Chapter 46

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           ~Isis De'Leon Stone ~

The Morreti's have been gone for three weeks now and Iris has personally taken care of the third in command of the Italian Mafia, meaning his now six feet under along with his entire bloodline because we don't want anyone coming out for revenge or anything. I dyed my hair golden brown for a week just for fun but now I'm back to my beautiful black natural hair.

Iris is coming over to France today, along with Noah, Victor and Steven  while the rest watch over Morreti territory.

I'm currently in my office going through some designs my mom sent me for the next 'moon' winter collection that we have to launch here in France tomorrow because we have to attend some kind of fashion show where I can be seen so Louis can come up with a way to kidnap me or something like that.

Both my grandfather's plan.

"Okay I think that's enough work for one day." Nicholas said as I finished off approving everything. "remind me why you're here in my office?" I questioned closing my laptop looking up at him. "I came here because your two boyfriends are a pain and you're less annoying than they are." he said effortlessly, I rolled my eyes. "don't roll your eyes at me Ms De'Leon." he said roughly. "oh no I wasn't rolling my eyes, I was just looking around this gorgeous office of mine." I said sarcastically.

"loose the sarcasm." he said and I flipped him off. "that wasn't very nice." he said. "that wasn't very nice." I mocked causing him to roll his eyes.
We stayed silent for a minute until I  spoke.  "wanna get drunk and high?" I questioned. "why not." he said and we got up and went into my room where  we got weed and alcohol which I stashed under my bed, we went to Nicholas room because everyone's scared to bother him and we played music while getting high and drunk.

Nicholas is definitely my new best friend.

                   ~Iris De'Leon Stone ~

It's been three weeks since the Morreti's have been kidnapped and three weeks of handling alot of things alone and only a few with my family.
I've just landed in France with Noah, Victor and Steven who came to Italy  a week ago.

We left all of our gaurds in Italy and America because no one can be trusted when it comes to family matters. We got escorted to where Isis and her team are living which is a mansion in the middle of fucken nowhere.

We got to the gorgeous mansion and were given new phones and other electronics because we don't want to get tracked or anything.
"Good day, Ms De'Leon." a gaurd said opening the front door for us. "It's Ms De'Leon Stone." I corrected. "sorry, I wasn't aware of that." he said nervously. "no one is as yet, have a nice day Mister." I said entering the gorgeous red, gold and white mansion we were met with blasting loud music.

Not the type of loud that's annoying

"Isis please tell Nicholas to tye down on the music, it's too loud for my liking." Daniel said and looking at me then his eyes widened when he saw my golden brown hair. "Iris!" he said excitedly and pulled me into a hug which I gladly returned. "Hey Danny" I said with a smile on my face as we pulled back. "Hey Noah, Victor and Steven." he said and gave each of them a bro hug.


"Let me introduce you guys to the team." he said leading us into the kitchen where we found a shirtless Andrei and a working Seth. "Hi Andrei and Seth." I said and they looked at me confused for a bit until it clicked. "Oh hey Isis or Iris." Seth and Andrei both said in sync.  "it's Iris and  Isis's hair is black." I said crossing my arms. "yea well not anymore it's not." Andrei said laughing. "that little bitch actually dyed her hair!" I said loudly.

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