Chapter 16

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                  ~Isis De'Leon~
Yesterday Daniel and I left the Morreti Estate with Iris because she couldn't stand being in the same room as him.
She explained to us that the only reason she wanted to leave their Estate is because she felt like she was going to kill Ares and cause a war between our two Mafias.

It's currently 7:48 am. I'm in my room with Iris and Daniel looking for an outfit for me to wear in today's public appearance with Ares,meaning I'm playing Iris today. "where am I going exactly?" I asked Iris. "you're going to the movies with Ares and four of his friends with their girlfriends and sisters" Iris said still looking for and outfit for me to wear. "hope they won't get on my nerves" I said. "they won't, plus one of my close friends will be there and I told her everything and she'll keep you company" Iris said. "you'll love her trust me" she continued. "I'm doing all for you Ris so I have no choice but to trust you" I said causing us all to burst into laughter. "can't I maybe tag along? Just to keep Isis from killing everyone of course" Daniel questioned. "yes you can. I mean my friend who's supposed to keep Isis company is single" Iris said in a excited tone. "okay can we forcus on finding me an outfit?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

We looked for an outfit in my closet and couldn't find one decent outfit for this event. "ugh I give up" Iris said dramatically throwing herself on the bed. "same" I said sitting down on the floor. "I think i can ask a favor from a friend to maybe come style you for today?" Daniel said gaining my attention. "call him or her please now!" Iris and I said both said in sync. "fine" he said and left to his room to make a phone call. "so does everyone in the group that I'm coming instead of you?" I asked Iris. "no, but don't worry they won't be able to tell that you're not me because you're going to act like your self but bitchier" Iris said causing me to laugh. "yea can't wait" I said sarcastically. " Isis if someone messes with you don't hesitate to beat the shit out of them" she said and I nodded.

A couple of minutes later Daniel walked back into the room with a big smile on his face. "I've got some good news" Daniel said sitting on the couch. "well spit it out" I said impatiently. "My older brother and his  friend will come style you" he said excitedly. "mostly his friend will do all the styling while my brother just eats everything in the fridge." he continued. We laughed "when will they get here, because you know Ares will be picking me up at 12." I said. "they'll be here around 8:30 so in the meantime let's go down and eat breakfast" he said and I nodded.

We exited the room in our pajamas and walked into the dining room, I sat at the head of the table, Iris sat on my left and Daniel sat on my right. "breakfast will be served shortly ma'am" Thalia said walking into the room and she stood gaurd at the door. "okay Thalia" Daniel said.

Minutes later  three of our maids came in and with plates that had pancakes and syrup. They served us and exited the room. We ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence,after eating the maids cleared the table.

"Daniel, which brother of yours is coming exactly?" I asked Daniel raising an eyebrow. "wait which one.... How many brothers do you have exactly?" Iris asked "I have three brothers Ris and two sisters " he said responding to Iris. "no fucken way, name them" Iris said making me laugh "Steven is my oldest brother his 22, James and Victor are twins they're 20, then there's Isis and Iris they're twins and they're maybe 15 or 16 this year, I don't know" he said, his voice slightly cracking at the end. "and to answer your question Isis, Victor is the one who's coming here with his friend" he said looking at me and I nodded. I  was going ask him more about his twin sisters when Thalia spoke first. "you have visitors" she said. "let them in Thalia" she nodded.

A couple of minutes later a guy with black hair came in, I think his James because he looks like Octavia a little. And a guy who looks about 17 or 18, his giving me bad boy vibes, his tall has blue eyes, brown curly hair and a few tattoos, which is  cool. Me and this unknown guy locked eyes.

*Fuck this dude is handsome *
-I know -
*bitch you better make your move*
-no fucken way-
*hmm we'll see*

"Hello James, and Ace" Daniel greeted and gave both of them a bro hug. "This are the De'Leon twins, Iris and Isis" Daniel said pointing toward Iris then at me. "Isis and Iris meet, James my older brother and his friend Ace 
Salvatore " he introduced us. "nice to meet you Isis and Iris" both James and Ace said in sync. "likewise" me and Iris said. "so which one of you ladies am I styling today?" Ace asked in his deep sexy voice with a bit on a British accent. "you're from London aren't you?" I questioned. "yes love I am from London" he winked almost making me blush. "you'll be dressing my sister today" Iris said pointing at me. "okay, but before we start can one of you please wear a hat or something because I don't like it when I can't tell which twin is which while I'm working" Ace said earning a chuckle from me, Daniel and Iris. "don't worry Iris will go wear a hat so it can be much easier for you to tell us apart." I said and Iris nodded and went upstairs to her room.

"Okay, let's go up to my room, I already took a shower and shit so there's no need to worry about me having to take a long shower first" I said and motioned for them to follow me and they did.

(hope you enjoyed this chapter🙃 please don't forget to vote and share my story ❤️😊)

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