Chapter 32

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              ~Isis De'Leon Stone~

It's currently 1pm.My mom and dad have finally left the mansion and Steven unfortunately was forced to go with them by Octavia (mom). Victor decided that he wanted to stick around and hang out with us, Ares is here now. Yey. 

We're all in the living room seating on the huge couches. Ace of course is seated close to me with his head laying on my stomach,with my hand playing with his hair.
"so what's the plan for today?" Ares questioned gaining everyone's attention. "I'm just going to chill here at home and maybe grab a movie or something with Steven later." I said.
"none" the others said in sync.

"So Isis, you know you're my favorite right?" Ares said flashing me a suspicious smile. He wants something I'm sure he wants something. "what do you want Ares?" I questioned raising my eyebrow. "you do know that tomorrow is my birthday dinner right?" he said beating around the bush. "head straight to the point Res, I don't have all day." I said snapping my fingers.

"Iris was supposed to go to an interview and photoshoot with me tomorrow but she has to take care of some stuff for 'Ris' so I was wondering if you could maybe stand in as her tomorrow morning and get interviewed as her?" he said making everyone look at him. "okay I don't mind, where is the interview and what time does it begin?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"it's at the other side of  Italy and it starts at 9am, meaning we have to go to my apartment tonight" he said letting out a nervous chuckle. "why do we need to go that side tonight? " I asked raising an eyebrow. "because there's someone who's been dying to meet you" he said glancing at a now wide eyed Ace.

I wonder if I can take Ace with

"Ace can't come  with" Ares said. Damn he literally read my mind. "and why the fuck not?" Ace questioned in an annoyed tone. "because you're not needed there only Isis and Iris are needed, but since Iris is busy Isis will have to do what she and her sister were supposed to be doing together" he said calmly responding to Ace.

"wait so there's something for Isis, I mean me to do there as well?" I asked facing Ares. "yes, you have a photoshoot and interview as yourself and another interview and photoshoot as Iris." he said.

I wish I wasn't the  workaholics identical twin sometimes.

"what time are we leaving?" I asked. "2pm, so you can get settled into my apartment." he said playing with Iris's hair. "okay, I guess I have business to attend to" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him. "you have an hour to get ready, don't bother packing your mama already had 'Moon' clothing sent to my apartment there" he said and I nodded.

"speaking of 'moon' when are you releasing your next collection, I mean it's been two years and I'm almost out of clothes" Victor said folding his arms together, showcasing his 'Moon' watch and silver rings. "glad to se you're a fan of my last and first collection,but Iris needs to launch her collection first then I'll launch mine two or more months later" I said earning a shocked expression from Victor.

"no fucken way I'm waiting that long, Isis you're my sister so please atleast give me six 'Moon' outfits and shoes." he begged."Wear 'Ris' for a couple of weeks then you'll be the first person on this planet to wear the next 'moon' men's collection" I said flashing him a smile."thanks you're the best" he said flashing me an even bigger smile.

'Moon' is my mother's brand, well it was hers until I became of age and became an "it girl" and a better fit for her brand according to her, I kinder run it now. 'Moon' is basically the same as 'Ris' but better because it's been around for way longer, has more profits it's more breathtaking, etc... Let's just say 'Ris' goes with trends and 'Moon' goes with other things.

"Isis it's 13:25pm so please go get ready we have to leave soon." Ares said in a demanding tone. "fuck off! I'm going" I said rolling my eyes and getting up from my seat and exiting the room with Ace following close behind me.

We got to our room, Ace relaxed on the bed while I went and took a shower. ten minutes later I was done and walked out of the bathroom and into my walk in closet. I picked out a pair of  black sweatpants  and white tank top finishing the outfit off  with my white 'Ris' sneakers. I tied my long messy hair that reached my back into a cute ponytail.

"Ace what time is it?" I asked seating on one of the couches in my bedroom. "13:53pm" he answered looking up at the ceiling. "I guess I should get going before Ares comes up and drags me down to the car" I said strapping weapons onto my body. "yea, you should." he said making his way upto me while I strapped the last blade to my ankle. "let's go"he said holding out his hand for me to hold which I of course took and we made our way down stairs.

" don't kill my sister Ares, and Isis don't kill my fiance"Iris said in a serious tone pointing between Ares and I. "me and Isis don't really have a problem with each other so don't worry, we won't kill each other love" Ares said kissing Iris on the cheek making her blush. "bye babe see you when you get back" Ace said kissing me on cheek.

Lover boy. Damn

"Are you driving or do you want me to drive?" Ares asked. "you drive, I hate driving" I said and he nodded. I gave Iris, James, Daniel and Victor one last hug. "see you loosers tomorrow at dinner " I said flashing them a smile. Ares and I got into the car and drove off to the airport.

Then begins two or more hours of myself and Ares gossiping.


" So spill the tea, what's up with you and Ace?" Ares questioned. We landed an hour ago and we're now driving to his apartment which is two hours away. "i don't know, we're vibing I guess" I shrugged. "okay" he said giving me a weird look which I ignored. I took out my phone and texted Steven.


Me-Hey Steven, just letting you know that I can't chill today, I have some business on the other side of the country to take care of for Iris and myself. 😢

Steven-shit and I was really hoping to spend time with you, but I guess we'll make other plans for  when you're less busy.

me- yea sorry 💔
Steven - It's okay, I'll just go spend the day with Iris. bye and be safe❤️

I put my phone back into my pocket. "So that friend of mine I mentioned earlier is at my apartment okay? and I will leave you there for a couple of hours and be back by dinner" Ares said. "okay, I guess" I responded not really in the mood to ask any questions.

================================( hey everyone thanks for reading this chapter.❤️Please like and follow)

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