Chapter 35

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~Isis De'Leon Stone~

So since my so called "date" with Seth Salvatore my phone has been blowing up with calls from my mama, dad and papa. I ignored all of their calls obviously.

It's 2am. I'm currently in my room with Seth and Ares. "what are you going to do about these rumors? " Ares questioned sitting on the far end of my bed. "they don't need to be rumors you know?" Seth said taking a seat next to me. "what do you mean bro?" Ares questioned. "I should just announce that I'm dating Isis on the show, then the rumors will end" Seth said. "what about Ace? I mean his also part of this shit" Ares said. "if he wasn't my little brother I would have gotten rid of him" Seth said laying his head on my lap.

These Salvatore boys and being clingy.

"I have a better idea." I said gaining both their attention. " we get both you and Ace celebrity girlfriends then I'll be out of the picture completely" I said flashing them a smile. "that won't be possible."Seth said. "why?" I questioned. "ISIS PEARL DE'LEON!" I heard Iris shouting out. "I'm IN MY ROOM!" I shouted out.

Iris entered my room with Ace and Daniel. "Hands off my girl Seth!" Ace said. "correction my girl" Seth said and Ace rolled his eyes. He made his way towards me and Seth and sat next to me, so I was now in the middle of Seth and Ace. "Help me God" I whispered. "what are you guys doing here?" I questioned. "well I can't let you go to the celebrity talk show with these two idiots alone, so I canceled all my appointments so I can join the show." Iris said now seating comfortably in Areses lap.

"What's tomorrow's game plan?" I questioned. "well we're not going to the night show because it's my Birthday dinner." Ares said and I nodded. "but you are going on that morning talk show with Seth in the morning." Iris said causing me to look at her in shock. "no she's not!" Ace shouted out. "she is and thats final."Seth said in a calm tone shutting Ace up.


" can everyone get the fuck out of my room, I want to sleep and you loosers are taking up space. "I said and they all nodded and left the room leaving me with Ace and Seth who didn't show any signs of movement." you two should also get up and leave, because I think I'm starting to see this love triangle they were talking about" I said rolling my eyes. "love can't I stay?" the both said in sync. "no, now please leave I want to sleep" I said and they nodded and left the room.

"Fucken Salvatores" I mumbled, changing into my pajamas. I layed on my bed and scrolled through my phone and I saw pictures of me and Seth on social media and a random stranger commented 'he can smile?👀' and Seth commented 'only for her'.
I came across another picture of Ace kissing my cheek that he fucken posted a few minutes ago and it's already trending with thousands of likes already.

They're making this shit worse than it already is.

I took a deep breath and put my phone away and closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.


I woke up today and went out for a morning run around Town with Seth and guess what? Paparazzi got a few snaps of us. Great

We raced back to the apartment. we're now in the kitchen. We bet that if I win he has to show me all of his tattoos and if he wins he gets a kiss. We both won so I don't think it counts. "I won Isis I want my kiss" he said lifting my face up so i can face him. "no, we both won so it doesn't count" I said removing his hand from my face. "rematch tomorrow? Same bets" he questioned. "maybe" I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"There you two are" Iris said stalking towards us. "you two look like shit." she said eyeing both of us up and down. "we went for a run Iris,and we don't look like shit" I said. "whatever, you guys have to get ready" Iris said earning confused looks from Seth and I. "The talkshow starts at 9am and it's currently 8:20am meaning you have twenty minutes to get ready and less than ten minutes to get there" she said and it finally clicked.
"let me go take a shower, you should do the same." I said and made my way to my.

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