Chapter 27

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           ~Steven Stone~

A couple of years ago my twin baby sisters were taken from us, we tried finding them but every time we got close to locating them the people with their location get killed by an unknown source. "hey did you hear the news?" Victor asked grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
Victor is James twin and my younger brother.

"what news?" I questioned. "mom texted us in the family group chat." he said. "okay I didn't have time to check my phone because I was busy, what's the news?" I asked. "mom thinks Isis and Iris De'Leon might be the lost twins" he said drinking the water. " wait but doesn't the other twin have golden brown hair?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He shrugged "she does but Dad said he wanted us to come up to his office to he can discuss a few things about this matter with us" Victor said. "okay what are we waiting for let's go" I said speed walking out of the kitchen with Victor following behind me.

We entered my father's office without knocking and took our seats at the empty chairs. "Apologies for not knocking father, but I need answers now" I said in a cold tone. "don't use that kind of tone with me" he said giving me a death stare. "sorry dad, I just really nerd to know" I said in a more calm voice. "okay I don't know much but I do have  pictures of each twin by themselves and one with both of them together." he said taking out his phone and showed us. "Iris De'Leon is the founder of Ris enterprise and Isis is her model and also the heir to the Spanish Mafia." Dad said trying to sound strong when I know deep down he wants to break down. "They definitely look like you, especially Isis but no one in our blooded family has golden brown hair." I said in a bored tone. "They made Iris dye her hair when she was little so the outside world could be able to tell them apart." dad said.

"shit! Meaning they really are our siblings" I said in a shaky voice, trying to hold back my tears. "your mother did a DNA test with them I think a few days ago, they will get the results tomorrow" Dad said running his hands through his hair in frustration. "DNA test! THEY CLEARLY ARE OUR SISTERS AND WE DON'T NEED A DNA TEST TO PROVE THAT SHIT!" Victor shouted out. "relax Victor, I think the twins are afraid of change and want to make sure that we are blood relatives" dad said.

"apparently Daniel and Isis have been best friends for over a year now" Dad continued. "that little ass is blind! We could have found them earlier is he wasn't so blind" Victor said earning a slap behind the head from me. "he was three or four when the twins were kidnapped, so he didn't really know how they looked" I said in a cold tone making him flinch. " I'm flying out to Italy tonight you guys can join if you want, the flights leaving at 11pm" I said walking out of the room. I texted my assistant and asked her to let my pilot know that we will be flying to Italy at 11pm tonight.

I went into my room packed a few clothes and headed down stairs where a couple of guards, Victor and Dad were waiting for me. "let's go" I said and we exited the house and entered our cars and drove to the airport. We got into our private jet  and took a our seats. "I really hope they are the lost twins" Victor said. "me to son" my dad said. The plane took off and I went to sleep in the bedroom at the back of the plane leaving Victor and dad.


We landed in Italy in the morning, we're still in the jet waiting for Mom to call and let us know if they're a match or not."it's 11am, they already got the results dad."Victor said taking out his phone." what are you doing? " dad questioned." I'm calling my mother " he said dialing her number." okay it's ringing "Victor said bitting his nails nervously. " put it on speaker." I said and he did as I asked.

" Hello? " my mom answered sniffing." mom it's Victor, Steven and Dad "Victor said." Octavia the results please " Dad said impatiently." oh yess, sorry for not calling you guys sooner btw"mom said trying to change the topic. "mom I don't want to shout so please don't try and change the fucken topic what do the results say?" I said in a cold tone. "first of all you don't speak to me like that I am your mother and I will beat the respect out of you" She said in the voice of angry tone. "sorry, now the results please." I said running out of patience. " we're a 99.9% match they are my children" Mom said causing a tear roll down my cheek. "Shit! how are they taking the news?" Dad asked trying to hold back his tears. "I don't know, Isis walked out of the room to I don't know where and Giselle took Iris to the kitchen to calm her down" mom said. "I have Daniel's location so I'm on my way. Dad please follow with Victor after a hour" I said not giving them a chance to speak against my order I left the plane and entered one of the guards cars which were outside the jet. "Track Daniel and take me to him." I ordered and the gaurd nodded and drove off.

We got in front of a beautiful mansion and stopped by the gate. A gaurd came up to the window. "name and reason of visit." he asked. "Steven Stone, here to see my brothers James and Daniel." I said in my deepest voice keeping my face expressionless.
"you may enter sir, we have been waiting for your arrival." the gaurd said and bowed down which was kind of weird I won't lie.  We drove towards the  mansions entrance and immediately when the car stopped I ran out,opened the doors to the Mansion and saw guards patrolling around it "ISIS DE'LEON /STONE! "  I called out, my voice booming through the mansion. "ISIS!" I called out running around the house like an idiot looking for my favorite twin.

*favorite twin?*
- she was my favorite and everyone knew this-
*what about Iris? *
- I love her and all but I was always close to Isis -

"WHO THE FUCK HAS THE AUDACITY TO COME INTO MY HOME AND MAKE SUCH A NOISE THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING!" One of the twins said with a gun in their hand walking out of the gym when she saw me she froze. "Isis?" I said looking at her in disbelief. "Steven" she said. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "you remember me?" I asked not wanting to let her go. "I didn't, but I remember you now since I've seen you" she said hugging me back."but how?" I said in letting her go and wiping my tears. "I had flash backs for a second when I saw you" she said with tears streaming down her face. "I'm sure I'm the only brother you remember because you use to spend more time with me than the others" I said chuckling. "does that mean  I was your favorite sibling?" she said causing me to chuckle. "yes you were, but don't tell Iris or the others." I said.

I can't believe she remembers me I mean she was I think two or three  when she was kidnapped this literally is proof to all my brothers that I was and still am her favorite brother.

(hey everyone hope you enjoyed reading this chapter😊if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask in the comment section 🙃 please vote and share my story ❤️)

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