Chapter 22

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               ~Iris De'Leon~

After Ace and Isis kicked us out of "their" room. I heard crashing sounds while walking down the stairs and those sounds were coming from "their" bedroom. "ignore it boys" I said to Daniel, James and Ares who were stopped wondering what is happening. "shit you guys will definitely be late" James said laughing. We walked into the living room and found my mama, Gianna and Octavia sitting on the couch watching a series or movie.

"hey what are you guys watching?" I said sitting next to Gianna and Ares sat next to me. Daniel and James were seated on the other couch with my mama. "Titanic" Octavia responded. "but since you're all ready to go we can continue watching it when we get back" Gianna said pausing the movie. "where is Isis?" Gianna questioned. I scratched the back of my head and looked at Ares, Daniel and James who were all looking at me in a 'you respond she's your twin' kinder look.

"Umm....Ares you answer" I said. "no James you do it" Ares said shifting this to him. "Daniel?" James said shifting it to his brother. "Iris" Daniel said shifting it back to me. "fuck you" I said to all of them. "Where is that blue eyed bad boy as well?" mama asked in her beautiful Spanish accent. "mama, Estan ocupados haciendo algo" (mom they're busy doing something) I said with my eyes wide open. And my mama instantly understood what they were doing. "ayaya." she said rubbing the bridge of her nose. "what time is it?" she questioned. "9am Donna" Sam responded. "Gianna we'll leave when my daughter decides come down" Mama said. Gianna didn't ask questions and just did as she was told.

I got a notification from my phone.

Isis - leave without me I'll catch up with you guys. 😅

Me - no need love, take your time we're 10 minutes into the Titanic movie. 😉

I then received a text from Octavia.

Octavia - They're having sex aren't they? 👀

Me - yup😹😭😭

Octavia - now I understand why your mom used those words🤣😭

Me - she uses them alot because of Isis, she kinder has done this typer thing before.

Octavia - yea, I'm sure she has😹💔

I then turned my phone off. Ares pulled me into his arms cuddling me." I wonder how long they'll take" I  said for only him to hear. " probably not longer than the time we will take when you allow me to take you" he said rubbing my boob with his hand. "that was going to happen a week ago if I didn't get the news about you and that plastic bitch" I said and faced the TV.

We watched the entire movie and Ace and Isis were still not down here. "ISIS DIAMOND DE'LEON COME DOWN HERE WE'RE LEAVING!" My mama shouted out in an annoyed tone. "I'M COMING MAMA! AND I'M NOT DIAMOND! " she said loud enough for us all to hear. "She's Pearl I'm diamond" I said correcting my mama. "oh sorry I got confused because you usually have golden brown hair like your papa" she said sarcastically.
"when is papa flying in by the way mama?" I questioned her, trying to buy Isis some time. "whenever he wants, so if he wants to come today he'll be here today, if tomorrow then tomorrow he'll be here" she said waving her hands in the air. "ISIS! HURRY THE FUCK UP!" my mama shouted out. "I'm coming!" she shouted back.

"so mama are we leaving for Spain immediately after Areses birthday party?" I asked,buying my sister time. "if you want you can stay another month Iris, but Isis is either going to the Stone residence or back to Spain with me so she can continue with her training, either one she chooses she will be training."  she said. "okay, mama" I said.

"sorry for taking so long, I was styling my  hair" Isis said entering the room wearing a completely different outfit from what she had on when we left them in the room.

(the outfit Isis is wearing now)

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(the outfit Isis is wearing now)

I chuckled causing everyone to turn their attention towards me. "whats wrong Iris?" Gianna questioned. "nothing. Ares just made me laugh" I said causing Ares to chuckle as well. "yea sorry mom" Ares said. "let's go ladies, we have lots to discuss" Mama said exiting the house followed by Gianna and Octavia. "bye babe" Ace said  walking into the room with his fucken shirt off and kissed Iris on the cheek. "I bet ten million on them, Daniel pay up" James said causing me and Ares to chuckle. "I'll send it to you , don't worry" Daniel said crossing his arms. "I'm even going to ask" Ace said walking back up the stairs.

Me and Isis made our way into the limousine and got in. Thalia and Sam were following us with two cars filled with bodyguards. It was silent in the car and of course mama had to break the silence in the most unpredictable way eyes. "I smell" she sniffed Isis "sex, you smell like sex" my mama said and burst out into laughter when she saw Isises shocked face. "okay spill, why did you come out of that room wearing a different outfit?" I asked raising an eyebrow. " he ripped my outfit off of me" Isis said in an embarrassed tone. "hmm, interesting" Octavia said. "why are you all so cool about this situation?" Isis asked. "because we were once teenagers and we fucken lived life to the fullest." Gianna explained.

"speaking of teenagers having sex, Iris you still a virgin right?" My mama questioned raising an eyebrow. "still a virgin mama" I said in a calm tone. "oh good, at least I still have an innocent child" she said holding her hand to her chest and exhaling in a dramatic way. "you almost didn't have any innocent child left, you should thank Ares for cheating on me" I said earning shocked expressions from everyone except Isis who of course knew about this.

"he did what?!" Octavia asked in an angry tone. "That explains why you won't let him stand next to you. He is no longer your equal you're above him now" my mama said continously nodding. "but I forgave him or whatever" I said sarcastically. "I'll talk to Allesandro, Ares needs to be taught a lesson" Gianna said in an angrily. "you don't need to do that, Isis and  I have something better planned for him" I said with an evil smile causing Gianna to look at me in fear. " I won't kill him, I swear" I said reassuring her. "yea,please don't" she said.

"we'll be arriving in our destination in  ten minutes" mama said checking her watch and we all nodded.

(hope you enjoyed this chapter even though there wasn't anything interesting in it😭 don't forget to vote and share my story ❤️🙃)

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