess we're doing this whole DNA test thing then "Isis said dramatically lightening the mood." okay let's go the hospital across the street and do everything now, my friends waiting for us" My mama said and we nodded.

We left the restaurant and went to the hospital across the street. They took my DNA and Isises DNA then we decided to head back to the mansion.

(hey everyone😘. I know this is a boring chapter but hope you still enjoyed reading it 🙃 don't forget to vote and share my story❤️)

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